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The old man because hes white



None, the grandpa is jew, its obviously by his nose


I do, because I'm the quickest.

Merit based system faggots!

Flip it upside down and all 4 can take a seat




Ahh, the Classic Trick Question. The Answer is, none. The Chair belongs to someone else, none of them deserve it.

A: Maybe she should ask her baby's daddy to buy her a chair, but we all know that kid will never meet it's father.
B: Leg is not broken, just a scam for Goverment Cheque's, you can tell because he bandaged his shoe. No Doctor would bandage a leg like that.

C: Hook Nose Leb or Jew, he has a cane, he is fine.

D: Pretty much the same as A.

legit answer: B>C>D>A

It's my chair. Back of you mongrels.

Obviously B.

>None of them
But I've got a better idea, Break a leg off each and pound it into each of their hearts.
I don't like Kikes, niggers or nigglettes.

no one the 2 woman are just niggers the one with the broken leg got 2 sticks and the grandpa got 2 legs and 1 stick everything fair balanced


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I'm surprised no ones drawn someone sitting in the seat flipping the bird back to them.

option Sup Forums

Noone but a can sit on my dick

All of them look pretty content with their current situation except for nigga with the broken leg so I'd let him have the one chair in an endless white void




turn the chair upside down and boom you got 4 seats

Reminds me of a story
>be me
>take bus home from high school
>I got one of the last seats, some people are standing now
>I’m listening to music and scrolling through phone paying no mind to what’s going on
>a few stops later a pregnant lady gets on
>paying no attention
>someone (who was also sitting) taps me on the shoulder
>”hey she needs a seat”
>”you need to give up yours”
>”you’re the one who noticed her, why don’t you give up yours?”
>”wow you’re a real asshole”
>he stands up passive aggressively and gives her his seat
>I sat the rest of the way home

This story always baffles me on what logic this guy was on. Of all the people on the sitting on the bus I was the one who was obligated to give up the seat, otherwise I was the asshole? I mean good for him for giving up his but to try to pass the buck to me and make me try to feel like that bad guy when he was the one who noticed her in the first place, I don’t get how that makes me the bad guy. It’s not like anyone else was giving up their seat either. Idk that always stuck with me.

Who owns the chair?

yeah, /thread

what a faggot. who says hey I wanna give that bitch a seat but not me, let me try and guilt someone else first before I do.

I wasn't there but sounds like I'd do the same thing, for whatever that's worth user. Fuck that guy, sanctimonious prick.


It's not a trick question

The answer is niggers are subhuman and don't deserve the seat. Old white man may be Jewish but he's not a nigger.

A, there's a better chance I'll be able to see a nip if she's lower than me.


In communist Russia, chair chooses you.

Whomever is left after a fight to the death.

Right? I think the reason he was mad was because he knew I was right, if you want to be chivalrous so badly you do it. That’s like getting mad at someone ahead of you for not holding the door open for a girl when you could have just as easily done the same.

Yeah sometimes I think about that time and wonder if that guy goes around in life acting like that, expecting others to be courteous instead of just doing it himself

hows it going to stay up right? by the force of your fagget ass response?

This joke is decades old. Need to 18 to post here

Why so mad?

Seriously. That dude is about to pass out

Someone should put jim out of his misery

Because he most likely had a condition himself and just asked the youngest guy to get up for her. Sounds like as soon as you opened your mouth he realized you weren’t worth the explanation of why he couldn’t give up his. Sounds like the guy had manners and was trying to get you to not act like an entitled gen z snowflake (or millennial)

the condition, perhaps, being "i must sit because"

But he's also a boomer,I'd fucking burn that chair if I had to choose.

No one deserves, or is automatically entitled to it. The rule is first come, first serve unless otherwise posted.

That said, we live in society, and people will often give up their seat to someone visibly saddled with more challenges in life. However don't act like you're entitled to this courtesy, or take it for granted. Mutual courtesy is rarer than diamonds these days

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I may be racist but im white so i have some class

We have a college graduate in the room, boys.

Who owns it?

boomer detected

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The guy with the busted leg, but he's young so he should offer it to the old man. The old man should refuse unless he really needs to sit down.

only right answer.

Woman with child. 2 people can share the seat rather than the other single people.

predictable fucking reply
exactly what faggot OP was looking for

Were you sitting on the aisle seat? Because if so I can see his logic, you moving is the easiest and least effort for everyone because you're in the way of him giving up his seat and her getting to his seat. But if you were on the seats against the wall then yeah he can suck a dick and move himself.

The pregnant women would be the biggest cunt so I’d give it to her to shut her up

What does "deserving" have to do with this situation?

I don't know anything about these people, so how can i fairly assess this?

The white guy

I miss you old Sup Forums

Motherfuckers need to get more chairs.

If there's two preggos, a cripple and a geriatric with a walker in there right now someone has clearly been booking more appointments than the current seating logistics can accommodate.

B provides the greatest net improvement to well-being, feigning discomfort or injury is always possible so the breeders or the prune could be more deserving but fewest assumptions are needed to simply take it at literal face value that this nigga's leg is broke and it hurts to keep standing or walking around

Neco, your content is shit.