Guys is this normal. What the fuck is this

Guys is this normal. What the fuck is this

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>Pop it.


Anti-intimacy nodule aka a Cyst. Cut it out and post pics.

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Just light reflecting off the skin, man the fuck up.

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It looks like...
...Yep - that's a clitoris.

it means you are gay now.


Keep it clean and dont fuck with it or it will leave a nastu scar. I get one maybe once every couple years. It will go away in a weel or two if u dont fucking touch it.


Gaids cancer

The gods have blessed you with a g spot tickler. Ah yes you were sent to pleasure women by hitting their erogenous zones. You may start with my wife as so many others already have tried.

ectopic pregnancy - you've got a baby growing inside your peener! better go to Planned Parenthood and get a D&C .

No joke, I had the same thing. Stayed big for a while, I tried squeezing it, got most of the sebum out and it reduced in size, but I still have a very slight lump where it used to be. I dont think mine will ever completely disappear, I hope yours does.

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could be ingrown hair

record yourself popping it pussy

In all seriousness it looks like a cyst. Go to the dr OP its not serious but that shit looks annoying

It's Ligma

Lymphocele maybe


It's called a dick, a lot of people have one.

What a juicy fucker. Take a pin and pop it

Definitely an ingrown hair

Had this when I was younger, just stop jacking off for a week or two and it'll go away