I wanna be Janeane Garofalo's boyfriend

I wanna be Janeane Garofalo's boyfriend.

If you know her, met her, worked with her, or performed with her, share your stories here.

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Loved her in "The Matchmaker".

Go see her at Eastville this week.

You know thr drill

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Saw her do a short set at Henderson hs, it was okay. Not as good as mystery men

You stalk me.

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That’s ironic

In Illinois??

I gave jeanine a hot carl in Louisville back in 1995

Who are you again?

Janeane hair/wig stories please?

I heard she had an abscessed tooth constantly pouring pus

She has perfect hair

Kek wtf?????
Is this a meme? For my months now i see the same user asking for "hair and wig stories" fucking kek

She rolled through norman oklahoma a few years back and was giving blowies through a stall at the local highschool. I'd stay away if i were you.

Yes she does.

it's been years, op is a stalker


Start succin Jeanine you Nigger

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She was so hot on "Girlfriend's Guide To Divorce".