This 9 year old girl is more beautiful than most adult women.
How the fuck is it possible in this day and age to have such a young girl look so beautiful and pretty?
I'm not even a pedo btw I just think she's really beautiful
This 9 year old girl is more beautiful than most adult women.
How the fuck is it possible in this day and age to have such a young girl look so beautiful and pretty?
I'm not even a pedo btw I just think she's really beautiful
I'm sure the make up she's wearing helps a lot.
***fuck off with this bait***
How the fuck is OPs post bait? She's pretty and she's young. What's there to bait? Faggot.
I hear ya
this is why we cant have nice things.
With makeup, yes. But how about without any makeup? I bet she looks like a 9 year old, no surprise there
Makeup is cancer, I bet she looks better without it, most little girls do
Bro, older women look better with makeup than without. Literally opposite of younger girls and teens
How come so many guys on Sup Forums follow this girl
Who is she?
Her face is correctly proportioned with good symmetry. So of course she is beautiful. However, we are only seeing her face. Once we see more of her, which means seeing that she has no figure, we will see she has only a pretty face.
do a simple google image search faggot
Not the guy you responded to, but Google tags the image as "Girl".
then use one of the other 50 image searching services
I want to kiss her passionately am I a pedo
she is closely
>How the fuck is it possible in this day and age to have such a young girl look so beautiful and pretty?
She's been absorbing female hormones, the ones in your meat and cereals, for all her life.
Even the water supply is contaminated, unless you're on rainwater.
Female hormones emasculate food-animals so they grow bigger and more docile.
There are consequences.
If I watch too closely I might get lost in your eyes
Im so bored! Someone entertain me? 5167327021
Also explains why theres so many soy boy trannies
She still looks 9 years old.
Gender confusion and rank obesity are the major outcomes.
Look at societies where the western diet is uncommon and there are great differences in the populations.
Yep we got lots of women who become land whales at age 2
No wonder OP is a pedo
Age 25*
It's merely a confusion in your brain confusing attraction with protection. Let go of the former, and you realize the latter.
Cheese pizza huh?
don't be a faggot, embrace both
The former hurts all less?
What's her instagram
Cuteness is our weakness
Little girls tend to have really poor hygiene.
because we have really good living conditions in this day and age and all things that help keep you in good health. Also a picture is just a moment in time.
Thank God I am not a pedo. This shit disgusts me.
that is on purpose pretty babies live longer then ugly babies.
btw men's faces are more symmetrical then women (men are prettier) women smell better
post her christmas photo with her puckering her lips. I jacked off about 20 times looking at that pic. in fact I think I am due for another fap. be back in a bit.
>She's been absorbing female hormones, the ones in your meat and cereals
fuck that, she ain't eating my meat and my cereal.. imma 911 her ass for theft!
>Female hormones emasculate food-animals so they grow bigger
>so they grow bigger
b-bros. Imagine how big it would be for her
I have legit used multiple search engines cannot fined sauce. someone please just give me a name
her name was Roberta Paulson.
> MyCrush.jpg
> not pedo
that gave me nothing, nice troll.
Her instagram is adria_pomspitz
Happy fapping!
Obviously a church minister's viewpoint who has just passed out during a sermon.
muh plæzure
someone should spam with MODS MODS MODS
And really heavy image filtering.
Degenerate incel detected
Yeah, no MOOOOODS yelling, no kys pedos, no Spiderman, no gore. There is something off about this thread...
Adria just wants us to be happy
Born 9/10
>Born 9/10
Btw how long have u been following her
there it is. welp pants coming off
No shit. OP wasn't kidding when he said she was 9 years old
Have u been lurking this thread for that 1 picture lmao
Exhibit 2
I started jerking off over her last year.
No like 9 out of 10
yeah saw it the other day. been waiting for it.
Why do u follow an innocent (but beautiful) 9 year old girl on Instagram , user?
Lol that kissing picture is an 11/10 in my books.
Im Not even a pedo
Why the actual fuck is a 9 year old girl making me feel this way they should be gross and yuck not.. this fucking gorgeous wtf.
Am I a pedo now/b/?
off urselves u pedoniggers
Stop I'm trying not to be a degenerate but you're making it hard
Why do you think in the olden days they raped the moms and their kids? Cause they didn't waste beauty until they'd had a taste.
Post IG pls
Damn she has a nice body
Well why the fuck do you think dumb ass!?!?! Obviously he wants to fuck her. Jesus Christ.
>I'm not even a pedo
kek, keep telling yourself that
So Muslims get to marry and fuck these girls at 9? Under sharia?
You are a fucking scum bag for creating this thread. Fuck your ‘passive aggressive, I’m just sayin’ stance. This is a pedo lite thread. Dirty fucking bastards, the lot of you.
sort of makes you want to let Islam take over the West doesn't it
Who is that? Age?
Go cry somewhere else snowflake
>How the fuck is it possible in this day and age to have such a young girl look so beautiful and pretty?
Because girls at that age are naturally prettier/beautiful. You may not have noticed since generally they aren't putting in any effort to look good. The baseline is peeked though. But the body is of course less developed.
Being a face guy = pedo. And I'm a face guy.
>Being a face guy = pedo
>sort of makes you want to let Islam take over the West doesn't it
I guess when they say "god is great" this is what they mean.
i'm glad when it comes to choosing i'm an ass guy.
but there sure are some gorgeous preteen girls out in the world.
>Under sharia?
maybe, allah is great.
Men = adults
Women = kids
Children's faces are hyper feminine. Which is also why they are less sexual. But that is still only like 20% hedging. They relief the reptile brain feels at detecting nothing threatening in a face though, but overclock the attraction, with threat avoidance being such an automatic instinct. Everyone is a face pedo.
I haven't seen a single face I could call sexual
>itt pedos unite
Ugh. My neighbors are 15 and 13 or so and they both look so much older.
sucks when they grow up so quick
Close but no cookie, if you want to understand the the genetic and social factors that contribute to this issue you should look up neoteny.
Thanks for the friendly reminder that I shouldn't let my daughter anywhere near my neighbors
That’s...not what I meant pedo
I think she wants to be called Boudeuse.
>let my daughter anywhere near
keep them safe. Too many closet pedos out there.
I said above that I like big butts and I cannot lie. which kid have you seen with a big behind?
also, I think you meant that the girls, your neighbors, look older and hotter.
you think a 13-year-old is hot, so who's the pedo now?