Let's do a real YLYL

Let's do a real YLYL

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Everyday someone say "let's do a real YLYL" and everyday this is the same unfunny shit

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this is kinda funny. I think one corner of my mouth twitched slightly upwards


Op needs jesus

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replace with my better version

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ok op, Ill dump some 1/x

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I feel bad for Cinderella


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In all fairness, she banks so much fucking money doing this, but yeah, I couldn't but I also hate being around people.

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So does everyone have a foreskin here?

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That went apeshit fast.

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actually both can feed a family, if you aren't squeamish

except all the guys there are fatties too. ironic.

based, saved.

check out the man boobs on the left

this is a brilliant idea I might try it.

I had an audible chuckle.

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The jewish line always gets me.

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as a mathematician, this never fails to make me laugh

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He looks like a cross between Anderson Silva and Steven Seagal

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Looks like i win

hes a nigger, kek, no

no I think that's hilarious

win what? a fuck with your dad?

Donkey man dumb
Orange man troll

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haha someone has man boobs. sensitive.

he looks like you'll have to do doggy or his tits will be dragging and dripping sweat on you.

no yours

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She probably makes $7.25 an hour.

that's a jap porno right there

that's pretty gay

Then contribute, bitch

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don't you miss games with a good semen management system?

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really would be fine, fuck I hate my wife.

lmao her FACE... trapped in maga country

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ffffucking lost

His dragon dong has to be shredded after this tho

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jut about, they make between $10 and $12 an hour. i dunno why anyone does it.

kek then get a divorce, don't rely on others for your happiness, and don't stay in unhealthy relationships, fuck that's weak.

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Kek classic

who even thinks to make this shit? kek wtf?

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Damn skippy.

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its not my thing but a lot of serious people liked that show.
this meme might make some 'muricans laugh, but they're the same people who go to museums and say "my kid could do that"

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You're gonna click it you fucking degenerate

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Nah that's a woman that lost her grip, those things are fun

sorry, but fuck clearly there's baggage. doesn't sound healthy, whats the issues with her? as much as I came of as an asshole its good advice.

>her fucking finger
>octopus is kill

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hey, that's a designated shitting street

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