Who that fuck is this fat guy? What is his name?

Who that fuck is this fat guy? What is his name?

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Dan "If she's under eighteen, it's time for mating" Schider

Dan "probably fucks kids" Schneider

Dan "rough rider" Schneider

Dan "you want the role then show me your hole" Schneider

Foot nigga

Her kid looks like me

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Smelly Balls

comes to my work sometimes, he looks old as shit now and has a dumbass goatee

Does he come in with his wife

fast food huh?

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Do you work at
in and out burger

Dan "get in the van" Schneider

Why make a 14 year old girl say this

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Imagine having to Iive with the fact that fat disgusting Dan fucked you for the rest of your life

Do you work at fatburger?

I believe her 100%.
. His name is Artie Lange.

Why dan

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Do you work at All American burger

Dan " beat my meat to your feet" Schneider

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This is good one

He comes in to get it cleaned occasionally. Total slob.

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