Professional rapist here, ask me anything I guess

Professional rapist here, ask me anything I guess

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How does one become a professional in your profession?

How do you make money out of it, since you're "professional"?

post a story, faggot

How black holes became so massive so soon after the Big Bang?

it makes no sense and i need an answer.

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I started out doing a job for a friend and realized I could make money doing it, so I started advertising via word of mouth. I had the connections from selling drugs in the past.

People pay me money to rape someone and I rape them. I’m basically a hitman specializing in rape instead of murder.

Yo hook me up too man.

>I’m basically a hitman specializing in rape instead of murder

Holy kek my sides

How much do you take for a hit?

Why do people pay for this service?
also how much do you make?

What’s your credit score?

so you would rape a guy if someone paid you, then?

I’ll bite. What part of india are you from?

Do you include extortion? I want to blackmail my targets.

A lot of my business is people who want to intimidate someone, so they pay me to rape that person’s wife or daughter. Also a lot of guys wanting revenge on their exes. I get other random reasons occasionally too.
Anywhere from 5k to 100k depending on how complex and dangerous the job is. I only do 5-8 jobs a year, there are often months of planning and prep involved.
I did when I was first starting out, but I have enough requests at this point that I can pick which jobs I want to take, so I don’t do male targets anymore

tell the story about your most difficult job to date.

Photo and video can be provided for an extra fee. The actual extortion part is up to you or someone else you hire though, I never make contact with my targets more than once.

This is your only income or you have side joba?


how many jobs are you offered a month? a year?
are there slow seasons? lmao

you should talk to vice btw this is fascinating

> Goes to unsecure website
> Website is known to be monitored by multiples alphabet agencies
> Admits to crime

Got a real thinker over hear boys

do you rape men, women and children?

They Will Caught You Soon
Its A Question Of Time
I Hope

So on avg what your yearly income also do you use viagra or something to get hard oh and what about lube what's your brand of choice

I won’t give details, but the most difficult was a daughter of a businessman who my client wanted to send a message to. Her parents were very protective and I couldn’t get a good opening when she was at home or school. After months of watching, I finally got an opportunity when she was outside of watchful eyes for a few hours. My client wanted some specific things done to her that would attract a ton of attention, so I had to get out of town real quickly once I was done.

id recommend drugging them and taking photos of them being raped while they’re unconscious. Figure out where they live // work and send them a letter with the pictures in it. That’ll scar them for life, especially if they’re unaware that they were raped.

nice larp, faggot

You encrypt data and never put on net. Correct? You have some understanding of computer security to keep both parties safe (buyer and you). That would be reassuring.

Do you feel bad for doing it?

It’s been my only significant income for a decade now. I have a part-time day job mostly for cover.
I get several dozen potential clients a year and pick the jobs I find the most appealing.
It varies wildly, I’ve been anywhere from mid-five figures to high six figures. Yes, I do pop pills sometimes if I need to. Not telling you what lube brand, that would be evidence...

Any data provided as part of the agreement is delivered on physical media. I often never even meet my clients in person, we communicate through middlemen.
No. I usually enjoy it actually.
I don’t do men anymore, like I said already. Underage targets are extra $$$ because of the higher risk.

I mean he's clearly larping.

What’s the easiest method that a beginner could use

Do you know of anyone else like you?

Are you scared of reprisal?

How can a woman avoid being rapped? Other than obvious ones like....
- Dont be drunk or alone, dont leave drink unattended.
- Dont follow same walking/running route.
-Dont wear ponytails/buns or sweats.

Don’t wear ponytails or sweats? What the hell lol

That's what they tell woman folk, easily grab hair and pull down sweatpants...

the good ol “professional rapist” thread.

seen this before.

>3/10 as made me reply

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Xanax I’d assume as the rape drug. But if you go on whitepages or whatever you can usually find the target’s home address. Watch their behaviors and note their work schedule. Take the pictures with a polaroid camera of course.


Not what that guy suggested. If you just want to rape someone and aren’t doing it as a business, go to a college party.
Yes, there are a handful of people who do this. I’m one of the more expensive and experienced ones. And yes, I do worry about law enforcement, though I’ve been doing this for quite a while and I’ve never had a really close call. It’s all about careful advance planning.

Doing it in someone’s home is a last resort, its one of the highest risk places because she knows the turf far better than you. -OP

what was your youngest target?

I’ve had a couple in the 12-13 range

What are your 401k and retirement plans like? Is this a 1099 or a W-2? Is there a professional rapist internship program?

