Would you tell the doctors to pull the plug or would you hold out in hopes that you'll be able to groe your limbs back...

Would you tell the doctors to pull the plug or would you hold out in hopes that you'll be able to groe your limbs back one day?

Attached: poop.png (269x465, 221K)

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forgot vid


fucking germans

I would ask somebody to shoot me in the fucking face


Pull the plug? He's not on life support retard.

i dunno. the boy obviously wants to live. i say hes pretty damn tough.

Lucky him, he no longer has to ever masturbate. Shitloads of free time he has now.

Id shoot OP for posting blurred out bs

Attached: 75317285_775900472852078_5479754713459064832_n.jpg (800x950, 85K)

He was for a while and was given the option of pulling the plug

Just wait until those Jewtube views dry up and his gf peaces the fuck out

I didn't blur it out you retard they did

Why do you want to see a triple amputees poop bag?

I imagine his heart is loafing now, it barely has to pump much blood.

well since you cant do anything ... either pull the plug or go to musk and work with him on the magic-thought-cap and try to make life better
-> meaning getting the technology far enough so one can go into VR and move with thoughts and stuff

does he have a penis still what the heck happened?

Scaffold electricution accident

No he doesn't have a penis. Also he was working for a construction company that told him to operate a forklift (which he was uncertified for). While working on a bridge, a car hit his forklift and pushed him onto an unstable part of the bridge. He tried to jump out but his leg got caught in the seatbelt. So he ended up falling off the bridge with the forklift, which landed on him.

This is why I'm a NEET.
Fuck being a dickless one-armed fleshlight.

That makes no sense at all you idiot

honestly i feel bad for his gf, id just fucking shoot myself first chance i get

You're a NEET because you're afraid that if you get a job, you'll become a dickless one armed fleshlight?? Lol


You're a NEET because ur overweight and a mommas boy

I would ask someone to smother me with a pillow or take me out back and shoot me.

Grow my limbs back? Fuck that, I want cyborg upgrades. Turn me into a fucking Snow Crash gargoyle with a side of jacked-in torso in a semi-autonomous life-support van.

I had to take my cat out and shoot her last week, caught her paw in the door :(

same luxury ought to be afforded humans. keeping this critter alive amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.


suck balls fag, I'd want my own phalanx systems as well in my "body cavity".

Would you put your brain in a robot body?


Where can I meet a living Fleshlight like this?