What do?
+1 510 518 - 9021
What do?
+1 510 518 - 9021
He's threatening me what do?
What the fuck did you do, dumb fucking gringo?
tell him his mum gay and that makes him double gay he will cry to his gay mum
Call the police and report him like the superior gringo you are. Say he threatened to kill you. Which he did. You have texts to prove it so
get ready for a bat in the head
Send him lyrics from Eminems lord above verse
I called his gf a cheating whore which she is. Extreme case of white Knighting
what a dunce, posting someone's phone number
Send him a pic of his girl blowing you. Show your alpha male dominance
Who is he? How do you know him?
So is this guy's name Jesus? Or were you taking the Lord's name in vain? Sinner.
Keep sending him trump/wall memes, then aerate his beaner ass when he shows up with a bat.
I would send him an endless amount of pie recipes. Eventually he will give up.
Don't associate with lowlifes, including the supposed girl
"Ave María pue, de pronto parezca como un gringuito pero soy más paisa que la arepa. Espero con el machete, marica."
Don't come to Medellin, please.
We want no gringo here anymore.
Your Spanish sucks
El poblado siempre necesita más gringos
Op a faggot as always, very little context and probably wants a personal army attack. Request denied retard.
Report him or get a gun, don’t shoot to kill, shoot for suffering
El Poblado es una mierda desde que se llenó de turistas, ahora es un putiadero y la olla más grande de Medellin gracias a los malparidos turistas, sobre todo gringos.
Solo putas y gringos trabados en el lleras
La vaina e k su merced chupa pene como un campeón, así por eso nada le pregunta su maldicha opinión hijueputa
Kick his ass, you massive pussy? Learn to fight your own battles jesus what are you a 8 year old virgin?
Also enjoy the ban for personal info doxx
If OP is still alive might want to tell us a bit more info. Like his age, his background, how you met his girlfriend, if he knows anything about you, if his girl knows anything about you, basic stuff.
He might just be trying to scare you, or he might already be at your doorstep right now.
Métete el dedo en el culo analfabeta. Si no te importa mi opinión para que putas contestas pendejo.
No olvides la coca y marijuana
Digale que coma mierda
Kill yourself to assert dominance
Jajaja pq habla? Recorde k esos labios no son pa hablar son pa chupar. Quien ha pedido la opinión de la marica?! O simplemente continua a hablar esa mierda? Pero no estoy bravo se que va a aprender un día.. Va a abrir esa boca pa hablar esa maricada y algún caballero va a cerrarlo y enseñarle algo importante
suck his penis to assert dominance