Secrets thread,
my secret is that I'm a faggot
Secrets thread
I don't have a secret but I'm here in this thread for a reason.
that's no secret
user with two mothers, reposting from the start, then all new posts for the remainder of the night until probably 8am EST.
I was raised by two mothers (lesbians for the slow anons). Technically one of my parents is my aunt, my birth mothers sister. Despite being nearly dead when i was rescued as an infant, my life since then has been great and its all because of these two people.
Well, over Thanksgiving they revealed they want to have another child. This time, with the parent I'm not blood related to giving birth... to my baby.
They want me to impregnate her, then be an older brother to what would biologically be my own child. This isn't in vitro, it would be a controlled environment with all three of us present and in total open communication the entire time.
The thing is, even as a young child I've lusted after both of them from peeking at them in the showers, spying on them having sex, stealing underwear, and even some drunken encounters that blur the lines between us heavily.
Here from the last post, please continue
would you be fucking the left or right one?
guy who's sis was raped by dad in here?
He has a whole story so dont ask questions just wait
Forgot to mention all pics unrelated and are just boner fuel for consumption while reading.
(This was originally a reply to another user)
It's not even the taboo that gives me the butterflies (at least not completely...) It's the fact I'm being asked to enter into a special kind of relationship with the two people I love the most in this world. Whenever I'm with one I'm always jealous of the other. Early in life I had a hard time bonding with my non blood related mother, only to later develop a massive crush on her I could never breathe a word about (this before Sup Forums and reddit were in my life). I'd watch them fuck sometimes and not even masturbate, all though 99/100 times I did, sometimes I just wanted to be a part of that with them.
I love my mothers so much. I think this could be something beautiful that makes us an inseparable family the way almost no others are, but it also could destroy my two closest relationships. I don't know what to do and it's eating away at me.
>pics unrelated and are just boner fuel for consumption while reading.
damn, thought that was why their faces were black out, the one of the left has amazing lips
Gonna expand because it made me feel better to air this out rather than bottle it up. Feel free to ignore.
My non blood mother, who I'm going to call River, is the one I'd be impregnating. As I said, in my early years we had a really difficult time bonding. As part of therapy my blood relative mother, who I'm gonna call Mona, breast "fed" me for 15-30 minutes once a day for about six months, then would continue to do so any time I showed signs of building walls from them and having violent outbursts (apparently normal for someone with my history of abuse and neglect). Though we had gone several years without them, when I hit puberty it was such a difficult time having two beautiful lesbian mothers that I started building walls again, and after months of tension they called me into their room one night, both were sitting in bed in their underwear, and wanted me to climb in between them. I tried to back out but they insisted, citing my therapist (who I have come to trust over 15 years of support from) though I later found out this was NOT his advice. I cuddled between them in bed, thinking we were just gonna do that for a while then go to sleep. Instead, Moan took off her top and had me suckle her breast despite the fact I was 13.
And it was like an emotional dam burst, and the love poured in between us again. With her nipple in my mouth, my face buried in her breasts and my cock hard against between her legs (we were actually in missionary style, her legs wrapped around me), all while River was by our side, stroking my hair like she always used to, whispering love and support. I started grinding against Mona at some point, my tongue flicking her nipple as I became so heated and aroused, but I instantly regretted it and pulled back, only for her to wrap her arms around me and pull me back in even as I apologized, shushing me and telling me it was alright, to do what felt natural.
I have no idea how long this will be so (1/??)
Glad you started a new one.
I started a story in the last thread about how I've been hiding Craigslist hookups from my wife (been with her since 2006) since around 2012. They were the result of a porn addiction gone rampant. Porn wasn't cutting it anymore for me - I wanted to experience anonymous flings with random people, so, living in a big city, Craigslist seemed like the way to go.
Fast forward 7 years and I've been with probably 7 guys and 3 women. Done everything with all of them. Wife doesn't know about any of them, and we have a 2-year old daughter.
