we all know why we're here
secrets thread
We all know why we're here
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30 yo woman, hope you're still here and verification please.
I'm here to alternate between bullying and offering sympathy and advice, receiving sexual gratification from both
is that what you were implying?
user with two mothers, reposting from the start, then all new posts for the remainder of the night until probably 8am EST.
I was raised by two mothers (lesbians for the slow anons). Technically one of my parents is my aunt, my birth mothers sister. Despite being nearly dead when i was rescued as an infant, my life since then has been great and its all because of these two people.
Well, over Thanksgiving they revealed they want to have another child. This time, with the parent I'm not blood related to giving birth... to my baby.
They want me to impregnate her, then be an older brother to what would biologically be my own child. This isn't in vitro, it would be a controlled environment with all three of us present and in total open communication the entire time.
The thing is, even as a young child I've lusted after both of them from peeking at them in the showers, spying on them having sex, stealing underwear, and even some drunken encounters that blur the lines between us heavily.
And obviously all photos added to my posts are strictly there for visual aid and fap stimulation. Take some time out tonight to hear one of the luckiest men in the world find ways to cry about his life.
I only use /b when shitting
Not verifying, so feel free to ignore me.
Response post to 30yo wannabe cat lady.
So instead of being of some use, or making someone happy. You'd rather just own a cat.
Sitting there everyday- proud cat owner... for 18 years. Then digging it up a little kitty grave. Giving it a fake little funeral. Because it was the closest thing to you, before you look around. And realize you're fucking 50, alone, and all you had was a stupid fucking cat. Not a family, or friends. A cat. Well, I hope it's the best damn cat ever. Because that's giving up a lot. But let's be real. It'd probably get out 10 years in and never come back.
I gave blowjobs to three specific married men once a week until one of their wives found out.
They paid me around $4,000 total a month between the three of them.
Your consistent appearance in these threads is like the inevitable rising of the sun over a new day.
Not OP, it isn't sexual .
I have a sleeping fetish and used to grope sleeping fam and friends, did it for some time and was caught twice but didnt have real consequences
>being of some use, or making someone happy. You'd rather just own a cat.
not her but your saying its either be a hole some dick head uses or have a animal that loves you unconditionally? I know you trailer park red necks only have orgies and do meth for fun but jesus
I was implying I get sexual gratification from it. you don't have to.
I promise it'll just seem like I'm being sympathetic and helpful.
$330 a BJ is pretty hefty. What made you worth that much? Then again going fee here is pretty dammed low.
you a girl? I'm a guy and for 4K a month I'll suck 12 dicks a month
No, I'd rather make someone else happy and have a mutually fulfilling relationship. I just have doubts that I can find someone now that I'm kinda getting old here. I'm sad and feel a little shitty is all.
I know plenty of girls who had a long term relationship fuck up in their early 30s and went on to be happy and have kids.
you don't have to worry until 35.
I'm sniffing my sister in laws panties while I fap to creeps of her feet and thoughts of her laughing at my small penis.
go to the gym and work out, don't drink or smoke because it ages you, you can still look hot as fuck when you are 30 and plenty of divorced guys would be down to date you, esp if you have no kids
i get whores whenever my wife is out of town, rent a hotel room and try to get 2-3. i like to take normal and degrading pics of them, doesn't always cum, its more about the pictures for me i guess.
Okay. That helps. Thank you.
Not sure how to explain this to a young man, who feels intellectually superior in someway and thus has no notion of listening, but, it can be very fulfilling to make another happy. Some people find they enjoy letting go of their own control if they are well taken care of and in exchange they share that joy in a safe way with a trusted partner.
You have time, unless your biological clock is demanding a nest, a partner, and children.
I think 30 is real adulthood, where you know the truth and all that innocence is gone, the reality you know is not gilded. Gain a little confidence, see what YOU want out of life, and what TYPE of person you are.
Sorry bo picture. Her Kids are using /b
I got this 9/10 milf 50y old. Everyone knows her as a strong and clever woman. But i know her as a super horney slut. She wants to be beaten up.. Pissed on. Raped..
Everyone around her always ask her opinion and give her all the responsability all the time. And she hates it. So i got to be her much younger daddy. And the more people lay on her shoulders the more she wants to be punished.
All she really wishes is to be my slave.
