why don't you have a gf to dump your cum in and make cute babies with?
Why don't you have a gf to dump your cum in and make cute babies with?
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kids? ew
Because I won’t lower my standards.
I'm ugly and have a terrible personality
Because I wouldn’t leave my family for her so she found a real boyfriend
Because we don't want these pesky little sreaming things ruin our fun together. Therefore we do PIV only with protection.
i hate doing it honestly. my gf has an IUD and insists on me nutting in her. i have to get up and wash my dick and balls in the sink because they get caked with creamed cum.
I do, it's fun but it's just another things to do after a while.
>literally pic related
It isn't just gf, i literally gave up on life.
Already tried an hero (seriously) and i'll try again, i've skills (being them socialize, work, etc.) of a child but in an old wrecked body. Even if i start follow those Disney inspirational quotes fags regurgitate, it would be simply pointless: figuratively would be like joining a race where everyone else has already improved their gears and skills and are way ahead, basically unreachable.
But... let's assume for a second that gf found me, what in the actual fuck i could possibly offer her that a normie couldn't do better? An heavier burden? Jesus fuckin christ, NO. I don't want this, for fuck sake.
I do and she got the birth control arm implant so I get to bust huge loads in her regularly and no kids cuz we are both in our 20's and working on getting better jobs etc
jesus dude you sound like a fag tbh. you hate creampies because your dick gets dirty? come on
because i have a wife and her being pregnant could actually kill her
>boo hoo
What a fucking faggot
I'm ugly as fuck and i also suspect i have schizoid disorder which basically means i dont enjoy any kind of social relationship and i will die alone.
Because my wife would leave me.
I married said gf, we already have two kids.
Getting a vasectomy at the end of the month.
>Getting a vasectomy at the end of the month
nigga u gay, that's part of what makes natural sex hot asf
Gonna cream her up every day.
At least that's the plan...
Wow. You really fucked up.
If you think so.
Because I'm a moron.
lmao it's a pain in the ass my dude. finish in her mouth, no problem it's all good. if you cum in her, you gotta fish for a towel or something to keep nut off the bed, then hop up and wash your dick, unless you want dried cum gluing your pubes and shit together. it's a chore, and i don't gain anything from nutting in her cunt vs in her mouth or anywhere else. if she didn't prefer it i wouldn't do it.
next time you beat off, rub the nut all over your pubes, and then go try and wash it out in the sink. it blows. the shit turns into superglue when wet.
yeah i don't really get the conclusion of "getting ur sperm tubes cut is a bad idea". sure, if you're 17 and you just decide that you are never going to have kids, maybe don't get a vasectomy. maybe wait on that.
if you're like 30, and you've already reproduced, and you sure as fuck don't want any more offspring, go for it. if the situation were reversed, i wouldn't want to have to take birth control pills for like 30 more years until menopause.
Because I have a wife that I've made three babies with.
>he thinks its just HIS cum all over himself when he finishes inside a girl
Hi Virgin
Yeah, i'm 39 and have 2 kids, and i'm fucking sure i won't do THAT again.
So fucking on every ocasion without thinking about protection is fun.
LOL, what a fucking faggot. Why not just fuck a dude and blow into a towel? It's what you want anyway.
like you had any to begin with kek
Don't assume what hasn't been said yet
Can relate
Because im gay.
It's not that great once you've had all the kids you want. Then her body is wrecked and you have to figure out how to dump cum in a saggy, used up mommy without making more kids. Surgery is risky, would rather fap than use a condom, so you end up like me, pounding her in the butt with your eyes closed pretending she's a cute trap just to stay hard. It's worth it for the children I suppose.
Your backed up sperm get into your bloodstream and trigger an immune response. It can fuck you up for life.
how do you propose that happens, friend. what do you think happens if you don't jerk off for like, a week? sperm are destroyed if they are not used, and they are destroyed every single fuckin day. when the pipes are cut, they just don't get sent down the pipes. it's analogous to just never nutting again, for all your testes care.
she left me 6 months before the wedding and now I'm fucking done with women
listen virgin, it's not worth it if she isn't your wife. marry first for legal protection and the increased stability for your children. theres a reason why its mainly white trash and uneducated niggers that have kids pre marriage. ready to know why? it's cause they're fucking stupid.
now go larp up some fucking responsibility next time you wanna larp about your pretend gf.
Literally has never happened, ever. The biggest risk with a vasectomy is the tubes somehow growing back. All the other slight drawbacks are statistically insignificant.
Im 42 and have no kids and no wife. Might as well do it in my case.
Because I have a dog to dump in and don’t have to risk getting pregnant
Troll or gay
Because, in the long run, whores are WAY cheaper :)
fair enough, it can trigger an immune response. i don't see anything linking it to "fucking you up for life". in every case, even the one you're linking, it's testes specific. the link to atherosclerosis is not really explained at all, and seems to be refuted by evidence in more recent papers.
yeah you'd get an immune response, because there's a blood barrier from sperm and the body. if you damage an eye, and the blood barrier is broken, then your immune system will destroy your other eye. the immune response is, however, localized, and in this case, is specific to sperm-- because the barrier is broken.
>n a recent study on the long-term safety of vasectomy, we found no evidence for a long-term alteration of risk of cancer, myocardial infarction, other ischaemic heart disease or stroke in men who had undergone a vasectomy
it is of course, very fucking hard to prove that something does not happen. who knows. maybe we'll discover something later which means that vasectomies are unsafe.
In the statistical noise floor. Stop being such a whiny bitch.