In June I made a personals ad on Doublelist, looking for a woman (even used that term in the title) and was contacted by someone who looked 25. After several emails and some texts, she calls me cute and says she's 14. I think 'yeah right', and keep the conversation going. She turns it explicit and I keep going along with it, thinking "whatever, it's just words on a screen. It's fun saying this shit to a random person". Then I'm being asked repeatedly to meet up, and after hiding out and sight verifying that this person is, in fact, in her 20's, I approach her and say hi and am promptly ambushed by 3 cop cars. I'm arrested, charged with solicitation of a minor, and the cops eventually tell me that they were notified by this person's mom that she was talking to a strange man online. Later as I'm being booked into jail, they admit that I'd actually been talking to them the entire time. So the police contacted me, an adult looking for a woman on an adult website, with the sole intention to get me to commit a crime I wasn't even thinking of committing. There's a little more to the story than that, but that's the cliffnotes version
After over a month in jail and 5 1/2 months on house arrest, I'm waiting on my criminal trial in the spring and my marriage, social, and professional life have been destroyed. And it was all self inflicted.
I keep gaining and loosing weight because I can't stop eating. I was over 350 pounds and then I got to 170, let go, and started eating like shit and now I'm 300 again, this is all in 1 year and I hate it
Op is always a faggot
I want to find someone interested in pegging. I have never done this and I don't know where to start.
So I buried my face between Mona's breasts because I couldn't bear to look at them as I caved to my bodies desires. Where she had pulled me closer our bodies had shifted, hers lower on the headboard and mine higher, so that if I pulled my head back I'd be just about eye level to Mona, but below that, I was positioned right between her open legs, crotch on crotch, and my feeble gym shorts (and 'going commando' underneath for easy fapping, I thought I had practically invented this idea) was now causing my shorts to scrunch up further and further the more I grinded against her, with more of my cock exposed as a result. It would have ended if I could have willed myself to stop, but I just couldn't, and I don't think either of them wanted me to either. They just wanted their baby boy back. As I felt the last of my shorts slip underneath my shaft a bolt of electricity shot through my body as my cock pressed against her panties, and the soft smooth skin of her pubic mound. As a result of that shock I began to recoil back, but again she held me with infinite patience, this time locking her legs around me, while each of them whispered in opposite ears.
"It's okay to feel this way. Your desires are natural and your bodies response is the most human function there is for a boy your age." Mona was saying into one year, always reassuring me that whatever I chose in life, that was right for me. "Remember what we said, break down those walls." And as she said this, she took her hand off the back of my head (cradling me into her cleavage) and the other from where it was gripping my shoulder. She slid the tips of her fingers along my back, tracing hearts and shapes. Now I've replayed the next course of events in my head, wondering whether I initiated them, she/they initiated, or if we all gave in to emotions otherwise kept in check and inhibited, let loose in the dark of that summer night.
maybe try fingering and a dildo in your own ass before you get another person involved?
I'm a pedo. I feel no guilt. I love the fact that they may grow up to be totally fucked up little whores
What happens after I do that?
I hope you get arrested and gang raped in prison for the rest of your pathetic life, even if you are larping
My awkward fumbling thumping gave way to more natural, rhythmic thrusting as my oiled cock, leaking copious precum, glides across her panties and the soft bare skin of her mound, gradually glowing slick with what some distant neurons flickering to life connect can't all be just me, as her panties are now soak stained, and there's the strong scent in the air I'm come to associate with my parents making love, and with me hunkering just outside the doorway watching, boxers around my knees.
"Tear down those barriers you've built up between us baby." River whispers into my right ear, having leaned in so close her lips ever so slightly brush my ear. She's never called anyone but Mona baby, and she's never said it like that where she's been conscious I could hear. I'm able to lift my head up and she abruptly takes my face in her hands, like she used to when I was little and so much more innocent. "I love you," she reassures me, then leans in for what I expect is one of her signature peck kisses, but her hands hold my face in place as she greets me with an open mouth kiss, working our lips together and showing me what making out truly means. "See sweetheart, River loves you too, just as much as I do." Our mouths interlocked, our faces pressed together, River and I look deep into each others eyes, her head softly nodding in agreement as Mona continues, "We would do anything it took to make sure you were happy and safe, we would never hurt you sweetheart. You never need to put up a barrier between us." River shakes her head again, but something is changing between the three of us, as storm clouds just rolled in over the horizon, the entire mood has taken an unknown turn as one of her hands leaves my face and cups the back of my head, while the other braces against my chest, fingers spread out feeling my heartbeat.
