I demand your participation in a contest of sexual endurance! We shall all masturbate to a collection of the world's most beautiful and most naked models, to determine who can last the longest without blowing it
I demand your participation in a contest of sexual endurance! We shall all masturbate to a collection of the world's...
Newcomer here. Ready for my second round!
Have you also been looking forward to this all day?
oh yeah
Just making sure it's not just me lol.
these two already have me rock hard.
you think you're the only one who likes cute faces, big boobs, and plump butts?
Well i'm fairly new to these threads, and I haven't seen one before! and I feel like I browse fairly often. just making sure it stays this much fun the 100th time ;)
hell yea this thread needed some booty
That outfit it so fucking sexy man..shit.
So I remember blur saying sometimes other things happen in these threads, I cant remember his examples tho. Do you wanna tell me what he was talking about?
stuff like would you rather fuck Hope from the front or...
or Amy from the back
Fuck I was not expecting nudity and another babe.
Mmm i do like this though... I'm gonna choose Hope from the front I think.
do you wanna make out with her?
make out and also suck on those tits while we fuck.
touching those boobs sounds like fun?
I love playing with a nice set of tits man, I love sucking on and playing with their nipples.
as much fun as watching this jiggle?
I would definitely fuck Hope from the back. I remember that booty pic last night.
who could forget?
I'm not gonna lie OP. I came already...
Any way you would be interested in a round 2 in like an hour? Maybe one of the others will show up too
yeah if i manage to stay awake i'll try to be there...how could you lose so fast??
Maybe the weed? Idk man I just lost control
you must find hope extremely beautiful?
Shes hot as fuck. I think ana Nd patrycja are hotter though
Are you still stroking or did you take a break?
Jeeeeesus christ sexy as hell
about to finsh...
Oh fuck yes girls next door too!
>Finish and lets do a round 2 in 30 if you're up? ;)
you watched the show?
Oh yes,
just watched?
There may have been other activities involved too ;)
were you annoyed by the censoring of the best parts?
Of course! I see you chose to censor part of it yourself, not sure I agree though.
Girls next door got me rock hard again.. I could do a round 2 competition whenever. How are you doing OP?
Still here?
yeah! sorry! do you wish i had not cut out bridget?
She was the least attractive of the bunch, so I get the decision. But I would prefer it if she was still there, More ass and tits!
>Ready to start round 2?
let's begin!
I promise to make it up to you and the girls for finishing so quickly earlier ;)
I think she's now my 2nd favorite blonde in the thread knowing you have GND!
Another sexy blonde joins the fun! I'll need to see more of her
you like blondes with knockers?
Well so far I would say the Brunettes are winning, but I haven't seen many of your blonde babes, we have to give them a chance ;)
But also, who doesn't love a blonde with big tits?
the more the merrier
Mmm fuck the brunettes strike back! All 3 of these new babes are sexy as fuck,
a cute face makes everything better
a cute face with great tits and plump booty,
Thats all a man could really ask for.
I think this one is the hottest of the new girls!
Women like these are why men make very poor decisions in life, but they don't regret it.
>a cute face with great tits and plump booty,
>Thats all a man could really ask for.
disagree because you used the singular
no doubt my friend...you wanna join?
You've got me there. The more the merrier!!
any requests?
More of the game from before?
More of Patrycja or Ana or
Or a different thread activity if you have one
oh you remembered Ana and Patrycja!
Of course! They are the two baddest bitches in the thread, or at least so far lol
what does Ana's beauty do to you?
She gets me so fucking horny man, I just lose myself staring at that perfect body
Makes my cock ache
your cock's never felt better?
I mean a real pussy, real lips. Those are unbeatable. But damn fapping for these babes is close. Imagine if you had a flashlight too for the threads.
Still here OP?
agreed. can you imagine this getting even better though? like what you're feeling right now doubling in intensity?
It would be intense man. You wouldn't be winning the competition but you would be having the most fun!
want that to happen?
Bring it on
just saw this thread. late entry but my dick is ready for these fuck toys
i'm not sure you're ready lol. and if i were a greedy man i'd be asking for a paypal donation
first timer?
yes and enjoying these babes. We still competing?
Oh I'm ready OP, I blew early earlier so this time I'm determined to hold out until you blow first, no matter what you throw at me
Welcome to the fun. We're on round 2
perfect. stroking furiously now
yes please look around and share your thoughts!
tell me if your penis survives
damn nice tits. i want to fuck her and suck on those titties
Oh it's doing more than surviving, it's thriving and hungry for more
you're not alonee there man
first 3 words that come to mind?
Eat the booty
my cock is full of precum while stroking to her
Can I join? I'm new but I stay hard after cumming so I can go for a long time
Join in man!
it's a party
more full body nudes of her. my dick got even harder
who else loves Hope?
She's hot
Hope is fucking sexy.