So just want to thank her ex husband for beeing such a fag every time i see him. He pretty much made her the most beggin horney cum slut ive ever seen. Just by beeing her Child instead of her man.
I can do what ever i want when ever i want to her. She loves it
I am a traveling welder and I got a call to weld for one of those carnal things that come and go I intentionally didn't lay important welds to see what happens and to this day they still don't know how it happend
(This was originally a reply to another user)
It's not even the taboo that gives me the butterflies (at least not completely...) It's the fact I'm being asked to enter into a special kind of relationship with the two people I love the most in this world. Whenever I'm with one I'm always jealous of the other. Early in life I had a hard time bonding with my non blood related mother, only to later develop a massive crush on her I could never breathe a word about (this before Sup Forums and reddit were in my life). I'd watch them fuck sometimes and not even masturbate, all though 99/100 times I did, sometimes I just wanted to be a part of that with them.
I love my mothers so much. I think this could be something beautiful that makes us an inseparable family the way almost no others are, but it also could destroy my two closest relationships. I don't know what to do and it's eating away at me.
stop larping!!!
>be me
>in college
>roommate is a year older and goes to parties and has a hot gf
>They don't have issue with kicking me out to wait in the hall while they have sex
>one night the two of them come back completely drunk
>roommate doesn't even ask me to leave. He just waves his arm at me and starts taking his clothes off
>I try to leave quickly but I still had to see both of them half naked before I was safe outside
>after half an hour, I come back. They're completely down
>I come up with a plan to make them stop
>I'll probably only get one opportunity to do this so and I figured they're drunk enough that even if I'm caught they would be too drunk to care/remember
>take dick out
>point it at girl's crotch
>too nervous
>close my eyes to calm myself
>start to talk myself down as this is taking too long
>I calm down
>I can now feel it coming
>I start pissing all over where her crotch is, soaking her and his sheets
>go to bed
>It's a weekend so I sleep in
>wake up to furious yelling
>roommate is PISSED that she wet the bed
>girl insists she didn't do it
>they never had sex in my room again
I'm a pedophile. I'm only able to achieve an erection while I'm looking at prepubescent girls. Thank god for russian nudist websites.
First and only time I had sex I was on xanax and didn't remember a thing.
it is shitty that you're on limited time, and it means you cant be totally relaxed about it and just wait for something good to happen. if you need it to happen in 5 years, you need to be actively seeking it.
but 5 years is plenty of time to find someone you want to be with long term.
Thanks. I do want a nest and partner. Kids not necessary.
oldest I ever fucked was 45, 50 seems to be punishing it but yeah, does it ever get awkward with the kid? I'd prefer not fuck them with the kids still living with them, just makes it weird when I'm younger than them.
I tried to confide that in my college girlfriend, and instead of getting me help, the dumb bitch had her younger sister sit at the end of my bed spread eagle, so I could "fuck her harder... "
Better, Faster, Stronger
>More than Hour Our Never Ever After
Work is Over
>Work it, Make it, Do it, Makes us, Harder!
Better, Faster, Stronger
Our Work is never over
following on from what that user said:
your biggest issue is gonna be figuring out what you want and need. you had one real relationship before, so you haven't gone through the trial and error of shitty relationships that helps you avoid them in future.
Last kid just moved out.
Im older.
I hope this isn't LARP, because it is brilliant
i got my wifes friend really drunk with the intention of taking pics of her after she passed out, succeeded, been fapping hard to it ever since.
leave your wickr if you want the full story
could also have taken nude pics of her with his phone, and sent them around campus from it...
Yeah, call it a wild hunch, but I had a feeling you were very submissive and content in life (before your man left).
Which is why I said you'd make a good mistress in the previous thread. But, find something that works for you. Explore weird and interesting things. You only live once, taste everything you can. Take care of your body and mind. Ask yourself, what could you possibly know now, that you'll know in ten years.
I watch pixelmusement on YouTube cuz I think it's hilarious how gay and autistic he is not that I actually like his shows.
so did you fuck her while the kid lived with her? Do you actually piss on her? never understood that but "rape" is def my favorite thing with them
I’m from the Philippines. Everyone tells me how nice I am and what great mother I am to my kids. But what no one knows is I spent 7 years in jail in Philippines for cutting off my husband’s penis and balls. I knew he cheating on me. So I grabbed meat cleaver and hid it between mattress. I aroused him by sucking and playing with his penis. Then I grabbed the cleaved and chopped his groin as hard as I could. His penis and balls came off with that one chop. I threw his balls in toilet and flushed and threw his dick out the window. He almost bleed to death but because neighbors called police he lived and I got only 7 years instead of life. The girl he cheat on me with was 16 I think I do right thing and I already served time so no one needs to know.
