The Onision Witchhunt. biggest outrage in our generation how can we let this happened to this innocent man everything posted about him is 100% untrue he is being harassed and victimized unfairly we need to clear his name once and for all
The Onision Witchhunt...
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Baby carrot teehee
I agree because of these false accusations his whole world is being torn upside down we need to help him totally
Greg everyone on this board hates you. Fuck off already.
How are you today, Greg?
Your bait is like all your other bait, terrible.
How can you make a joke when Onision is going through a complete mental break down he needs our help
Onision is a textbook narcissist, and as such he is dangerous. We must kill him.
I don't know who the fuck that little fairy is or what has happened to ruin his life but I know this is the wrong place to ask for help.
Is there any evidence against him? I know he said some questionable things, but they weren't technically incriminating.
I've seen his vids and no one deserves all of this hatred.
Fuck you pussy. Onision has done nothing but give to charities and to help people on his YouTube channel there isn’t one ounce of selfishness in his heart
>How can you make a joke when Onision is going through a complete mental break
Again? So what? I figure as soon as one of his victims gets old enough they will press charges anyways.
If you are Onision, you're not a bad guy.
Probably just some neckbeard who wants to be funny.
But then again, Onision really is that wack, so who knows
Remember when he was whining about having to pay alimony? Funny shit. I think being able to watch the mess that is the mind of a sociopath unfettered and uncensored. This will be used as case study material in some future psychiatry curriculum.
Get some rest Greg its past your bedtime
That little fairy will totally make out with you if you buy him crack.
Your husband is gonna get mad that you are up this late onion boy
Onision Just post a recent video you could see that he’s going through a tough time we need to show our support and stop people from trashing him
I watched that video where this hot dyke read his whole book.
Pretty sure he's actually retarded
fuck this faggot
>unfettered and uncensored is amazing
On my phone tard posting
Onision making these threads third one tonight. He fucking gay.
When this fuck finally gets lock up I hope his celly his the biggest dicked nigger they have.
kekd, tnx
Whatever you do do not watch the video. There is ransomwear imbedded in it. He needs money.
It continues
Post the nudes onion
This shit will just go on
I'm not even a fan. I'm just jelly. xD
Why because I want to take a nap. I need other user to know the truth
The truth is Onision did nothing wrong.
Greg blowing him self on Sup Forums
fuck you greg i hope you have a bad time right now in love 18+ user
Wow I feel bad for the guy I don’t think he’s all there does anybody know how we could donate some money to this poor guy ?
greg is a child groomer and abuser how the fuck "did the nothing wrong"?
Onision trying to cry
he doesn't deserve any kind of money or help fuck off greg
You're talking to onision
Cause it's funny. Don't you know, we're not gonna ever post this thread to youtube? Like didn't you know this before you posted here Onision?
Hope you enjoy ass-rape onion boy.
Yeah he can't spell worth shit
Awwwww. Poor millennial. I can’t wait to see his suicide vid.
He should just do a few more hot female fans before he doesn't have any.
"child groomer"
Above the aoc isn't child.
Also waiting until they're legal isn't grooming.
Maybe if your idea of child was like 12 or 14 or something and not 16-18...
I wouldn't know.
I likely have Sjorgen's and haven't had proper eye lubrication in a couple decades?
Not wrong, I mean he's been rich and hot for at least a decade now?
Where? I wanna ask him how to make it look like I have thicker hair without hair transplants since I can't afford them... :(
this chick is an uggo feminist.
Correct, dude is prettyboy and illiterate.
me too. I hope he lives stream it.
Trips. Is he bi?
Hi Grag, I see your back
Is he a millennial? He's 34 years old...
Hah, innocent
Nice bait, retard, noone actually gives a shit
Oh Greggy-pooh! Still haven't learnt have you?
Onision On YouTube is one of the best on the Internet he is extremely funny and entertaining YouTube will not be the same without him all of these false accusations is only hurting his fans who support him seriously anons we need to rally behind him and show our support
Yes he is getting fucked in the butt by the social retard guy.
No. Millenials are not over 30 years old. Boomers are.
report his crying vids for sexual content with a minor
Greg can you please stop jacking yourself off.
Shut up Greg. All your best videos you takedown. Wheres your pig fucker video where you were about to fuck a pig then 9/11 happen that's gone. all your fire content is gone you faggit.
Can someone go ahead and kill this guy?
"boomer" vs "millennial"
uh... except I am a millennial and I can tell you some are over thirty, moron.
Boomer is a meme.
