what's your opinion on hispachan?
What's your opinion on hispachan?
Que deberias volver a tu chan muerto y no salir de ahi, OPuto.
I don't like Spanish people, they can all die.
Que los sudacas no deberían existir.
I liked Bionico more.
brasileiros e portugueses também devem ser bem-vindos
Why do they all speak Mexican in Hispachan?
Make Sup Forums an English-only chan! You got Hispachan, 2ch.hk, 55chan, and 2 channel with their own language only. Let's have our own also for Anglophones, only.
they have to go back
Because they're illegals living in the US that aren't white, but when they're on Sup Forums, they love to pretend to be white so when they get together and the mariachi music starts playing they just flap flap flap
Let's build The Wall and Make Sup Forums Great again!
Stupid redneck
No one wants to be you redneck
Build it maggot
US wasn't even originally white country
lolnada is better.
The Native tribes weren't technologically smart to build borders either. Their loss.
No one invited you all over.
Nada solo pendejos pidiendo packs
spik inglich
Fuck u
fuck u, we speak english here unlike u spics
More strict than regular Sup Forums. All it takes is one ban and you're banned forever. It's gay.
Fuck you and your retarded english
perra negro
No, English is the King of Language. It is the Language of the World and of the Internet and of Business. Our language managed to reach more places thanks to our Great Empire compared to yours which broke down due to lulz. Why are you speaking English then?
Stupid white trash
So retards like you can understan
Stay with your retarded english
Nah, go back to hispachan or other spic chans
Go back to redd it redneck
Es una pagina de contención para imbeciles, devuélvase y aprenda a hablar inglés.
the fuck you said?
FU and your retarded english
All white Sup Forums
Honky chan
Cracker chan
Gringo chan
Trailer chan
What are nazi racists gonna call it? KKKchan.
Build it