Whelp Sup Forums, I waltz myself into a pawnshop and bought the first gun I saw that looked neat and cheap. No knowledge on guns other than owning a few BB's through the ages.
How'd I do, will this stop an intruder? Kill the neighborhood possum? Increase survival % in dire times of war, famine, or apocalypse?
You tell me! It's a Rossi Single shot 16 gauge shot gun. Not bad condition, hanging on my wall. Will get a strap and bullet holder things for it soon. >Non- Gun owners cannot post in this thread.
Oh yeah, I paid $127 after tax, and waited about 20 minutes for the man to put my data into his computer.
Christian Cox
Meh, take it out and shoot it. It’ll be fun. I have this old 4-10 cooey shotgun i shoot for fun. I have a little range a short walk into the woods behind my house. I have a few guns but i mainly just use that and the .22. Cheap ammo
Adrian Sullivan
For shooting at the range. I hunt with a 30-06
Ethan Williams
good luck using a single shot to defend yourself but if you do manage to hit the guy make sure you use birdshot or buck shot 1/4 oz because you will hurt him or kill him and avoid collateral damage also you might get to rape him after because the corpse or badly injured bad man will be knocked out also avoid actual firefights
Austin Ortiz
Should've got a 12 gauge instead of a 16 but I mean it's a gun 16 gauge will be harder for u to find ammo for and rossi isnt terrible, welcome to the never ending addiction of fuckin around with guns
also don't kill possums they are gentle creatures if anything kill a retarded squirrel just don't stand too close or it will turn into mush
Aaron Phillips
Self defence you want a defender shotgun
Easton Brown
is that thing like 5 feet long? if it's for an intruder, you need to be at least 10 feet away from them i guess.
Samuel Reyes
I agree 16 gauge is a weird caliber for crack heads and porch monkeys
Zachary Perez
Eh, its a cool wall thropy for now. It would be better than nothing until i need to use my hands. Plus intimidation factor. I bought this on a whim, not because im afraid to wrassle like a man.
As for ammo, maybe walmart might have it?
If it is a pest, it will get a round. I dont think i have too much time for small game hunting. I just wanted a gun.
Guess thats the next purchase :)
Brayden Fisher
almost 03 inch barrel, a little longer than 2 feet. not bad, and i know i wouldnt want to be in front of it when it fired, so i doubt an intruder would either.
I have Hands, Knives, Bats, C02 pistols, plenty of tools at my disposable. Just wanted actual firepower.
>People shoot locks off with guns and shit in movies, I now theoretically have the ability unlocked.
Get yourself some range time and an instructor. Good foundation is important for all forms of shooting, wtv it is you want to pursue. Especially defensive shooting.
Jaxson Martinez
Walmart will definitely have it if this is America we are talking about
Isaiah Reed
I had a guy go into my back yard in september and try to take my propane tank (like really?) i sprayed him in the face with this olive oil/water/ghost pepper mixture. He was screaming
Jace Thompson
Hilarious. What did you use to spray him?
Brandon Diaz
Yeah, I plan to take it to the range soon for light practice.
When ever i've imagined using this gun (in the last 8 hours of my on a whim decision) I imagine hunting a turkey, or ground animal, and then roasting it on a fire. That's the extent of my fantasy, I doubt my home will be intruded, but i feel the same about that scenario as I did before. I dont mind a fight.
Good to know, probably will buy 100 rounds and that should last it's life (range rounds will be seperate)
You just maced him?
Chase Anderson
One of those cheap pump sprayers from the dollar store. It soaked in there for a good week too. Great for home defence, burns so bad. Probly even does damage to their eyes.
Logan Clark
>shooting locks Don't do that. Ricochet risk and unreliable. You need specialised breaching rounds for that. Buckshot at minimum, definitely not birdshot. They're also more often shot at the hinges than the lock. Do not do it with padlocks, you want bolt cutters for that.
Brandon Ross
holy shit that thing is long. just got this Winchester 1300 from a friend yesterday. can't wait to test it out
Yep, range and safety then enjoy your hunting. Learning to hunt is a whole different thing from shooting. Hope you like trekking or have large animal populations near you.