So what’s going on? Afraid to ruin a good thing? You talked to them about that since it can change your relationship?
Wow, glad my wife, just gets horny when I tell her about fucking a girl.
I really want you to burn to death, slowly, over the span of about 3-5 days.
I honestly believe you deserve it, you monster.
WHY THE FUCK don't people like you say what gender you are??????
HOW THE FUCK an I supposed to jerk off over shit like this whithout knowing if you're a boy or a girl???:??
Seconded. What region are you in? Hell I don't normally do this, but maybe want to kik if you're nearby.
I fucked three dudes in my life but I'm not gay. My ex gf ate my ass and finger fucked it a little. But I didn't like the penetration. I was semi okay with the ass eating.
I realized I wasn't gay when the dude I was fucking up the ass tried to kiss me. I was like "nooooo..." and dipped the fuck out.
Welcome to Sup Forums... you're home.
idk were you guys are from but in my home town if you cheat your spouse will 100% kill you and the police don't do a damn thing,
thirsty Sup Forums user thinks he can finally lose his virginity
Yes i did many times. She is very very cock hungry. Even when i play games she just sit as a slave on the floor next to me naked. Dripping wet.
Pee is about getting her to feel less worth than a urinal. Worth nothing.
She loves it
You served your time. I think you're redeemed. But I wouldn't fuck you because I like having a penis. Shouts out to the Phillipines and Happy New Year.
Is it Thailand were the women are nicer?
I met a grown man on AOL when I was 13 and sucked his dick. I never did anything gay again in spite of the experience not being a negative.
I'm the queer dude on the anti-social spectrum. Seriously...
did he ever hear? that would make me so unconformable having another mans kid hear me fucking his mother. also how old are you? I'm 21 and been fucking milfs since I was 15
This is what worries me a bit. I'm old enough that I feel I won't tolerate anything I don't like, but I might get discouraged too easily. I'm also pretty shy and need to work on getting myself out there. I go out with friends and coworkers, but have a hard time talking to people not in my immediate group.
not from Thailand, I'm from a small town in Washington
I have the same fetish plus many others, only I haven't groped anyone other than my wife.
Okay, don't go to Pyscho Slut, Washington.
i touched everyones butthole in the world. look at my edgy fake story about fucking but never fucked even myself
Got kik?
Go wash your hands
Do you have a gay best friend?
oh, things not working out well with the gf?
its not an easy job. dating is discouraging, dating in your 30's even more so. a lot of the obviously good choices for partner are, of course, happily taken so a lot of those left are single for very good reasons.
It isn't hopeless, it's just a harder job and you have to wade through more shitty dates than you did when you were 20. dating online is awful but an option, speed dating is awful but an option, but the best thing is always to find things you enjoy doing and meet people through that.
You can also find some real gems who've been missed; people who haven't been lucky in relationships before for reasons that don't make them incompatible with you. I met my gf this way. I was in my 30s, we'd both kind of hit the point of assuming there was nobody out there that was a perfect fit, and then we met and just clicked perfectly.
I hate niggers, jews, chinks, and modern women
34 shes 50 so its fair we are dating.
I think even the neighbours heard. She cannot be stoppe. Im her first owner so she goes all in. As I said noone would ever try to dominante a woman as strong as her.
I never gave her an option not to be dominated so shes exploding with 50yrs of wanting to be dominated but noone dared.
I doubt I'll send you anything other than this
Nah gf's fine. I just like talking to people and meeting them for coffee/meals even if I have no intention of bedding/romancing them. (Surprise surprise). Friendship first, the rest later, maybe.
Where are you? I'd gladly chop off your tits.
I'm kinda in the middle of ending things with my girlfriend. Once it's done, I plan on sleeping with as many married people as possible. I heard army wives are easy marks.
I think one of my bigger goals is to find someone whose wife is a similar size as me and wear her lingerie and/or clothing as the husband fucks me like a whore.
