Ask an international Pakistani undergrad in the us anything

Ask an international Pakistani undergrad in the us anything

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What does your pussy feel like

Tits or GTFO

Like an eyeball

Eyeballs are hard you have a pp

Will you be marrying your cousin?

You ever put your finger into an eyeball?

There is a small chance. I hope to not but it's a chance

yes its wet and slimy

That's what a pussy feels like then

When do we see tits?


No tits. Fwiw I wear a hijab around so this is very liberal for me already

have you ever been molested?

I have never been molested

whats the point of this thread? what am i supposed to ask?

seems to be no point honestly

why do you wear a hijab?

Whats your mail order link?

Ask what you wish
To be modest

I don't know what a mail order link is. I'm trying to do this without googling anything


You some kinda muslim or somethin?

Yes modesty. It's a way to dress and act more modest

Yes I am. Most people from Pakistan are

you ain't got no hijab in yo picture. you smoke?

Which is what I mentioned here I've smoked hookah a couple times and its fun but that's about it

But do you smoke smoke? I don't know what fwiw means so fuck it. Do you date non muslims?

why are all the women in your neck of the woods such cunts?

Oh cigarettes? No that's gross. Fwiw means for what it's worth

Most paki women you see in America are generally the top levels of society in Pakistan, who get the opportunity to go abroad.

Basically you're meeting spoiled rich girls

I'm talking about weed. Sorry.

are you into bbc?

Oh no haven't gotten around to that. I've been in America only a couple days now lol

that makes sense. but seriously, can we send the Hindu ones back? Holy shit, fucking awful attitudes.

Why are you kebab religion?

Black guys? No
Hindus aren't from my country usually

you into white dongs?

Have you tried bacon?

And alcohol?

Where in the USA? West coast best coast! Especially since in the NW there's a lot of our people lol


why do you guys fall for this

it helps me cum

Never had a dong personally but from pics, white guys are nice
Also nope


how are black people treated in Pakistan?

I have a friend in uni in Chicago, do you know him

We don't have many Africans. But dark skinned are treated shitty

why do are on Sup Forums


Na karo yaar... konse sher se ho? Aur yahan board par lol ?

what kind of porn do you like OP

thank you


spare coochie? spare coochie, ma'am?

how old are you and what are you studying

Jesus Christ this makes for one boring thread