After this post I mostly reply to anons and provide details because I had a hard time writing the next parts without getting emotional.
well see if you enjoy it, after that maybe have a hooker fuck you in the ass and then if you have GF talk about it. she will prob lose respect for you though so there is that. maybe go online and find a side girl for your fetish
May the cycle continue. Maybe they becomes pedos too
If you're not writing more, Cookie has a question. You mentioned they wanted you to give River a baby, but would the impregnation be the first time you've had sex with one of them? But if you are still writing, then please, continue.
Yeah you might be right. At this point it is out of curiosity and maybe only trying it once.
Over Christmas my whole family always travels to my mom's place. Brother, sister, Me, my girlfriend. Brother and sister are single. On Christmas Eve, after the family had dinner, drinks, we all went to bed. Around 2 in the morning, my girlfriend woke me up, in the background I hear the very clear sounds of sex. It was my brother and sister. Not sure what to think of it or what to say (if anything). Just fucking weird.
Much like the other storyteller here with the two moms, it feels good to air this out so I'm going to keep going.
My lawyer's told me that in his 10 years of experience this is the first time he's ever seen a case that has a legitimate shot at the entrapment right now I'm just hoping and praying that I can dodge the mandatory minimum 10-year prison sentence (not even kidding about that) and just be free to see my daughter and wife, and hope beyond hope that I can finally be the husband she deserves to have and put an end to this porn addiction.
In the meantime some of my friends who I've known for 15+ years haven't even tried contacting me since this happened in June. They're all so repulsed by the fact that I posted a personal's ad, when I have a wife and toddler at home, that they don't know what to make of me as a person. To say nothing of the fact that I didn't stop as soon as this person said they were underage.
Of course, I've gotten so used to being trolled and playing things fast and loose on sites like Craigslist that that's exactly why I didn't stop the conversation. Not that they know that....telling them, or anyone for that matter, about the 10 other people I've been with and the dozens of others that I've sexted or sent photos/videos to would crush them. And especially crush my wife.
I've signed up for Adultfriendfinder and almost met a couple and another woman on there, I've paid for 5 different hookup apps for my phone, and no one knows any of this. It's almost like I slipped into a different persona when doing all of this - one who didn't have a girlfriend, fiancé, or wife. I even gave myself a fake name and backstory and everything.
With this now fully exposed, it feels partially....I dunno, liberating, I guess. Like this big secret's finally been lifted, at least in part, and people are seeing me for the perverted monster I really am instead of the jovial, happy, caring person they saw.
Join them
I'd love that. Lol.
I wanna be cucked with my dad and wife
It's the ausfag who likes uniforms again. At least my confessions aren't larps, I suppose. Anyway, if that Aussie bro with cop friends is still around, if you can see what you can do for me, that would be great. Just shirt/pants/tie should be good, but will part with extra for rank slides/hat/tie pin. Hit me on Kik or Wickr.
Kik: BigBadBear00
Wickr: Bigbadbeefybear
My sister is very attractive, but no, fucking weird.
you watch way too much porn
I got drunk with a friend and he sucked my dick.
Skipped an irrelevant post and edited this one.
This is the closest pic I can find to Mona, and the photo to the far left is kinda close, but both Mona and River have kept in excellent shape. I go into more detail in another post, but Mona was only around 20y/o when they rescued me. and nobody expects either of them to have an 18 year old son, so to anyone that doesn't know us when we're in public most people assume I'm one of their boyfriends (or maybe they're both my girlfriends? A man can hope).
At the risk of giving away too much identifiable information, Mona was only ~20 when she took me in. In order to satisfy the court just to get me back home (remember, my bio mother had run across country with me initially) my maternal grandparents had to first take custody, then it was a lengthy process to pass custody to Mona. I was in a medical coma most of this time, and was too young to remember much of it anyways, so for most of my waking life Mona and River have been my two mothers.
