Tell a bigger lie than the poster above you.
(Hard Mode: No politics)
This is a picture of my sister.
Tell a bigger lie than the poster above you.
(Hard Mode: No politics)
This is a picture of my sister.
Other urls found in this thread:
this is the dick of my sister
My sister has a dick that looks like Nissa Geldar.
Nissa Geldar dicked my sister in the ass.
Nissa Geldar broke into my house and took all my medications.
God loves you
God exists.
Nissa Geldar is God.
Most people on this website have had sex
Everything in the old testament is true
Black people are valuable parts of society.
Can't beat that
jews are good people
OP is NOT a faggot.
I'm not the Logposter.
Nissa Geldar started Logposting.
Blacks are people.
Nissa Geldar is a black person.
who was phone?
I was phone
I once had phone sex with Nissa Geldar.
jeffrey epstein killed himself
no it wasnt blown the fuck out.
ill have you know that i have mastered drunken boxing
common sense is common
Common sense solved Quantum Mechanics.
Nissa Geldar killed Jeffrey Epstein.
Bailey Jay was my professor in Quantum Mechanics at USC.
jeffrey epstein killed the radio star
Good thing Nessa Geldar avenged the death ofArt Bell.
Bailey Jay was the voice and dick of Ziggy on Quantum Leap.
Nissa Geldar is Jeffrey Epstein's illegitimate daughter.
We're living in the alternative timeline for what would happen if Dr. Sam Beckett didn't prevent Nissa Geldar from killing Jeffrey Epstein.
"Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white man, our real enemy!...The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans." -sun tzu
my poop smells nice
Nissa Geldar's poop smells nicer. (Actually that might not be a lie)
most definately not a lie
but hey ...
aliens visited us and just decided we were too dumb for them to contact
I'm actually Nissa Geldar and I started this thread to try and restart my acting career because my career is in the shitter ever since I stopped being Tom Cruze's beard so I was hoping one of you could come up with a lie about me that was really cool and I could slip it to the tabloids.
By tomorrow evening Q-user theorists will believe that Nissa Geldar killed Jeffrey Epstein on orders of the Church of Scientology to prevent Epstein from testifying about Tom Cruise and other top Scientologists visiting his pedo island.
>Nissa Geldar
who is that?
Nissa Geldar
is a conspirator of the now known child sex ring
she is one of the so called "gatherers"
lowest rank of the cult
they talk up the individuals and lure them into captivity
sources state that she would have lured around ~50 girls for the cult.
In this thread Nissa Geldar pretends she doesn't know who she is.
Nissa Geldar doesn't exist but one Sup Forumstard made up a lie about her that another Sup Forumstard incorporated into his lie and so that was enough for Sup Forumstards in their infinite autism to see a pattern and jump on the bandwagon not really knowing why they were doing it but feeling compelled to do so anyways.
I can't read.
OP is not a faggot.
>Are you fucking deaf too?!
the universe is actually a big potatoe
>because potato does not exist in my universe, I can only dream of reading about something as beautiful as a potato, let alone letting the blood of it run in my veins.
Am Potato Apostate
I don't want to neck myself
Jews absolutely hate money
THE poster above you. Not ANY post above you, you selective cunt nugget.
>I'm totally not same-fagging myself
*touches dick*
Nissa Geldar invented the potato.
the potatoe is a symbol for the mind-controlling instance the fbi/cia/kgb/bnd etc put in place to control the masses
The potato is the quantum sentience that permeates all existence and presents both OP, Nissa Geldar, and above poster to themselves so they may ascend to their rightful place by God's side.
>Pic related: The Potato's Final Form
Nissa Geldar is an anagramme of arsed signal.
Morals are not a social construct.
scott Morrison stole potatoes for that chicks MLM.
scomo blows a homeless guy tomorrow with tears of pure bliss on his face during live a broadcast to make up for shaking that woman's hand.
>u know the 1
Scomo has an IQ higher than 80
How the fuck is that a BIGGER lie? Or are you saying that everyone with an I.Q. over 80 is going to do the exact same thing one day?
>Instantly drinks metho to reduce his I.Q. to sub-potato intellect levels, restores time and waves at all the pretty light particles zooming past him.
Traps are not gay
I am Solivagus, a black/blue planeswalker never recorded for I am he that gifts to all that require their plan to never be thwarted.
>I only make Green Daughters, I bare no sons or fathers.
I tap Sup Forums for unlimited 5-color mana and cast pic related with my library being the whole internet, including Sup Forums, since the first public online database was created up until this post's timestamp.
>Starts to sift through all cards in hand to decide what to cast next.
everything on Sup Forums is true
The targeted/above poster is truth personified.
this is not the hypnotoad you are looking for
I have not eaten my own poop