Y'all are too idiot to understand this concept

Y'all are too idiot to understand this concept.

Attached: flowers.jpg (720x712, 79K)


W r o n g.





I got 81. The right answer.




69 bros


5+ (5X4) = X
5 + 20 = 25
nigger. If you bait by saying '' wrong ''
kill your fagget ass

>awnser is nigger


30, my IQ is 128



PEMDAS nigger
30 / 3 = 10 ,so Fag Shoes are 10
(20 - 10) / 2 = 5 ,so Retard is 5
(13 - 5) / 2 = 4 ,so Shit Bouquet is 4
This leaves us: 10 + 5 * 4
Multiplication before addition so 5 *4 = 20 + = 30

The answer is 30 and you are in fact a nigger

19 niggers plowing my fields

wierd flex but ok

Kek you’re wrong. Two newspapers = 4, there’s only one in the last bit. It got me too when I first saw it

>my fields === your ass

have you noticed that it's half of a fucking pair of shoes you retarded blind nigger.

Shoes = 10
Nerds = 5
Paperthings = 4

Halfshoe + Nerd * Paperthing
= 5 + 5 * 4
= 25

What is he holding in the last problem? Fucking pay attention.

Stupid ass trick question pictures.

oh shiet .. thanks

Only correct answer.
6 shoes = 30, shoe must = 5
2 boys + 10 = 20, 2 boys must = 10, boy must = 5
4 cones + 5 = 13, cone must = 2
5 + (9 x 2)
5 + 18

also the dude is holding 2 newspapers

this Nigger

Fuggin' sheet, I am now in fact the nigger. Sheet I'm sorry cracka

>he didn't notice it was 1 shoe instead of a pair of shoes
Imagine being this retarded.


Fuck me, I missed that detail.


One shoe = 5
Kid = 5
Shit = 2

Kid holds 2 shit = 9
9 * 2 = 18
18 + 5 = 23


Lmao the first guy got it right. Everyone else is ducking retarded

Two shoes=10, so one =5
10 (two shoes)+2 kids=30, so kid = 10
10 (one kid) + 4 cones = 13, so one cone = 3/4=.75


Yoooo everyone
look at this fucking niggerrrrrrrr
he is holding two shit journal.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-01-08 at 22.50.57.png (906x1114, 960K)

Lol shit *fucking

In the last equation, the guy ( who is worth 5) is holding 2 bouquets (which are worth 4 together). So he is worth 9.
9 times 2 plus 5


6 shoes = 30, shoe must = 5
2 boys + 10 = 20, 2 boys must = 10, boy must = 5
4 cones + 5 = 13, cone must = 2
shoe + boy w/2 cones & 2 shoes x cone
5 + ((5 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 5) * 2)
5 + (19 * 2)
5 + 38

43. The wigger is wearing a pair of boots and has two bouquets. That's 19. Times 2. Then and the 5 for the single shoe. I work in a gas station.

Kid holds 2 shit and is wearing 2 shoes = 19

Attached: Buddy-Christ.jpg (360x640, 40K)


Oh shit he is wearing boots too
I hate these gotcha things, hurhur symbols have meaning

43. Prove me wrong.

You right.


This user gets it

none of you know how to math anymore, for fuck's sake

>none of you know how to math anymore, for fuck's sake
>implying the answer isn't 43

This nigga dense as fuck.

You missed the fact he’s wearing the pink shoes too huh?



Jesus fucking Christ.
Each single shoe is worth 5
the kid is worth 5
the rolled paper is worth (13-5)/4=2
so 3 shoes +the kid+3 papers is 26




We multiplying nigga

noobs pay attention

You don't understand multiplication?

It's bad enough everyone here on Sup Forums is socially retarded, but it's fucking sad that most of you are actually stupid as well. It's 43. The picture is trolling you on the quantities.


20 you fools

The equation is 5+(19*2)=43

15 faggos

Unknowable. 43 is correct if we assume that left and right shoe are worth 5 each. It's possible that one is worth more than the other though, as long as together they are valued at 10. Since the final problem has a single right shoe, in addition to the right and left on his feet, we can't know for certain it's 43.


all of you are fucking retarded and wrong you're missing something

This fucking guy

Winner winner chicken dinner

IT'S ZERO OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is 43.

Equation is unsolvable as we do not know the relative values of the left and right shoes/chip packets. /thread



20 u stupid fucks


its 18, easy as fuck.

If we can infer that each shoe is indeed 5 and each newspaper shit is 2 then ok

Attached: nugsdas.png (2602x716, 1.21M)


You can’t. Left shoe could be 7 and right 3. Therefore it’s unsolvable.


Who the fuck would sell the same shoes with different pricings for being left or right u fcking nigger


btw newspaper buggers is 4 not 2


Attached: 1576867958501.jpg (1600x1200, 148K)

What is there that we can't see?

142 if you consider the math order

Surprised i had to scroll this far to find the correct answer

5 + 19 x 2 does not equal 30.

There are 2 u fuck wad. So each newspaper shit is 2.

Six shoes = 30, shoe= 5
Two shoeless dorks + a pair of shoes = 20, two shoeless dorks= 10, shoeless dork = 5
Four newspapers full of beans and a shoeless dork = 13, 4 beanspapers = 8, beanspaper = 2.

5+(5+10+4)×2 = 43

Boy in bottom equation has 2 shoes on and is holding 2 newspapers