My bio mother had told differing stories before running off as she made the rounds for money, ranging from she had miscarried after an overdose, or had to get an abortion, among other morbid lies. This all to drum up sympathy to give her money to "start over" somewhere else. In reality she was trying to get enough to buy a used car and leave. When that fell through, she apparently stole my grandmothers old Lincoln, which they never found. My bio moms (I know I keep calling her that but I have to make that distinction, I won't let her share a name with my real parents) big plan of making it big in California really was shooting porn. She had likely been fucking in order to get high for a while (thus leaving me in random abandoned buildings).
Working on the next post my very patient friends, I just needed a serious smoke and breather. I feel like I've spent most of the day in 2016 in bed with my mothers.
I'm currently jerking off with my sisters panties.
Pics or it didn't happen
My wife pegs me, I like being her bitch
Other things I've done include, but aren't limited to, stealing friend's panties when they weren't home, sniffing them and jerking off while wearing them, using their vibrators on myself, fingering a friend while she slept (3 nights before my wedding), giving myself enema's and buying a bunch of dildos to use on myself whenever I was alone for a day or two.......the list goes on and on.
Jesus, seeing this all written down is terrifying. If I get out of this I'm going to enroll in therapy, SAA meetings, etc, and do everything in my power to avoid porn for as long as I can, and never ever go back to sites like CL and DL. Bugh.
Do you call your wife mommy/daddy?
>likes being cucked
>like his ass being fucked
>likes being humiliated
when did you find out you were gay?
A friend sent me a picture of her once and I still don't know why the urge of jerking off got the best of me.
It wasn't anything lewd, she was just showing me her dyed hair.
I call her mommy on bottom or if I'm fucking her I ask how she likes daddy's dick if I'm on top
Like pussy
I was on your side until you mentioned finger raping your friend in her sleep. Seems like you deserve everything you got and have done absolutely nothing to rehabilitate or make amends.
I don't think that my boyfriend loves me
Any wild stories to share? Your sex life sounds kind of interesting.
when you say daddy are you referring to yourself or your dad?
are you that same gay guy who post every thread?
He probably doesn't. I dont love my gf. Been with her 3 years. I dont think I can love at all
>With this now fully exposed, it feels partially....I dunno, liberating, I guess. Like this big secret's finally been lifted, at least in part, and people are seeing me for the perverted monster I really am instead of the jovial, happy, caring person they saw.
user raised by two moms here, I know exactly what you're describing. When you carry a secret that is such a huge part of your life it builds a wall between you and other people, so that no matter how violently the wall comes down, at least you're getting fresh air.
I'm gonna drop new posts after catching up but I'm fine answering questions in between, it provides a good break and I enjoy hearing from people reading this. I know I can use some excessive descriptions and language, but my therapist was the person who encouraged me to pursue writing a journal to get thoughts out of my head and digestible, and I've always been a true believer in the method.
As for your question, I don't want to answer it, but I don't want to leave you hanging, so here's a most likely unsatisfying non-answer: They have been the subject of my love and lust both separately and together my entire life. The point we're at in my posts right now is the first time taking things to this next level with both of them present and active in it, but there have been years and years of moments passed between both of them.
Forgot to number last one, so I'll make this update post (4/??)
Just haven't found the right person
Hell yeah that would be great
Right? Fuck them up mentally really good.
What would it take for your wife to peg me?
You won’t know until you try it. You already know she’s down
No but you got to keep the sex life interesting....I'll fuck her with a larger dildo and ask if she likes that black cock with my cock in her mouth
Oki dokie. Cookie is still screenshoting all the parts
Naw man. I mean I dont love anyone. I cant think of a single person I would be sad if they died. I dont think I can love. I'm actually scared something is terribly wrong with me
My mom is a very sound sleeper and very attractive for her age, she's 52. Last year, she went on a trip to Lake Tahoe and invited me to join her. Made stops in San Francisco and Sonoma before cutting across to Tahoe. When we got there, the resort had us in a king bed room instead of the double queen arrangement. It was a little awkward, but we just bit the bullet and slept in the same bed.