Brayden Gomez
Didnt really plan on it, but your knowledge will not go to waste regardless
Feel like a hunter or a sniper holding it, but a few inches over 2 feet isnt rough. Nice how much did that run you?
Cats kill squirrel and bird way more than the odd hunter :)
that sounds amazing, life is meant to live yknow
Jonathan Stewart
Honestly, as someone who has posted on /k/ since 2012, get a glock 19, a weapon light, and spend the rest of your money on ammo and range fees. Know when lethal force is legally justified in your state. Get a handgun-mounted red dot like a RMR when you can afford it. That is basically the modern standard, you can use it for concealed carry when/if you desire and get a license. Does what you need it to do for home defense.
I have a p320 but that's because I wanted to develop some frames of my own for it.
I like using my .22 at the range. Ammo for a .22 costs shit all you can shoot a lot. I get a laugh at the big guys with their 308 thinking their all big at the range. Bro thats like a dollar a shot have fun
Dominic Morgan
You shouldn't kill possum retard. They are the only marsupial in the US, dont carry diseases, and eat other shit you don't want around your home. They aren't like armadillos and damage your yard while being able to carry leprosy. They hiss bit rarely bite(bit still dont try to touch it) only because they are absolutely terrified.
Jonathan Lopez
That why you invest in reloading supplies
Alexander Green
They aren't pests you fucking retard. They do no harm and try to keep to themselves. You have shit for brains, I wish I could shoot you with your pos faggot gun. Do us a favor and curt Cobain yourself.
Carter Campbell
they are pests you imbecile. look it up
Nathaniel Flores
inb4 some faggot misunderstands and think you're suggesting to reload .22lr
Joshua Gomez
I doubt i would kill 1, but to go all peta on me over a piece of meat grubbing around, no different than me slaying a man for my countrys oil. thanks for the nature advisory though fag
Lincoln Turner
You're not very knowledgeable at home defense with your dumb red dot. You can have multiple suspects break in and you need to find them pistol sucks. They will also be at a longer range unless you're a poorfag with a tiny house. Shotgun with slugs unless you never shoot, SBR or AR pistol to skirt the trouble for the sbr tax stamp wait and hassle.
Xavier Perry
You bought a grouse gun, not a pd gun. But I love my Browning sweet 16. It's a good upland round. Hard to find ammo in some places, though.
Jack Campbell
Not bad I guess, mid range bird hunting will also include small game hunting. I read somewhere that this willl take out a coyote, cougar or bear though in dangerous situation where it may be last line of defense
Camden Gutierrez
I'm a hunter so no peta, I just think killing certain things have no purpose. A possum being one.
Joshua Young
One of the best times I ever had at a range was with an old man who had a .22 target pistol. It was a long silver auto that looked kinda like a Luger, and was so well kept and oiled, you could cock it about as easily as pulling your toothbrush out of the holder. Wooden checker grips, and a red-dot sight, you could hit soda cans at probably sixty feet, felt like fuckin Jesse James.
Jaxon Price
>Jesse James literally who
John Adams
I just like the .22 Its semi auto you can shoot it fast. I look at it as my favourite survival gun if this world went to shit. It will probably be the easiest ammunition to find and i can hold a shit load in my pocket. Not to mention a .22 lr has great velocity. Id also have a 30-06
Kayden Roberts
Look it up? That's not a fact, only some people's opinions. Like anything it will be a flame war. Some idiots that dont know shit think they are but they are not.
Jose Long
Goddamn zoomers.
Brandon Sullivan
If you want real defence get a double barrel shotgun put a slug in one and a buckshot in the other. Slug to shoot through the door, buck shot for when they come in
Nolan King
Not that guy but you must be young as fuck
Sebastian Morgan
Possums eat garbage and carry disease. Thats the literal definition of a pest.
Kevin Watson
im 18
Ethan Lee
>eat garbage and carry disease So you're saying homeless people are pests? They do that too you know
Daniel Russell
Shooting through the door is buck-wild level stupid. Enjoy jail, fagbutt.
