Was he a genius or moron? Btw his site is still up
Was he a genius or moron? Btw his site is still up
Just crazy
The teachings of Ti and Do are still worth learning about
What if he was right and is in paradise now while we just sit here and decay
There's no such thing as paradise, it's just an invention for social control
Well, he was wrong so there's that.
He did which is why people like me and Sawyer are still around trying to pass on their word
He was breaking free of the control
then we can catch a ride in the 9th millenium
He's still alive. Who do you think is Secretary of Education?
would be full of faggtots and sjw he got out at right time
oooh edgy
Yeah suicide is "breaking free", lel.
breaking free of the shell of the body to catch a ride moron
>to catch a ride
On a comet, in space, while on earth? How'd that work out... Oh Tehy ded.
dunno u are here on 4chanz at almost 2am they are in paradise who won?
it is a space ship hiding in the tail of the comet
bUt hOw tO gEt To cOmEt fRuM eArTh?
Killing yourself is not a way to get from earth to a space ship.
Applewhite or Applegate whatever his name is was a fucking moron.
He believed that aliens were coming based off a scripture in revelations.
He made a shitload of money.
And he had the courage of his conviction.
Those poor moronic people blindly giving him their money. Still a dumb ass