We went to sleep and I ended up waking up with a raging hard on around 2am and instead of going to the bathroom, I decided as discreetly as I could to jack off in the bed next to her. When it was time to cum, I busted on her ass. I went back to sleep, she was none the wiser. Nothing was ever said since.
Alot shes not into multiple humans
Yea, I've been lying to myself about being addicted and what it's done to me. It's impossible to rehabilitate if you can't even admit to yourself that you're doing something wrong.
I honestly don't even know why I did that to my friend. I abhor people who take advantage of others. I've consoled people after they've been assaulted, I've urged them to stay with me for a few days when their boyfriends lit their things on fire and threatened them (and nothing lewd happened), yet that one night I just...did that. Granted we were all drunk off our asses, but that's hardly an excuse. Either way, I don't think you're far from the truth.
I just seems like I'm wired wrong or something.
Love I idea of them older, fingering themself, and hating themselves for it. Just cumming then crying their eyes out, then not being able to stop cumming again
I want to find a woman that likes pegging.
Are you able to empathize or care about people? Does being around certain people bring you joy?
>black cock
ew, I was all for this until you mentioned a nigger
Mmmm yeah. They get so confused about why they orgasm if it’s rape or why they are wet. Their bodies betraying them
>I busted on her ass
if you didn't clean up then she knew
Tell them you want to fuck them in the ass, your willing to take it if she is
Im straight, but I fucked a tranny in the ass and sucked her cock. Felt kinda nice but i didnt enjoy it as much as a real girl
you ever have an animal that you loved?
Lol it's a didlo and imagination
(This post begins as a response to an user in the last thread who asked a good question I would get to answering eventually, but wanted to assure people it's obviously already a concern for us.
We're going to tell people she had an anonymous donor with artificial insemination. There's no real reason for anyone to need to know. Her big concern is that without a blood connection they'll have bonding issues, as me and River had some years of tense/stiff interactions because of what later turned out to be mutual sexual tension, but at the time I thought was her being creeped out by my obvious romantic love for my parents. The child will be blood to both parents, and I'll be there too as a buffer. Personally I have never had any intention of having children. My mother was host to a lot of mental illness, and I myself have struggled with even just possible bipolar disorder. I just don't think I'd make a good father.
If you can screenshot these new edited posts that I've got in order I'd really appreciate it, but obviously you have no obligation to do so. Just my thanks for reading and contributing with me.
I kept thinking about sucking cock when I was horny and decided to finally agree to go out with my friends when they went clubbing. I really wanted a reason to go out and get drunk and when they left I planned to stay out. Both of them got a taxi home at 3 am and I waited at the bar until someone bought me a drink. Everyone was drunk and horny and I ended up talking to a few guys and they bought me beers. I'm 22 and I was with a guy who said he was 37, but he was probably early 40s and he was really drunk and asked me to blow him. I got really nervous and horny and was tempted to accept but told him I would jerk him off and I followed him to the bathroom upstairs. It was around 4 am now and the club was getting quieter, we went in to the disabled toilets and locked the door and i watched him pull his jeans down and started playing with his foreskin until he got hard. I didn't take my eyes off his cock until my fingers were wet with his precum and he asked me again to blow him. I really wanted to so i licked my finger and then got on my knees and started sucking on his head. It was soft and i tried to fit more in my mouth as I sucked harder, I could hear him moaning and his hand was on my hair and then he put his other hand down and held my head. I couldn't move and pushed against his legs slightly and he told me to keep my mouth open. I was really turned on and thought I was going to cum, I held on to his legs and let him hold my head and he started thrusting slightly. He took a while to orgasm and didn't tell me but I could tell from his moaning. He pushed himself to the back of my mouth when he was cumming and coated my tongue and held my head until he was done. His cum tasted fine and I swallowed it and he left. I went to the bar next door and stayed for 45 minutes and went home with a uni student my age and let him fuck me bareback. He didn't have lube but also didn't last very long so I let him cum inside me before leaving.