Josiah Walker
Caleb Morales
Congrats on being actually fucking retarded. A shotgun with slugs is a terrible idea and will overpenetrate like fuck indoors. If you can't hit a man sized target at indoor ranges, I don't know what to tell you. Go shooting occasionally. A 16" or 14.5" with a pinned muzzle device is fine too, don't need a sbr or pistol. But a pistol is more versatile for self defense because it is adequate for the home and can be conceal carried.
Raccoons eat garbage and carry diseases not possums. It's very, very rare they carry anything and only eat garbage if it's left outside your fucking trailer park. They eat rodents.
Henry Nelson
16 gauge isn't bad, 12 is more popular but that really only matters for ammo costs, the amount of material that goes into bullets and shells is in no way effected by the size of the ground or material that goes into it usually. It's all about how many they expect to sell so less common brands like 16 might be a tiny bit more pricey which adds up if you buy a few boxes. Don't listen to the guys talking shit about it being a crack head caliber, it is a very common one for hunting. I don't know if I'd hunt with a single shot weapon since I'd want a follow up shot to be sure it's gonna go down for good in case it just got winged a bit or something. Should be good enough for smaller game like birds or rabbits though.
Home defense with the right loading it'd work alright for at least one guy. It's not uncommon for home invaders to work in groups. I would rather have something like an AR15 for that sort of thing or a semi-automatic shotgun.
How much did that set you back?
John Fisher
Jeremiah Harris
Sebastian Brooks
A shotgun with a slug is great retard. I'm sure I shoot more than you considering my family is LEO and I get to shoot at the police range for free all the damn time. sbr is still better to move around inside a home. Why the fuck do you think they are used to sweep homes by military. Who wants a long rifle trying to maneuver around corners in a house. You're retatded.
Zachary Foster
At least someone in here has some knowledge. Too many retards with no training, just get guns a d shoot for a long time think they know stuff.
Jordan Cox
Probably a Ruger. I like mine a lot, fun to shoot and has no recoil at all. A bitch to disassble but I hear that they fixed that MkIV onwards
I see one smashed on the road just about once a week, and theres no trailer parks.
Ryder Young
Yep, looked just like that, but nickel.
Gavin Adams
Around 130, i just wanted a gun as its my right didnt bother looking into anything since its a light spend. Gunna take it shooting and inspected in a couple days.
Isaiah Perez
I'm not saying they are only in trailer parks, I'm saying they eat garbage in garbage places like the trailer park you live in, which is why I said your trailer park. I see them in my upscale neighborhood, but they do not eat garbage because we aren't trashy.
Jordan Smith
>virgin fingers user...
Brody Martin
With a barrel that long you should turn it into a corner gun. Bend the barrel 90 degrees. Get a cheap back up cam online and a flashlight. Mount them near the front. Get a phone holder to put near the trigger. You can now safely see and shoot bad guys from around the corner! I built myself one but the barrel wasn't long enough for a full 90 degree bend. Works great though!
Military uses 14.5" which you'll see I mentioned in my post faggot. You're completely ignoring the point about massive overpenetration from a slug. Enjoy killing your family through the wall
Nathaniel Baker
Penetration depends on what kind of ammo you're using and at what distance. Not all slugs are the same weight/builds or speeds. I'd expect a shotgun slug to typically have less penetration than say a FMJ 9x19 round. Also you know HP rounds fail to expand fairly frequently a lot of these discussions about "over penetration" tends to pretend HP rounds don't clog failing to expand then act like ball rounds. Clothing and walls make those rounds fail to expand frequently. There is only a slight difference in rifle lengths, I got trained on house/room clearing using a full 20inch barrel m16. I mean it's your house just don't put things where it is likely to snag a vase that close to door ways. I don't know why anyone would want to even clear their house instead of hunker down and wait to plink the first thing that comes through the door too abruptly unless you got other people there to look out for, and even then I still wouldn't want to be potentially around pointing it at someone that went to get a glass of milk at an odd hour you don't want to get hurt mistaking for an intruder.
130 sounds a bit pricey but not too far off from what I'd expect. Probably not too bad for an impulse buy.
