Canine and Equine Feral Discussion Thread

Canine and Equine Feral Discussion Thread

Hop in to chat whether you love it, not sure about it, have questions, or hate it, hop in and let's actually talk about this!

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If you have a dog or horse yourself, or you have been with one before, what breed are they, are they male or female, and are you male or female?

If you haven't been with one but you want to, what breed would you prefer and would you want to be with a male or female?

Most of you guys that are usually in these threads know me by now, I have my King Shepherd boi Kaiser, and the two Clydesdales at the ranch, Nattie and Clyde, and I have been with a male saint bernard before

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Try just tell them your name and adress and they can help you out! :D

Linking places gets you beaned, but honestly just search for what you want (i.e. guy getting fucked by dog or something like that) and use duckduckgo as the search engine and use tor as the browser for protection. At the very least use a VPN, the legality isn't the issue as watching zoo porn is legal in almost every state in the US, it's more that some of the sites are sketchy.

Gonna guess since you want to find videos that you don't have a good boi or good girl of your own?

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Bump with my favorite gif

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Love the pulsing as he fills him up. Good stuff.

Yeah I wish there was more, it sets it up for another one lol. Sadly all the other stuff that artist does is nowhere near as good

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wish there were places to talk about it besides random threads ;/

(sorry for the late reply, I left for a bit)

Yeah, there are some places but honestly, I trust none of them. If it's a dedicated place to talk and post, then it's gonna be watched

What do you want to talk about?

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How 'bout this as a convo, what's your favorite breed and why?

For me, I have a favorite male dog breed and a favorite for females, for males I like Shepherds (King Shepherds to be exact) because of their perfect combination of loyalty, smarts, goofiness, and love.

I think the perfect female dog for me would be a Saint Bernard or a Bernese Mountain dog because I love huge dogs, and I love lots of fur and slobber. Where I live it snows, so they both would be perfect.

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For males, bigger dogs.
For females I like dachshunds.

Do you have a favorite breed for the bigger dog? Or at least a top 3?

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Shepherds and retrievers. They're beautiful honestly.

Like I said I love King Shepherds, you should look them up they are extremely handsome bois. Golden Retrievers and full-blooded Labrador Retrievers are very handsome too.

I take it you prefer male dogs, have you ever been with one before?

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I currently have a fixed male, Never really been 'intimate' with one though.

Ah. What breed is he? Do you feel like you want to get intimate?

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I honestly forgot what breed he is. And even if I could, Louisiana laws are a bit of a bitch.

Louisana is literally the worst place for zoo, that really fucking sucks.

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I know... I'm pretty sure me just talking about it is gonna have the Feds knocking on my door

Yeah, that sucks. It doesn't show here but at least watching zoo porn isn't illegal, just the making and sharing of it, and the actual act itself is illegal

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Sounds hot.

Well, Watching it is enough I guess. :/

I fapped to a guy rimming a horse
was pretty hot, kinda want to try it

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I know, I keep getting closer and closer to doing it. At least I know stallions actually get pleasure from anal and all that, you can definitely tell in a lot of the videos that he's enjoying it, and in fact that's what they do for sperm collections sometimes, when someone's to much of a pussy to jerk him off or crump him, they will literally shove what basically is a silver dildo into his ass, stimulate his prostate which makes him drop, and then collect his nut juice when it comes out.

My only thing is that I really hate scat and piss. What others tell me is that because of the way horses shit and the way their anal muscles work, they actually are pretty clean. Just as long as you get a wet rag and wipe everything down, you should be good. Would really love to fuck him, the stallion at the ranch I work at, his name's Clyde and he's a Clydesdale, I just really want to see if he'll enjoy it because like I said, some do and you can tell pretty easily if he does or not

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Why did the other post get taken down?

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Shit even if I'm in Louisiana imma still do it very secretly

would it smell really bad? I mean I guess I could get passed it but still

Dunno, haven't tried it yet. Still not sure if I will, like I said I really love the videos of it and I want him to get pleasure from it, but not sure yet.

From what others tell me, if you wipe everything down beforehand with a wet rag, you'll be good. The way their anal muscles work is when they are shitty, a muscle on the inside cuts it so that it drops down as nuggets, instead of one fat turd that would smear all the way down. Because of that, they are surprisingly clean. The tip I had is wait for him to take a shit, wait another 10 minuets, then wipe him down and go to town

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would love to tame one of them with my mouth
the thought alone is incredibly arousing to me

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I dunno, every time I start thinking about it I think, "Hey wait a minute, Nattie is in her stall, perfectly clean, and very happy, why don't I go eat her out instead" and I end up doing it. The scat is the thing that's really stopping me

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guess it's part of the fun being a risk you have to take and all
and rimming is rewarding to the both of you

Does tor alone prevent your isp from seeing what sites you're on?

Is a VPN really necessary?

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I really don't know much about it, all I know is that tor blocks the site from seeing who you are. You aren't really worried about the government seeing you, you should be more worried about the sites. Some of them are really scummy and huge scams, and you don't want them knowing your IP

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Gonna post this comic

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Last one, comic's still in progress

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If anyone would like to join the official /zoo/ server, here it is.

>Publicly sharing a link to a server with tons of zoo stuff

Even if you have pure intentions, giving out this link to anyone means that I can join, but so can anyone who doesn't like zoo and would do anything to out some zoos. Discord is the worst with privacy

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I take this seriously but know absolutely nothing about any of this.
How would you rather I go about this?

I dunno, I wouldn't. Your biggest obstacle isn't gonna be law enforcement or anything because they really don't care enough to put together teams of people to go after people who aren't harming anyone, your biggest trouble is gonna be autistic anti-zoos who will literally do anything to doxx and out niggas. That's the reason I stopped using kik and telegram and shit because one of my friends got outted from there. I would just stay on Sup Forums or zooville

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I see. Thanks for the heads-up.
I'll revoke the invite now but keep the server open for the time being. It's pretty empty, anyway.

I beg you brother and sisters please stay away from this evil form of sex, in God's eyes it is evil and an abomination, you will burn in hell for actions that are corrupted. Laying with animals is not only an abomination in God's eyes but mankind, think about what your parents would think...your brothers and sisters, it is evil please give your life to Jesus instead of this evil act. Ask Jesus tonight to help you out of this please beg for forgiveness for your sins and exept Jesus in your heart I love you and Jesus does to, please stay pure your better then this.

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no thanks, i like dog cox