Late night cock rate thread anyone?
Late night cock rate thread anyone?
A quick bump
7/10 good size, nice looking balls
Thanks, here's one more
8/10, looks yummy
Average length, nice texture when hard, and definitely suckable. But more suited to fuck an ass than mouth id say.
super suckable 9.5/10
id give it a 10 but i prefer uncut
hot as fuck 8/10
id definitely give at least a handjob. 8/10
Rate me anyone?
Clean your sloppy ass room/10
Your dick looks like it smells bad. Judging by the state of your room i'm right.
Sure heres mine with a bonus. Rate?
Oooo nicee and juicy. id suck you and let you fuck me
Quick bath pic
Post hard?
Got any clearer pictures?
There you go
thanks user, its a nice looking cock. 8/10
Dude we have the same size dick
I like your cock 9/10
Anyone would rate mine?
Yours looks good, 8.5/10 any more pics?
Yeah, this one if you want some more just reply me.
Yeah I'm bumping my rating up to a 9, I'd love to see more
Old pic
9/10 I love these
8.5/10 I wouldn't hesitate to suck it
Nice digits, thanks
8.5/10 real nice
Thanks user
OP how the hell do you take a 7.5 for your dick and give this faggot a 8.5 when your dick is longer, thicker and uncut? what the fuck are you smoking?
Everyone knows only little dick faggot fucks get upset about ratings that are given. So run along babydick
says the guy thats so insecure he has to keep spamming his pathetic jew cock every day in every thread...
Haha I appreciate you defending my dick honor, but it's all personal preference on aesthetics.
what the fuck is aesthetic about that jewish pencil dick exactly?
Lol, imagine being this butthurt over someone’s opinion. I would say please kill yourself and make the world a better place
Best one here solid 9/10
how about you rate mine then? yours is a 6.5, 7 at best.
>Everyone knows only little dick faggot fucks get upset about ratings that are given.
you must be fuming right now then
Is it posted too much? Sure, yeah, I'll definitely agree with you there. But as far it being a pencil dick, I don't really think it's that thin and being cut or uncut doesn't really affect my personal aesthetic evaluation of someone's dick. Would I be cut if it were up to me? No, I think not be circumcised is superior, but that has no bearing on how I view another dick. There are obviously botched cut jobs that certainly detract from a dick, but for the most part, it doesn't really make a difference to me. To each their own I suppose. Cheers!
8.5/10 pretty ideal, maybe too big
you still haven't explained what is aestetic about that dick, "personal preference" is not an explanation
8.5/10 pretty ideal, maybe even too big
Yours looks fucking thick user
8/10 it looks aesthetically good to me. Got any more pics? Maybe soft ones?
Size and length of the shaft along with the size of the balls and overall coloration appeal to me. It's a decent shot is well. Aesthetics are personal preference, so it's pretty much an explanation to me. Here, have this as a peace offering
That's a perfect dick
Same guy was reading under shower half hard one
Thank you very much user, appreciate that.
Found my ex's clothes. Please make fun of my tiny cock
9/10 true chad dick
Lol such a faggot cock must be a cuck
Appreciate you sharing it, how big is it?
would you kiss it though?
Not kissing that shit go back to a cave getting gangrape
Peaks around 7" full mast.
i would do anything to suck you off, that’s one of the best looking dicks i’ve seen in a while
How about soft?
Not sure about that, gonna guesstimate around 3.5". Definitely more of a grower.
No softies sorry
I'd love to watch it harden and grow
8/10 nice look, also a grower, from my exp women love growers it makes them feel more sexy, also my cock is from 3in soft to 7in hard, pic related
can i see your barefeet too please?
wtf spamcock at least take some new pics that are not so blurry/grainy. same group of pics every rate thread from this guy
someone show me some stud barefeet please
Very true. Also, great one user, 8.5/10
Any pics with the head covered?