How much could i sell my prescription 30mg IR Adderall for?

How much could i sell my prescription 30mg IR Adderall for?
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Attached: adderall_xr_25mg.jpg (480x270, 13K)

In college my roommate sold them for $5 each

op here forgot to add i had bought 10mg for $10 from a friend a while back so i was thinking $20 a piece.

They're 2 for 1$

For 30mg id charge $10 if they’re buying 1 if they’re buying in bulk cut them a deal so you can have return customers

Dude that shit each pill you or someone takes puts you onto an alternate dimension and timelime.

In America those are worth very little.

5 a pill or 5 pills for 20.

30mg IR is 10 for singles up to 5
5 usually gets you first deal(varies, 30-40)

A prescription of 30 20mg IR is $150 near me

I dont know anyone selling full scripts of 30mg IR but I'd assume around $200 bulk(30)

for 30mg?
that seems crazy low. also from me just searching around online there is such a large range of what to charge but still the top 2 ive seem to see the most have been $.05/mg or $1/mg (which is what ive paid in past)

Yea they cost more

Seems too expensive for not much gain. I don't sell or buy, I just take the stuff via script.

college freshmen will easily pay up to $10 ea, especially around midterms and finals.

Where are you located

On dark web markets they sell for something ridiculous like $15-30 a pill

I can't get anything like this in the UK its too fucking expensive

living room

Idk man, in 2010 I paid 20 for an 80mg vyvanse so Id probably be willing to pay 10 for ur 30mg adderall.

OP, I'm from baltimore

Today's market, to friends and theirs I'd say $10, during midterms/finals? $20. Don't be known as a pill dealer that's how you get caught.


Vyvanse is expensive as fuck cuz there's no generic. 90 ct of 30 mg generic adderall cost me $7.50, while Vyvanse is like $85 with insurance. I had to apply a savings card on top of that and it's still $30 for 30 pills.

sell them for 20 a pop to high schoolers. They say that’s to much say I’m taking the risk.