What are your craziest or counterinutiive solutions for big problems. Examples
>banning all handshakes to stop the spread of disease
>Reduce an hero by train by installing calming blue mood lights at train platforms
>Phone Jammers at pedestrian crossings so people actually watch the road when crossing
>To reduce the prison population, give non-serious convicted criminals the choice of a jail sentence or a flogging. Opting into corporal punishment isn't cruel or unusual, but still a effective deterrent.
>The guy from Twilight once took a stalker out to dinner, and bitched and moaned about his life for 2 hours, and she never stalked him again
>Sell more toothpaste by making the hole at the nozzle bigger, so people pour more
Can you come up with some crazy solutions that might just work?
What are your craziest or counterinutiive solutions for big problems. Examples
killing 6 million jews
Yawn. Firstly that's an old idea, not crazy or original. But you also left out how? What's your crazy means of doing it?
Another example would be solving the overpopulation, energy crises, housing shortage, and feeding problems by simply making humans smaller so they occupy less space and need less calories.
Unfortunately this would make every man a manlet, but they can't all be winners.
Feeding non recyclable plastic to rapists and murderers in small doses and then feeding their bodies to other rapists and murderers.
Anyone illegal immigrant can earn their citizenship by serving in the front lines of the military as canon fodder.
Freezing the 1% assets and forcing them to pay more into taxes and some sweet ass technology.
Eugenics to boost happiness.
Launch a giant satellite with a big magnet and start collecting all the debris around earth's atmosphere. Once the mega space trash ball is complete, redirect it to slam into Israel at 6 gorillion mph. 2 niggers 1 trash ball
these are good starts. Especially the citizenship one.
keep 'em coming.
Want to go into more detail about the 'crazy' part.
Note: crazy doesn't mean "unpopular" or "le edgy" it should be something that doesn't sound sane, but still might be very effective.
Now that's crazy! Crazy like a fox!
Disease isn't spread like that.. Disease is about what food is inside the body, for the microbes will proliferate where there is food to eat, and some food produces nice bacteria and some makes you into a bitch.
This is a crazy idea that might just work thread, not a "acktually the transmission of pathogens isn't through the dermatological medium but propagated through microbiotics in the intestinal tract..." thread.
What's your bonkers but genius idea?
>deporting all jews to concentration camps to stop the spread of worldwide poverty
kill all people above 50 and nuke shitholes lyke syria, africa etc. then abandon all states and countries, unify under one banner and start focusing on the real issues
-global warming
-space programs
-unified educational systems
>crazy solutions
>just a bunch of super authoritian bullshit
Im not giving you amy more of that ideas statist cuck
>fire every cop, as they all became cops for the wrong reasons, and instead use a lottery to choose cops for a month or so to reduce misuse of authority, police violence and corpsgeist
the first 5 words
solves all the word..
no wait, world's problems
:D: E: F:FE: :G: G: :H :I J
What's a smarter or crazier way of killing them? Maybe a way that they do it themselves?
How are the stalker one and the toothpaste one statist bullshit?
But good idea with the lottery
>How are the stalker one and the toothpaste one statist bullshit?
Didn't even read that far
The stalker one is good
The toothpaste one, like everything marketingpeople come up with, is fucking retarded and every marketing person should be killed to reduce environmental damage
>What's a smarter or crazier way of killing them?
Modify some virus or bacteria genetically to target only people with regional genetic markers
I think this is how the third world war will start anyways, and we will only know it started when it already ended
cool theories, but most of those things wont actually solve the problem, and one is just a story
handshakes dont matter when disease is in the air and on every surface
i dont know enough about color and brain science to talk about that one
unless you disable the phone completely, all you would do is kill a call in progress, and im not sure this is even a problem that needs to be solved
to reduce prison population, stop making it a for-profit business, most people don't make as much as a single prisoner is worth
cool starry bra
amount of toothpaste doesn't matter, frequency of brushing matters
>conscript cops
do you even think before you post that shit
No no no, what are YOUR ideas? Not debunking vague unchecked examples
A diet where you can only eat things produced by your own body
hmm well i'd assume a lot of people above 50 wouldn't want to kill themselfes so one would have to interfere
uff got me there i'll think of something give me some minutes
Take all from the richest 1%
Give All to the 50% poorest of mankind.
Problem solved
What problem will this solve? but I like the direction you're going in.
