Imma buy this so. What are you guys gonna by soon?

Imma buy this so. What are you guys gonna by soon?

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Get the combo with two barrel unless you're specifically looking at one for a good price at a pawn shop.

Yeah Ill probably buy used but Im also saving for a glock

A thing that chair handle and in sign

Get a Mossberg Shockwave, the legally fluid not-a-shotgun firearm.

i just bought a 16g shot for $15 from my local pawn shop, dont really know why but im a gun owner now teehee

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I would but Id rather not sprain my wrist

Brace your elbow into your gut.

$125* for a 16G Rossi

some sort of semi auto benelli shotgun


You'll shoot your leg off, kid.

Ok zoomer.

Glocks are for newbs who don't realize XDs exist.

Remington is better imo

My cousin said there support is absolute shit. For me no good support no sale

A suppressor for my FAL.

It's a gun, not a cable company. How much support do you need?

I have a suppressor for my AR-15 that I'm waiting on...damn ATF wait times....

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You've got to be kidding me. No one cares about that Croatian shit.