Tyler Bennett
I was a jury foreman in a double murder case, and the defendant killed two people with a single shot 16 gauge Winchester 37A red letter shotgun. He got off four shots in quick succession, two shots hitting each person. He claimed he was too high and drunk to remember it. We didn't believe him. It took skill, determination, and speed to carry that off.
Liam Hill
>Enjoy killing your family through the wall Why would I do that?
Anthony Howard
The lead slug gives which allows it to stay on a soft target.
Kayden Lee
Well, for an upstanding, educated, erudite homeowner in an upscale neighborhood, you really read like shit, because I said >there's no trailer parks
Caleb Nguyen
Thanks for the stats on potential, glad i didnt get the worse gun on the shelf, but sorry you had to sit through such an awful time for 30 some odd dollars
Ryder Anderson
That's a killer right there.
I was trained in military with a 20 inch barrel bullpup , 31 overall inch. Maneuvered fine in urban ops. We have lots of concrete/brick here so 5.56 isn't going to worry us with over-penetration. They taught us to pay attention to our mates though, so even if there's over-penetration, PAY ATTENTION.
Jace Bennett
My alarm system wouldn't allow me to mistake my family for a intruder and obviously you dont shoot until you see and can identify the person is an intruder/threat. I have no reason to hunker down, I'm going after anyone in my home to kill them.
Connor Ortiz
I keep this over my bed frame with the bayonet extended because if someone is in my house and I need to use a weapon I'm going to absolutely obliterate them
Never said I'm upstanding by any means and you still missed my point. My original trailer park comment was an insult to you. Your other reply saying they are seen dead in the streets with no trailers didnt address anything regarding your poor home. Just because I'm wealthy doesn't mean I'm upstanding or a Harvard graduate.
Jaxon Martinez
>How'd I do, will this stop an intruder? With the proper shells and shot placement, it will stop an intruder. Won't stop his three buddies, though, unless you're really fast on the reload. >Increase survival % in dire times of war, famine, or apocalypse? Better than nothing. As far as shotguns go, not as good as a 12 ga. pump action with two interchangeable barrels (a shorter "security" barrel, and a longer one for hunting). >birdshot >for home defense No. >100 rounds and that should last it's life (range rounds Shotguns take shells, not rounds. I've seen 16 ga. shells at Walmart. Poor selection when they do have any in stock. Patronize your local gun shop instead. >Slug to shoot through the door, Good way to end up in prison, depending on the state you live in.
Elijah Fisher
Why would I have a poor home in a trailer park, as I too am wealthy? No trailer parks, bud. I never figured you for a Harvard man. Or even a man, for that matter.
Brandon Gray
OP literally bought that and it’s his only gun, and said for non gun owners to stay out of his thread. Sir....
Connor Williams
Not all lead is soft, it depends on if there are additives like antimony or other alloys. Pure lead can be fairly hard, if I went and pulled out one of my cowboy loads and took a pliars to rip the bullet out of the casing I probably wouldn't even be able to dent the lead no matter how hard I squeezed it. Know your target and what's behind it is one of the fundamentals of gun safety. A 5.56 will absolutely smash that kind of cover with enough rounds on it. >I have no reason to hunker down Well aside from legalities not everyone is technically suppose to actively defend things, personally I would assume an intruder has a firearm and would rather be patient behind cover than playing quick draw. That's just me and my opinion though. Quite a few people people would either get pissed off, or mock the living shit out of me if I got winged.
Hudson Martin
>know target and what's behind it I don't know why people talking about penetration and jazz. 9mm's the spray and pray round for our spec ops breachers, unless they've updated since.
>5.56 cover wrecking Well, I wasn't taught to shoot into that sort of cover but I assume you're right. We'd just toss a 'nade.
Tyler Sanchez
I didn't get trained to shoot cover either. 5.56 will shatter cinder blocks (made out of concrete) and bricks if you hit it enough. Pretty much most bullets in existence will, especially if you unload a lot of them. I'm really not fond of hand grenades from training, there was an incident... 40mm launchers and bazookas are fun though.
Camden Cook
Thanks for the know how. I guess this info never got to me cuz none of us would ever spam our precious 210 rounds into a wall. Maybe if we brought in the MGs or stray fire from the SAW.
