Onision is Literally The biggest crybaby faggot of YouTube he’s a pedophile Piece Of Shit Why is he still making...

Onision is Literally The biggest crybaby faggot of YouTube he’s a pedophile Piece Of Shit Why is he still making videos when everybody hates him ?


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Caring about YT drama

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you are to old to be on this site

attention retard

He needs to just go and die the cock sucker

This nigger has been having a break down for more than a fucking month. Can anyone give me the quick rundown I cant bother watching a grown man freak out for 4 hours through 20 videos

This pathetic loser got caught by Chris Hansen for being a child predator so now he’s making all of these fucking crybaby videos trying to get sympathy

his patreon got deleted and faggotry ensued.


Chris Hansen is still doing investigative puff pieces?

you are too fucking stupid to be on the internet period, but here you are. and lol@the implication that everyone under [your age] must be as fucktarded as you are.

retard says what


>cries about giving him attention as you give him attention

uh... huh.

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Lol btfo underage faggot KEK

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Okay yeah when he cried after saying the internet made fun of him for "having wangs on his face" I had to stop. YOU BABY BACK BITCH WOULD NOT LAST A DAY IN MY LIFE. Fucking moron.

Quit giving him attention then u fucking degenerate

Oh my god this tread again well this is Onision user.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.01.09 - (1920x1080, 240K)

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.01.08 - (1920x1080, 159K)

It's him making these threads. After I started memeing on him he left the thread and made this one.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.01.08 - (1920x1080, 164K)

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A nigga with half a brain can see he is profiting off of it his freak out videos are getting 300k+ views and all are monetized

No shit Shlock


Ok user you got my attention what are you talking about i’m a little slow try to explain

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Sup Sup Forums?

aw. fuck you.

He tries to get us to defend him by making these b/posts he's been doing it for the past month.

he probably starts these threads between jerking of to loli

because pedophiles are bad boys and that's hot :3

Oh fuck that is hilarious

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Greg is this supposed to be you.

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>"under your age"
you realize he said you were too old, right? please tell me you're not that retarded

so he fucks children. so what?

>>reading comprehension.
he implied that only "old" people think youtube drama is fucking retarded. if that's the case, there are a shitload of people younger than him who are also "too old to be on this site". which means, by definition, that this has nothing to do with age at all--he's just a fucking idiot who doesn't realize that paying attention to youtube drama is not something tween girls do.

he v𝘢lid𝘢ted his own stupidity

If that's the case, you must be too young to be on this site.


We know it’s you posting your shit videos on here to get views and stay relevant, you Shane Dawson wannabe faggot.

what he said

user is correct. Go try and get some children to join Sesesca and then use them as slaves in a harem. That's your style, right Greg?

Everyone knows this is a fake breakdown to get the Ad-Scraps
Only Greg would act like it was real so stop posting these threads about yourself Onionboy

So stop giving him attention. Let him die