~Comfy General~

~Comfy General~

Pack a bowl, lose the pants, pour a nice cup of coffee and come relax with us, user.

We've had enough of the politics, the bickering, the separation.. in this thread, we come together, or cum together. Whichever happens first.

What's on your mind brothers? What's your recipe for comfy this evening? pic related.

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Show boipussy

Also gorillaz is fucking gay

Why thanks, user!
Now now, calm down lad. Let's not jump to conclusions here, we've got a long night ahead, and I've only just started sipping my coffee, see:

not wearing pants =|= willingness to show you where my butthole resides

I think this is a fair logical leap!

I really enjoy their mid-age stuff like DD/PB but everything else is ok in my book. their new stuff is ass, but most bands sell out and that's ok too

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Only gay guys don't show their buttholes for other men online. You don't want to be gay do you?

What's your favorite Gorillaz song?

same as everynight. a handful of tylenol pm and south park. its awesome. and i will be keeping my pants on cuz its pretty cold.

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Weed mans on the way, right now I'm on a nicotine binge and listening to vibes

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>lose the pants
nice gay general faggot

Sorry for the flipped image, I'm on the phone rn

Time to ribbon the thread

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I rather enjoy drinking cum from the source, so the downside to this predicament does not scare me user, it just does not ..!

Ive shown my butthole enough in my days. now it's time for coffee..

Most definitely Tomorrow Comes Today. can't beat that percussion. Such a sad but powerful song

why the Tylenol?? going for a robo-trip user?? You gotta let ur balls breathe sometimes

I just spent the last few hours playing an Otamatone and talking about circle jerks with my weed man. it was an excellent time

please take your shoes off at the door

it's ok bro it happens. Sometimes Sup Forums flips my photos but idk why

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ty for the ribbon


what's wrong user?
this is a comfy and safe place you can tell me

post dick

my balls are out, my gf is coming over to lick my butthole. all is well my sweet friends :)

hello and happy evening!! I'm extremely comfy and happy

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you forgot the good old ribbon times of 17 T_T

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Donald Trump is a joke president!

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more like republican'ts

OP are you jewish and does your name start with "c"?

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interesting legs for males, friendz
I doth not judge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wow user, it sounds like you've quite the evening planned! I wish i had a special someone to service my body

keep us posted, and enjoy the coffee


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What are you trying to say user.. are my legs weirding you out?!

oh, quit your crying snowflake

4 more years

>you had to jostle my brain

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no, you look like degenerate faggots, that's what he's saying

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Holy fucking red dit

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Pretty much same thing most nights. Smoke a cig, go inside, wash my face and brush my teeth. Once that's done it's time to wrap myself up in blankets and browse Sup Forums until I fall asleep.



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Thank you, yes having one to service one's body's a base need but a pertinent one indeed. It shouldn't be hard to find that special someone to do whatever you wish, when you wish it.

Caramel Machiatto btw, extra shot, extra caramel here. very tasty. Enjoy your coffee too!

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they're pretty ty

like a groom-ed vagene

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This shit happens all the time I try to tie my hair up

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yeah, more like republiCAN'Ts!!


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i have torticollis so its the only way to fall asleep plus its fun to see if i can beat my meat before i fall asleep thats when ill let my balls breathe

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they're digging DEEP :O

idgaf who sits on the throne of māyā, political talk is just as useful as a bunch of dogs barking at each other, rep or dem it's all the same: people trusting other people to fix their lives ((they won't))

this is a place of peace user, not dividing and conquering :D

Howve you been babe
I can't be faggots if I am but one faggot user :(
I am a Degenerate, sorta? i actually do a lot of regenerative things for my life and health but I still like to take lsd and run around in the woods naked so like you just gotta balance that out

it's degenerate, but also regenerate


What's that supposed to mean


What ciggies you smokin?
That sounds pretty nice tbh. Do remember to stretch before bed!


Ugh I could use that extra shot but alas, French press it is.. I guess I do have someone to service me like that but we're in a ... weird situation... I need """space""" and I'm not sure what i actually need quite yet

these are dire times, indeed.

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you seem like a total faggot

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Just Newport non menthols. Nasty habit that I wished I never picked up and slowly but surely I'm cutting down on the amount I smoke.

Stretch before bed? I've never tried that before or heard of doing it.

Shut the fuck up faggot

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OP rolling

so you like... race yourself? whether you pass out or pass a load first?? this is very metal, user

searching for treasure

Pretty much yeah, but only when I post online. I'm pretty quiet and to-myself irl

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do u have to wear a helmet

are u a bagger at a grocery store

>Howve you been babe

surrounded by too much negativity these days its hard to breathe other than that i good i guess

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it's not gay if it's a feminine dick.

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gooooood girl

women love to lick bung, that's a fact.

why not both and stop being so judgemental as to what OTHER people decide to do huh ?

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Weed man finally arrived, packing some gb hits

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because fags brought aids to the world

Mentholssss gross... I enjoy a good ol ciggie from time to time but I forbid myself from purchasing packs because that got out of control too fast :)

stretching before bed is amazing. i used to stay up for hours with anxiety just crying to myself before bed, but I started to stretch/breathe and now I sleep like a rock and my body feels like bogged down and tight. it's pretty nice, I've started to get into the habit again and idk why i ever stopped

oke doke


Is it negativity you can avoid or choose to move away from? Weirdly enough it seems that comfort requires a certain level of alienation from the world ^^

Porque no los dos

I wouldn't wanna get covered in paint either

hit or miss

YA you tell him

bro that is an absolutely classic gbong
I hope it tastes like the forest

[vapes bigly]

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Shut the fuck up faggot

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Whatever the weed man got, me it's gas

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FALSE. Cells did. Which morphed into Viruses. That monkeys contracted. Which mutated into a human-borne virus. Which was equally communicable via males and females.

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cientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

but thats just a conspiracy theory isnt it bud ?

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fuck off faggot

aids is a gay disease, don't believe the libtard propaganda

World's first transgender clinic, operating out of Judea

don't you ever get tired of being angry?
I definitely do

that's true I don't get much a choice either :D

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with scientists you mean fags, right? Because (nigger) fags fucked some monkey (that's what fags do) and spread it to humans

>Is it negativity you can avoid or choose to move away from?

yes and no source = family and other stuff
im sorta being used as a ashtray for their problems and complaints about the world instead of them reflection on their own dum opinions by themselves i get to listen to the same repeated bs every day so could move away from it yes but at the same time not really

it is what it is tbh

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you sound like some pozzed up fag

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pretty much. there have been multiple times where i would pass out for a few minutes wake up and forget what i was doing then realize you just lost the game.

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I think you can hold both views simultaneously. Imo, the reason homosexuals were predominately responsibly for the epidemic here in America was that the gay community tended toward other types of sexual degeneracy, like casual sex.

no not really love im just not being delusional to actual science

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What's your favorite strain? I really like sour diesel and purple haze

no i wasn't born with it i just didnt take care of my body and it started crapping out on me

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lets vibe leafff

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and that's why gays should be hanged

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Rev up the gas chambers

Figures. My state is tough on psychedelics, but soft on moral degradation. Fucking clown world.

sounds like you love a real hot, poisonous, toxic, killer strain

Islam got it right about gay people.

On the other hand, how Trump handled the Iran situation was pretty good. Smart guy he is