I only make 2400 a month.
I only make 2400 a month
So you could make 1800 a month?
Bring home or gross?
Fuck you no one will even give me a call for me to get some stupid wagecuck job. Be grateful considering that's a fuckton of money.
I make EXACTLY 600 a week.
Amazon is the worst place to work.
Go to a temp agency. my place is full of them that i guess turn into permanents or some leave.
Alot of my peers like to think higher pay by the hour is good
I live in a small town so I'm kinda fucked. Thx for the idea though user
You would've fucking richfag on Mexico with that.
That roughs $45,000 pesos.
A 2 years experience professional makes $20,000 pesos a month if lucky.
You could go to clubs every saturday and order the most expensive bottle, eat every day at a restaurant, wear expensive clothes and have a brand new car.
Good luck user. I wish you well
Doing what at Amazon?
Amazon has a way to weed out "Higher Paid" Employees.
They set unrealistic goals and when you fail, and you will. You're fired.
Get hurt on the job? Oh well, If you claim workmans comp, You get fired.
Want to use the bathroom? If your pick rate falls why you RUN to the bathroom. You get fired.
Im in Texas so im sick if Mexicans except latinas. Despite me being Mexican my self
Couldn't tell you. They all worship muh 18 dollars an hour.
My friend works for amazon and he makes exactly what you do.
Well I've been fucked since September so I hope so too.
How many hours does he work? I work 10 hours everyday (maybe a day off twice a week or so)
Meant once every 2 weeks
Well shit, find any agencies via Google search?
Making a 100k a year and yet I feel its not enough
it never ends user, you'll never be satisfied, unless you're a nig
Yeah transportation is kinda iffy so I don't trust long drives out of town every day. And I'm p sure my past job at home depot fucked my back up. Also might be 'cause I fell back first on a sharp edge. Idk I'm a mess user I'll either get lucky or kill myself sooner or later, who knows.
i make 900 full time
fuck you man
Its hell and time is too fast
I believe in the agency, i tried an agency once and asked what type of work i wanted, gave basic insurance and sent me to a place that same day. I didnt like the job and choose where i am now. Just need more money for quality of life.
Idk what kid job you have
>inb4 boomer im 22
But if the workers and managers are barely growing facial hair then perhaps you need a new one.
And I've been unemployed for the last five years and forced to steal games, anime and movies on shit 2011 pc
Tf2 is alot of fun.
what kind of job would you had in Amazon-?
The kind of one that pays me more.