so, can we have a civil and honest discussion?, what makes you hate Jasiri so much?, is it because of your insecurities?
So, can we have a civil and honest discussion?, what makes you hate Jasiri so much?, is it because of your insecurities?
People hate you because youre some iocel dog fucking faggot that posts these garbage larp threads every fucking day on Sup Forums nobody other than your group of fur niggers like this shit so take the noose around your neck and do a backflip faggot
>People hate you because youre some iocel dog fucking faggot that posts these garbage larp threads every fucking day
these aren't larp threads, also i don't see you whining about the cuck/nigger dick threads that get posted everyday, but i guess it's to be expected from a soyboy like you
>so take the noose around your neck and do a backflip faggot
pretty edgy
Lol if I say nigger or faggot enough will I become a god of the memes?
Its cause their mommies didnt love them enough.
it must be
Her feet are cool but that's about it
its a fucken cartoon! get a life!
Thank you user, well said. Furfag are retarded.
i personally believe that Jasiri is cool from head to toe, but you have a right to have your opinion
woah, these are some nice feet
its a life, get a cartoon, fucken.
didn't they teach you not to be edgy in school?, or is that only after 7th grade
soyboy, incel. are you fucking retarded! I met furfags in real life they put dildos up there butts or lose their virginity to a prostitute. Your not fooling anyone.
i agree with op
>soyboy, incel. are you fucking retarded! I met furfags in real life they put dildos up there butts or lose their virginity to a prostitute
i also met retards like you, and they always don't live past 30, but you can't judge based on your own skewed judgement.
>Your not fooling anyone.
and YOU'RE not gonna pass an english exam if you can't differentiate between 2 basic words.
thanks my dude
oh my god, i thought you were gone. how ya been
i'm doing alright friend, mind reminding me who you are?, any convo we had?
its been a while but i was consistently on your threads i posted these once
i took screen shots of a lot of the ones people made because they were funny af
haha, i see, i created these, i made around 80% of these, the rest were started by people jumping on the trend, glad you found them funny, i took a pause from doing that as people started watching out for them, but i figure soon is a good time to go back to it
how you been?
kinda tired i think we have a huge time zone gap. i also took a pretty long brake from Sup Forums but now im back... you know what they say once your here you can never leave
>kinda tired i think we have a huge time zone gap
its fairly early in the morning here, we might
>i also took a pretty long brake from Sup Forums but now im back
we all need a break every now and then, but don't worry, you didn't miss much, except for the rogue mod that did a porn ban around 2 weeks ago, heard about that?
>you know what they say once your here you can never leave
just like an abusive spouse, you just get used to the pain
>family of dinosaurs
and they all seemed to be flipping off the viewer
and a million dollars!
i didn't hear about the mod but that sounds funny, how long did his regime last
not this time
around half a day, maybe a bit more, there's only speculation but the main idea is a rogue mod, he stickied a thread with a guy dancing in underwear and a big text in red said "porn is banned", the thread had like 950 replies, 90% of Sup Forums was about the porn ban
laying my dog on my lap
pointing at her pussy and saying "it is and it will always be about this"
Then I finger her
i guess ill see ya around op im gonna hit the hay
Your just trying to make people run in loops faggit. I'm not kidding. My friend in high school became gay and now fucks himself with dog dildos and the other Furfag got so sad he had to buy him self a prosituite. something I would never wish on a friend. Me, I'm doing fine.
u still friends
see you man!
seems like you're being illogical, its something you gotta resolve with a psychologist, i can't help you
With one yeah, Why?
is the psychologist gonna tell me furfag is the way and ive been being ignorant all my life.
sigh, i wish they looked this good ingame
doesn't even look like a striped hyena, africa sucks, land before time is better than lion kung, furfags are even lower than traniggers, fighting spam with spam is autistic, the user mad about breast implants has a more compelling story, it's too fucking cold and i dislike you as a person sage
Andy sixx log meme.jpg