Girlfriend thread

Girlfriend thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Savannahs husband pls

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Nice, I'd fuck her


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Dump everything man. Currently stroking

I think I love her




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you like her?

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I'll drop everything eventually

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Holy shit, eat that ass for me pls

Any more ass? And if you dump everything, dump as mega?

No, just enjoy it here


Love that ass

Attached: IMG-20181205-WA0034.jpg (960x1280, 109K)

this is fucking hawt

Fuck yes

I do it as often as I can

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here’s her holes

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Her holes?

Wanna see her pussy?

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Sadly, no, she doesn't like that, just sexy and provocative photos and I think it's fine

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Who wants oc

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>Girlfriend thread

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U want moar of her guys?

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Ok then any boobs?

Yes more

Bruh, I e mailed you

O shit hi bro. Ill go look now. How can i help u remind me how we met

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She is so hot, I wanna see more pics of you two.
We have talked 2 nights bfore and I busted to her old video last night. Her face is so adorable haha.

very hot

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Gf sucking

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Any her taking dick

She was in porn bruh.

not current gf

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O hahha awesome ya her videos r soo hot. Ive fucked her while we watch her porns. Busted all over her face when the cumshot came on
Heres the next pic from that

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hightimelimit right?

Well here my cock shes taking but is right she use to make porn.. fucking hot ones too

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Yup thats me bro ^^

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her confused expression is great

What was her stage name

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Lol what u mean in her porn?

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Ok here it is

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This is my favorite one of hers enjoy

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Yeah, I mean just slightly confused. Idk, her eyes are just really nice

Lol kinda funny now that i see it she wasnt sure how to act . Thanks for enjoying her? moar?

Moar guys?

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Oops didnt mean the "?"s XD

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more of her face bruh please

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Not bad

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Great bum

got some more if anyone cares

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2018-02-14 at 12.33.10.jpg (960x1280, 118K)

Ill find more but heres some
Thx man. Could u post a screenshot? Super fucking hot to me.

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of course! post dude!


She likes filters

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nice clean pussy

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Started uploading my asian gf here if you want to see her wins

hunsee dot cc/#687fd980

Like my girlfriend?

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Very nice.
How did you meet her bruh?

yes. Her ass is very nice


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push the panties aside and eat that ass


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dude this is great