Honestly, I dont get happy too much. In a while in fact. Like I remember being happy as a kid. Like happy happy. Now it feels like everything is way toned down. I'm nice to ppl but no I dont really care.
No. I had a snake I liked. But when she died I remember being annoyed about having to dig a hole
My high school girlfriend was killed in a car accident on her way to school one day. I was 17, she was 16. She was 1/2 mile from the school when a dude driving a truck t-boned her mom and her in the car.
I'm married now, but I still think about her every time I fuck my wife. I can't get her out of my head.
Plus they look so cute with cum on them
facts, how can you not notice cum
suicide please
Not today user. Maybe after a few more rounds
eh sounds like your a sociopath like I am, unless you feel nothing in which case your are a psychopath. I learned to act out feelings, but I started at an early age, do you have violent thoughts? like when I am talking to people I think of hurting them in various ways, I don't want to hurt anyone, but the urges are there. did you suffer any abuse or trauma growing up?
I can only stand being around other people for a short ammount of time before I seriously feel like killing my self. After about 3- 4 days of being around someone I start getting weird and distant, try to avoid roommate/gf/whoever and start planning to anhero. After a day of being left alone im back to normal and full of energy again.
sounds like she was the one feelsbadman.
A few years ago, I came home at like midnight and my mom was still awake. She was on the couch watching TV with a glass of wine in her hands and she was clearly drunk.
She was wearing a black negligee/nightgown thing and had her bare feet propped up on the coffee table. She has amazing feet and I have a foot fetish which she was aware of, likely because of all the times she caught me staring at her feet.
After I sit down on the couch and talk to her about our nights she says "Oh, my feet are killing me. Can you rub mommy's feet, baby?" I was already hard from her outfit and exposed thighs/legs/feet, but when she said that I immediately got rock hard.
I should mention she was 43 at the time and she's very much a milf. Growing up all my friends constantly talked about how they wanted to fuck her, and I have been fantasizing about her since I was like 14.
So I reluctantly start rubbing her feet. I say reluctantly because I didn't know how I'd hide my boner or how I'd control my shaky/nervous voice. So I'm rubbing her feet off to the side, when she puts her feet directly in my lap on my rock hard dick. She was either very drunk or pretending to be drunker than she was and she was like "Do mommy's pretty feet make you hard? Do you like mommy's black toenails?"
My breath was caught in my throat and I couldn't speak. She said "It's ok baby" and starts rubbing my dick through my pants with her feet
i was pretty buzzed myself as I had been drinking so I just went with it. I started kissing and sucking her feet/toes and she starts moaning sexually and saying "ohhh son!" Eventually she takes my pants off and gives me a footjob until I cum all over her feet
about 15 minutes later she starts playing with my dick again and said "have you ever thought about mommy sucking your dick?" i admitted i had several times. she started playing with her pussy under her nightgown and got on her knees and starting sucking my dick
to be continued. pic related
question is, if she liked it and wants to go further
Porn addict user here,
You hit the nail on the head. At least the wall came crashing down, despite the crash being violent and self inflicted. It literally feels like a massive weight being lifted off your shoulders that you had no idea was there.
I ruined my ex's marriage and I'm fucking proud of my handiwork. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
I hope their parents walk in on you and castrate you and flay your skin off and have a bunch of niggers rape your ass
Some emotional abuse. Some physical. I do feel stuff. I have an analogy. Have you ever read The Giver? I feel like the general population in that book. I have a lot of violent thoughts. But only to ppl that did something to me. In my head I do take it way over the top
hot, continue
I relate to this too much. We just learned that its ok to be alone and other people are draining to talk to when you can just be happy alone. just find a wife who you can be silent with in the same room and not feel distant with,
I see a foot, it must be true.
Funny enough I had one dad walk in. I was licking his daughter and she was moaning. He closed the door and we never talked about it.
I feel very similar, I try so hard to be good to my gf though, I think I do love her though.
did the husband at least come out ahead?