Ugh incidents...and coverups...Yeah 40mms and bazookas are super fun and way safer.
Caleb Young
>16 gauge bro why
Like either 12 gauge or 20 gauge would make infinitely more sense.
I typically don't go into tactics about training anywhere, I just figured it's common knowledge even the weakest handgun rounds will generally smash a cinderblock and bricks. It absolutely counts as cover but how long would last is kind of questionable. You only get 200 rounds? Most people I know would stuff their bags full of spares, they'd carry around like 200 pounds of ammo. There is a youtube channel I think Paul Harrel if you like guns, he's got a few videos where he smashes cinder blocks from time to time.
No cover up, wasn't a serious incident just sort of the circumstances. You know the days started off a bit odd when the medics role up on stand by and when they pop open the door there is a wide snow shovel when it hasn't snowed there in like 3 weeks. Not much plausible deniability going through your thoughts bout how you're gonna get the bits that's left over loaded up in there if something goes wrong. I'd really prefer not to play around with the things unless I have to tbh. I guess I don't mind that much though if I'm getting paid to do it.
Caleb Ramirez
A bit over 10lbs. Heavy optic, heavy barrel, heavy railz. It balances very well though, my AR10 weighs about the same but feels heavier, probably has to do with the SOCOM profile barrel more evenly distributing weight.
Daniel Sanchez
Zachary Adams
Right? Stupid heavy shit. For some reason it's my favorite AR I own though. Some are better in theory, but I don't like them as much.
Fair enough, it's unlikely you'll have to carry it long distances or anything. I just have a M16A1 parts kit build and an AR-18. No modern AR-15
Parker Davis
>it's unlikely you'll have to carry it long distances or anything I hike with it and larp innamountains, cause I'm retarded like that I guess. >AR18 what kind? Like a realdeal AR180?
Brayden Martinez
Nah, just one of the pre-ban AR-180s, mines a sterling. I'd like to get one of the original scopes for it but they're stupid expensive, like 750+. Oh well. If I find a place that holds competitions or something I'll probably build an AR-15, otherwise I probably won't bother.
Benjamin Evans
I see what you mean from those videos. Huh shit they don't teach us. To be fair, worst case we'd be going into some areas with sheet metal and plywood, so I guess just slapping our helmets everytime our barrels got anywhere near our mates was the best way to teach.
>200 rounds 7 mags of 30 for standard battle order. Memory acting up but when I went into (not force) recon we might even have cut that down to 5 mags. If your higher up gives you boxes to stuff in your pack or pouch, that's on them. Reload in extended fight I guess, otherwise 6 mags on your webbing, 1 in the gun. Only guys who normally carry more are SAW and MG gunners whose counts I can't remember but legit carry a shitload. SAW gunner loads vary depending on drum or normal mag too.
>scraping a guy up. Fucksake, da hell he do with that. Worst we ever got was multiple failures to detonate on the range (because some idiots threw the thing into the ground and the fuse wouldn't engage). Just a couple hours of sitting behind cover waiting for demo-guys to C4 it safe.
Daniel Mitchell
Also, we were already dumping rations whenever we had to march say, 100km. Honestly carrying more ammo would have sucked donkey dick.
Adrian Ward
phahaha fucking Americans
Lucas Howard
It's ok user, you can post your butter knife collection, we won't laugh
The state I live in has a lower murder rate than sweden and I live in a safe neighborhood. I'm not too concerned.
Easton Moore
Ehh not the best for home protection. You would want a shorter barrel. 18 is the shortest you can legally get them. But longer barrels make inside use a pain in the ass to go through doors and such. Also single shot guns in general arent good for defense because it's easy to get high on adrenaline and squeeze a shot off prematurely and miss, leaving nothing to follow up with.
Austin Campbell
Eh...not well frankly. You could have gotten a brand new 12 gauge pump for not much more than that. 16 gauge is tiny, made for hunting birds.
Nathaniel Price
wear hearing pro dont buy cheap shit dont end up like me hearing the never ending EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Connor Morales
Kek EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee I have this shit happen every once in a while, it's not consistent though.
Evan Jones
Your weird caliber shotty would be really neat if it were like much longer....