One thing I would like to try is see if I can bribe/predate on a junkie and shame them into letting me fuck their kid(s). I could set up hidden cameras in the house and get a second phone to catalogue my adventures.
you seem like a nice guy
question since you are the only reliable queer here, when gay guys hit on a guy when they are 13, do they know they are 13? or do they think they are just a twink or w/e that is. were they trying to "convert" me? still happens now that I'm 18 but I always thought it was weird having a guy in his 30's hit on me when I was 1/3 his age
I habitually post nud a of my exgf Alex... I love/hate seeing her reposted
Bingo. And yes, I'd say I'm spiritually in an okay place maybe? I travel, explore, do things on my own, exercise, meditate, get along with my parents. I'm not that great of a friend though and I struggle maintaining friendships. I don't reach out to them enough. I always go to things when I'm invited and my friends know they can talk to me (and they do), but I don't often reciprocate. I'm okay with this and it doesn't manifest into clinginess or an over reliance on my ex, but having a romantic partner is (what feels) to be most important to me.
I'm a 48 year-old father of three. My career is waning and the financial strain is tearing away at me. Oddly, my biggish wish is that a young, sexy man would fuck my 48 year-old ass, just fuck the shit out of me and nut deep, deep up my ass. Then I would feel satisfied that I've taken it like the useless little bitch I have become. Fuck it would be so hit and satisfying!
how about instead you just kill yourself for wanting to fuck kids in fucked up homes
Lol California. Don't have a Kik though.
when did you brake up 2004?
Wouldn’t do much. She could still fuck, meanwhile her ex is a ken doll now. Chopping off her tits isn’t enough.
I'm sure he would rather be dead than have his dick cut off and live
You never touched mine, and now i feel left out
Actually yes, she's a lesbo. Not swinging that way though.
Ah man it comes in both flavors. Really depends on indiv. I've hit on young people just thinking they were young looking and I've known people who actually predate cuz they like young ass/cock or they want to groom. Often it's a bit of both. Real warning sign is when they KNOW you're under 16 or something and keep persisting.
I'd rather fuck your kids
I dearly want to eat out a 6yo little girl, it’s such an arousing fantasy
Whoop cali oh well. Best of luck. Swing harder with your gay friend to bring you out of your shell. Go on adventures! Sorry I meant gay friend cuz then you'd feel safer maybe, but if you trust your lesbian friend, same difference.
I hope to be as lucky as you. I've signed up on a couple dating sites and also came to the conclusion that finding someone doing activities you find enjoyable is best. I tend to have more solitary hobbies but I do like hiking (haven't done Meetup yet) and dancing (likely no straight guys there).
Ok I need help I really want to fuck my girlfriends best friend. She's called me hot on one Occasion we keep giving each other looks not the biting lips shit not that extreme yet but dam she has one fat ass I just want to pound the fuck away literally would fuck her for 6 hours not go down. We sometimes go holiday together as in me my friends her and her friends. We sometimes hang up but I need some advice on some shit I can do all I know is I Wana fuck this chick one way or another. Idc if it's later on when she's married and older ima try to beat that shit. Any advice would be great on how I can make suttle moves. I compliment her from time to time saying you look good and all she said I looked amazing and kept eyeing me oh and btw she was also in my hotel room when I was with my gf, obv I was in my boxers after getting that good good and she came in wondering if we r ready and all my gf went to the bathroom I tried looking around the room or on my phone so she can check this pipe out not sure if she did but I'm positive she did. Please help man in return I'll post vids of me clapping them cheeks
I killed my uncle and my sister. I was only trying to kill him. I was 10 when I caught him raping my sister. I ran and grabbed my fathers gun and fired once at my uncle. I didn’t understand anything about how bullets worked and didn’t realize the 357 would go they my uncle and hit my sister. He was hit in his mid chest and she was hit in the head. I wasn’t charged with anything but honestly I wish they would have blamed me. I blame me.
yeah, worst ever was going to the grocery store and these 3 guys kept hitting me and I was 11. They tried to buy my things for me and give me a ride home but I knew what that meant, and then they tried to follow me home but I just went to my friends apt building that was on the way home and stayed there all day. was paranoid for the next year they would kid nap me at some point
damn, how did your parents take it ?
I think that’s fucking hilarious lmao
the grammar in this post makes you sound like a nigger or a middle school larper, either way go to school tomorrow