Actual boomers were like, born in what? The late 50s?
Well I mean, if he cant' get a hot female fan to do it?
And again fuck off greg. psycho pedophile.
He is hot and rich? roflmao are u blind and into broke dudes?
It must be hard for you being that retarded every day.
LOL 1.) Pedo means child
16 and up is pretty much physiologically adult in all but the most delayed of adolescence.
2.) He was never shown to do anyone under the AOC in his state.
Get a grip you sad moralfag.
Onion Boy, I truly hope you die.
Ok, boomer. Literally noone asked for your input, asshole
Fucking cringy onision trying to get fans on Sup Forums is pathetic. Saged. I keep forgetting to sage every post so these threads will die.
What wrong can find a girl under the age of 12 thats will to touch your old man dick?
#me too
there is evidence for some under 16 girls but whatever greg. stfu. go die alone and sad onion boi. cry like a baby and pls dont get turned on by this you sick fuck
Lmfaol look who tf is talking. I bet youre a 40 y.o virgin with a 1 inch penis.
Sound about right
Greg really out here arguing with people on Sup Forums
What a creepy-looking freak. I can actually see him tearing up in front of a judge, begging for leniency.
:The best you've got is an already old meme?
Man, get better material.
ROFL I'm not a fan, I'm jealous of his good genetics and ability to make a fortune from JewTubez and fuck hot barely legals.
Big difference.
Did he do this? Do you have objective evidence?
Also stop saying "you". I don't want anyone under 18 near my dick.
Now the moment they're midnight on their 18th birthday? Please, come suck me bby.
Y'all are delusional if you think that dude is here.
For what? Did some chick entrap him and lie about her age (perjury btw).
Creepy looking pedo.
Suicide is you're only option now you wont make it in jail
well he destroyed his youtube and twitter rep so he's trying now to win fans or some positive things as user on Sup Forums kind of funny and sad at the same time lol
>hot dyke
that's an oxymoron; fags are only hot when they're on fire, which is ironic since they're flamers lol fuck gays
Absolute best video on YouTube Onision is a comedy genius
kinda hyprocritical statement dude. greg you should give up already lmao.
fucking child groomer
Onion is one of the absolute stupidest motherfuckers to have ever walked the face of the earth. I love knowing that his rapist ass will die alone.
Im just gonna leave this here
He’s the type of douche who people just want to target. He still can reel it in and maybe, grow the fuck up? Or, piss someone off either with someone’s daughter and end up deep in the woods or other financial or legal shit and end up swallowing Tyrones jizz.
Post your wife's tits or gtfo idiot.
Yeah, you just send 4chaner into loops this is how you get people to fucking hate you Greg not like you. Adopting a child and then fucking then as their father is monsters. I don't care how edgy of mean you are. I don't like a pedo. I don't like you, Greg. You hurt people and don't care. So I can only hope you get hurt legally. Saged
Yep. I kinda feel bad for him but also want him to suffer. Pathetic 14 yo girls wooing over this fag.
she's a flat chested woman (yes woman not that stupid ass trans thing she's switching like her partners lol)
and there are nudes she sent to a minor, you can find those in the net lmao
That’s absolute bullshit they were no nudes ever sent out to minors you’re making up lies
Do you think Onion fucks his kids?
ROFL you guys are gullible as fuck if you think he's here.
not an oxymoron, some lipstick lesbos/bidykes are hot (Cara Delevigne anyone? - or like... Anne Heche back in the early 2000s - she did have like perfect titties and shit lol)
LOL Hi, I'm not Greg and you're a gullible retard. I'm not even in the same timezone.
Above the AOC in X state = not pedo statutorily.
Biologically above, say 16 = not pedo, or well what you call pedo anyway.
For a guy you wanna forget you're sure bumping threads about him LOL
B is a river of piss with people pissing into it.
You're so naive.
Who the fuck adopted a "child" and fucked them exactly? I missed this.
Again actual child, not stepchild that is of age of consent (which, there's nothing wrong with...)
Oh, I like flat chested 18+ chicks. Just as long as they've got nice shaved/waxed vaginas.
Pix or gtfo.
>ROFL I'm not a fan, I'm jealous of his good genetics
Do you mean the gene that makes it so you can't eat meat without getting acne? Because yeah those are real fucked genes. I remember watching you 10 years ago talk about this. Nothing to be jealous over there.
I mean the great hair at 35, and abs despite leading a rather sedentary lifestyle it would seem? He seems rather muscular.
I could eat like a horse or starve myself silly and NEITHER would help.