I meant so you’d know where to send the rape pics

have you ever raped the wrong person?

How much would it cost if someone wanted you to rape a family pet and intimidate them with pics? Do you draw the line or can your morals be bought?

No. I’ve added on additional targets a couple times though. Got hired to rape a guy’s ex and ended up raping her sister as well, since she was there.

>5k to 100k
and that's where the larp loses it's sheen

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Before the big bang all that existed was infinite mass and density. Black holes themselves are very dense, so it makes sense that soon after the universe was created that there are these little pockets of nonexistence that, while very dense, aren't dense enough to become smaller and smaller so quickly.

I’d do it if I needed the money, no qualms. At this point I’m financially secure and have enough other business that I can reject jobs that target men, animals or old ladies out of hand.

is your penis big enough to penetrate a vagina?

I assume your clients want your rapes to be violent for various reasons. Do your attacks include beatings and other violence? How much do the targets resist? If someone doesn't put up a fight do you go easier on them? What about anal?

have you ever raped the person who hired you, like a fetish thing?

what was ur best rape experience

They always involve as much violence is needed to subdue her. How much of a fight she puts up can vary enormously, and I don’t necessarily inflict less pain if she’s compliant. Beyond that, it’s up to the client. I ask for a detailed description of what they want. Beatings are a common request. So is anal.

I’ve had this request a couple times, but in the cases where I’ve done it, it’s very different from a real rape job, much more tame and controlled. Nobody wants to experience what happens to my real targets, it’s usually intended to inflict maximum trauma.

What was the most a target ever fought back? What was the least? Also do you ever get freaked out by weird shit your customers want you to do? Do they ever request fetish stuff, particularly piss or scat?

>Before the big bang all that existed was infinite mass and density.
thats the dumbest shit i read... since yesterday

Wow this is totally believable. I can't tell you how many times my friends and family have needed to hire a RELIABLE rapist.

what is the most bizzare/painful object you used to rape a victim with?

Cmon obvious larp is obvious

How much do you get paid?

Was it hard going from a farm team to the major league?

Ever made someone cum?

I had a target break my rib once, that was the closest I ever got to failing on a job. On the other hand, there have been a number who realize what’s about to happen and just obey hoping it will get them off easier.
Yes, I’ve done plenty of weird fetishes. Doesn’t really bother me. Bathroom stuff is pretty common.

look at this guy, he has better things to do than play along

Very epic larp, this one is actually enjoyable


what stds did you get so far?

what if he was like a bitcoin assassin, except instead of a mobility scooter he rides around in a white van that he borrowed from his touchy uncle?

Yes, many times. It’s just a physiological response to sexual stimulation, but they’re always embarrassed and humiliated when it happens anyway.
I’ve shoved all sorts of things into vaginas, assholes and mouths. A dildo coated in chili oil is a fun one. So is a bottle brush.

I’ve had a couple surface infections, nothing too serious. If I think it’s risky I’ll refuse to do the job without a condom. If I think there’s HIV risk I’ll refuse to take the job at all.


How do you feel about having to go back to 7th grade, now that winter break is over?

Do you ever feel remorse or is cash God to you

So you are the Town rapist?

>If I think there’s HIV risk
are you a dog?

Adrenaline is God to me. This is the best rush I’ve found. And no, never felt remorse. I usually have fun.


Do your targets ever get into it like in mind break hentai doujins? Do you have a girlfriend or wife or have you had one at any point during your "career".

Reported, faggot. Hope you like being raped in jail.

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i got you! fucking dawg... only dawgs can sense that shit

the tabs always kill me

Nah, never had that happen. I had a girlfriend for a while, but we broke up a few years ago. All my sex is nonconsensual right now.

You down wit' da clown?

What's the youngest you've raped? Male and female?

One of my favorite off the chan

Dont listen toRight now leading theory is direct collapse but we shall see

how do you profit from raping people?


fuck yeah

I’ve had a couple girls around 12. Charged those clients through the nose because of how risky that was.

How good did it feel?

Are you a criminal in other areas?

When they come for you, will Will you an hero?

They were fun. Easy to subdue. Tight. It was easier to get my dick into the youngest one’s ass than her pussy, surprisingly.
Yes and yes. I’m not going to prison.

I've read this manga before

The tabs. 4/10 average larp.

Do you ever have the idea of somehow getting a cop uniform and making them trust you more using it?