Is there any way to tell if a girl has an innie or outie, by the look on her body or how she acting?

is there any way to tell if a girl has an innie or outie, by the look on her body or how she acting?

is innies more slutty?
what's more common, innies or outies? what do you prefer? do you even care?

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my experiance has taught me (correct me if i'm wrong):

seem to be a bit less sensitive
are crazier

very sensitive -> oral rocks

both no sign of telling from outside/with clothes on

i prefer innies but have outie gf (feelsbadman.jpg)

outies are more slutty... theyve been abused by hundreds of black cocks... like 28 for example, shed fuck 10 inch black cocks daily, nasty slut....most likely infected with AIDS as a result... gimme an perfect little innie anyday.


how come all pornstars have innies?


how did you react first time you seen your gf pussy?

ehhm no

who the fuck knows... miracle of god.

thanks im not english

i've met 2 virgins who both looked like 15

well i think it has something to do with the sensitivity
but they seem to be more comfortable with rougher sex (slapping the pussy and stuff)
aaand they seem more open/confident as if they know it's prefered (not necessarily true) or summin

>how did you react first time you seen your gf pussy?
didn't care much
was surprised cuz i just imagined otherwise but not distuged or anything

selection of favourism

most outie pornstars arent as succssful bc innies are prefered

Holy shit, this is the dumbest thing I've read for ages. The answer to your first two questions are: NO and NO.
Pussies are just like dicks. If you have a curvy dick are you more slutty? Can you tell if anyone has a curvy dick?

This is completely random.

Why are vaginas so nasty? I'll stick to the perfect innies of my 2d lolis.

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ugh ... here it goes down the drain again .. fuckin' shit weebs ...

>as if they know it's prefered

in my experience almost no girls even reflect about if they have innie or outie, but i was with one girl with a very small innie and she liked to joke about being a small kid. it was hot

How slutty they are is psychological and has nothing to do with their pussies being innie or outie.

How ever in my experience innies are more clit sensitive and outies more like, over all sensitive.
This is anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt.

there is no sign
from my experinece it's 40 / 60 for outies.
visually innie is better but it's more fun to eat the outie, AS for penetration there is no difference.
turbo virgin
have you ever seen porn? it's diverse as fuck.

Grow up

Innies and outies don't matter. I prefer outies. Here are some tips.
> Outies =/= milage
> Outies can be an indication of testosterone levels during puberty
> Higher testosterone levels often indicate a higher sex drive
> Innies can be uncomfortable with stubble (without the soft skin surrounding the vagina, the larger labia majora can feel like sandpaper on your dick)
> Both Innies & Outies can be sluts or prudes
> A girl's mind is her most powerful sex organ

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