Tired, irritated because I was arguing about politics with actual teenage retards in sfur. I need to find something better to do with my time, or at least go to college so I can debate with reasonably intelligent people.
man I dont know what my first anime I got into was. Maybe pokemon? lol I didnt get exposed to anime really until I was like in 6th grade. grew up in a small hick mountain town with no tv or interweb.
Probably. It's very depressing seeing how stupid the average person truly is tbh; how completely misinformed idiots with no argument make claims about shit that they'll still defend even when proven wrong.
Yeah I didn't have cable for a good amount of my childhood either. I did have internet though because my dad needed it for work. Pokemon was definitely one of the earliest anime I watched too, but Trigun was my first and it holds a special place in my heart because of it.
I have a love/hate relationship with arguing. It's fun thinking "I may not be very smart, but at least I'm not as stupid as that guy," but also enjoy it because I'm a hotblooded, venomous asshole, yet it's so exhausting knowing the fact that the average person may as well be actually be a fucking monkey or children.
I was also pretty sheltered lol. Parents didnt like pokemon because it was promoting evolution and dark pokemon were satanic. but they let me get into it becuase it was so popular and they moderated it lol but look at me now!
ugh talking to someone who's so stupid annoys the hell out of me. one boss of mine is soooo dumb and when we get into a debate or heated discussion I WANT TO REEEEEE
Luckily my parents weren't very religious and let my siblings and I decide if we wanted to be or not. They were super strict though and didn't let us have fun all that often because there was always work to be done on the property. My least favorite job was finding and digging up boulders.
D: boulder diggin?! such slave drivers! I was so smol on the farm that i mostly did the stuff like feeding the animals and collecting eggs, changing bedding, etc.
Yeah I'm big and strong so my parents took advantage of it. I do know how to do a lot of different things because of it though. I'd like to think that I'm quite handy.
I'm trying to find something else though. I'm good at physical things but I'd rather not do physical labor for the rest of my life. From what I've seen it just leads to an earlier death.
I'm already dealing with those aches and pains so I'm ready to find something new. I just don't know what that is yet. It's a bit exciting actually. A bit scary too. I'm excited to find out what I end up deciding upon, but it's new territory for me so I'm a little cautious.