The handgun is one of the best weapons for urban combat becuase of its small size, stopping power at close range...

The handgun is one of the best weapons for urban combat becuase of its small size, stopping power at close range, maneuverability, versatility and availability. PROVE ME WRONG

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>The handgun
BAN AL GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!

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just shut the fuck up no one cares.

yeah baby

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OK joomer

Have fun reloading your tinsy bullshit that can't pierce a flak jacket.

+p and/or steel core. Invest in reloading or make a friend who is. Lazy question.

>Invest in reloading or make a friend who is

weird flex but ok

Not a flex, you dumb nigger

I'd rather get shot then look like that nerd

well nobody cares because ur just another dead nigger

OK joomer

>I'd rather get shot then look like that nerd
don't know how this works..
>get shot
>suddenly look like a nerd
well okay

woah.. powerful

Short barreled rifle = better than pistol.

lol casual faggot detected

invest in homosexuality, user.

It's hard to get a reload off before nearby enemies stun or CC you, so you need a friend with the perk +p in the party.
Or you can go for Steel Core, in the Leet Operator skill tree, which reduces reload times by 30% when adventuring with no team members.

>stun or CC
>a friend with the perk +p
u wot
>Steel Core, in the Leet Operator skill tree

fuck off faggot

I'm betting my .454 can cough a hole through it...

This motherfucker better be trolling.

wtf guiz that's just rude!


>>Steel Core, in the Leet Operator skill tree

You must live way up north or be a huge asshole to have that.

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I would prove you wrong but you've never used the gun

banana tree

not him, but yes.

neither have I.

Dumb fuck

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no you haven't

lol true

Not him, but you are a stupid fuck.

Any pull up or a sub will work just fine or better.

Heck even a HK might be worth a shot or two.

>pull up or a sub
a what

not him, but no.

I swear to God the almighty imma trace a nigger up and shot this kinderrfucking idiot.

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Not him, but nigger.

im a novice when it comes to weapons but come on faggot. r u even trying

This. Pistol is only useful to get back to your rifle.

>stopping power at close range
Not if you have a vest you fucking retard

all I see here is a lack of respect for firearm safety.

bruh that made no sense wtf

mah nigga

Yeah, why not bring a handgun .50 if you are gonna be this dense.

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what if you get shot in the face you fucking retard

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Not nigger, but nigger nigger.

that's three niggers, nigger.

All these p++++ fuckwits. Get a 5.7 you poorfags

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not saying you're wrong, but I'd still like a short barreled pcc.

My name is Jeff!!!

fookin wot
wtf wut

we meet again, Jeff.

Nigger nigger, nigger nigger.

not him, but you're clearly wrong.


FN P-90 all the way baby. Sure you can carry a 9mm secondary if you run out of ammo.

only bitches run out of ammo

>Fucking ever
French and belgics can tongue my freaking ass. Even aussies make better shit than them.

Ruger makes a 5.7 handgun now too.

Yeah tell that to just about every special force unit on earth, including your US ones.

id say a flamethrower takes the cake.

>wat is hk or sigg

ITT a bunch of faggots who have never shot anything but a piece of paper

Hk are the queers that made Germany use their veto to stop nato from adopting 5.7 as the replacement for 9mm.
Coulda had cheap 5.7 everywhere by now if it weren't for hk.

HK for rifles, Sig for pistols. No analog for SMG. Sig quality has gone down a lot since move to US manufacturing, especially the rifles. CZ, beretta and glock all provide better options for lower price point.


Go try it and prove yourself wrong, fool.

On the one hand, you have a point. there have been plenty of projects like the H&K MK45 that wanted to make the handgun a primary weapon, for all intent and purpose. The problem is that you will occasionally need to fire beyond 50 meters, and you will instantly be at disadvantage to anyone with a rifle. Clearing buildings I might prefer a shotgun, too, but that's just preference. A 5.7 would work just fine for my purposes.

Guns are too loud. Bow and arrow master race.

that shit aint even real nigga

those shits are raggedy as fuckk

Charge a gun, run from a knife.