Take your time.
What crazy means would you have to taking that wealth from them, or better yet how would you incentivize them to hand it over?
Everything is better than professional pigs
Tbh i would favor self justice over any kind of cops, but it makes sense to have people dedicated to solving crime
>focus on global warming
I really hope that was a joke to fit the narrative of the thread
*Replace all teachers and high school school system with basically a Pokemon GO game on campauses where answering maths and analytical English questions is part of the catch. Basically incentivises learning by turning it into a giant skinner box.
*Solve homelessness by arresting homeless people on sight and putting them to work in domicle building chain gangs, they get the option of either living in one of the houses they build or getting a reduced amount of backpay.
*Solve obsesity epidemic by enshrining in law the requirement that all consumer electronics must come attatched to their own power-generating treadmills. While this may cause a temporary uptick in coronary heart failures, the long term health effects will more than make up for the short term stress on the system
*End filter bubbles by giving people 'points' that probably don't actaully do anything but are viewable on profiles everytime they see an article that is algorithmically determined to be outside of their interests but they refrain from commenting. People like badges, it'll incentivize not being triggered and disincentivize fake news. Might even work better if they get an angry face on their profile, or next to their name the more they comment.
Nuking the islands of trash floating in the oceans.
what are YOU
> Reduce hero
> By blue light
I don't think thats effective. Blue is literally the Color of sadness and depression.
A human on planet earth, under the age of 40, over the age of 18, frequently online. Inquisitive.
That's what are ME.
So you fight rabies just by eating salad and then you don't die?
yeah well maybe not nuke but eradicate everyone in these areas, better?
Yeahr just nuke a few dozen countries than we can spend time for the important things like nuclear radiation killing everyone on the planet. Kek you fucking faggot.
> nuke shitholes
okay yes nuking would be bad
blablabla just see it as "getting rid of the population there in any way"
>kill all people above 50
since they won't do it themselfes, put them into work-camps to build shelter and renovate everything and let them die of exhaustion or even give a free pass to everyone to kill everyone over 50 (date from and until would be strictly set), people TURNING 50 excluded
this would also result in some people be able to experience killing without having to go to war
Pretty decent ideas in theory, a little tweaking and id go for it
we solve the financial inequality by forcing all trade of money to take place on a global market that can be accessed by everyone equally, preventing inheritance of wealth and gifts.
everyone will only own what they earned themselves aside from maybe the bare minimum provided from the state for people unable to work (not including luxury goods).
You want to turn your parents into a work camp or getting killed?
The original post and yours is just mental shit
If every human on planet would work and just for benefit and not for rich it would be no problem to have an 3x6h work day
are you talking about working 18 hours per day or working 3 days of 6 hours per week?
How do you think we could implement it?
Most people are like that
The jews found a work around
They systematically make everything more expensive by keeping your salary low while eveytging around you goes up in price
It is literally more expensive to live (buy bread, pay rent, etc) than it was for your forefathers.
But dont forget 6 gorillions
Eliminate all political parties thus stopping tribalism.
>Or create several new ones thus watering down the current two.
that's what they do with corporate monopolies, they should do it with political duopolies
>that's what they do with corporate monopolies
Have you heard of Disney or Amazon?
Solar power to stop climate change. Nuclear bois all the way
Just decimate the middle east with bombs and nukes and all of it. And restart
Evacuate Australia, burn it all to the ground, then repopulate with no chance of further fires.
Second. Got disturbed.
Beat all Sup Forums incels to a bloody chunky mess of their own feces
Ovens, gas chambers and perhaps insufficient supply lines
>nuke shitholes
I was expecting you'd say something like poisoning hannukah candles, or bombing a barbra steisand concert. Except, less comedic and smarter
Replace the mail system with a request-only series of pneumatic tubes. Then nobody could send me junkmail.
Require every citizen to own a gun. Darwin will take care of the rest.
gladiatorial death matches should be legal, and televised. if people choose to fight to the death in a no-holds-barred arena, then they should be allowed to do so, and people would pay to watch it.
>Ovens, gas chambers and perhaps insufficient supply lines
believing any of this jew shill shit even happened, you must be new here
Flying helicopters of dirt to put out forest fires. Smother dose sumbitiches...
yeah but I mean do you want some poor 18 year old who fucked a 17 year old whos dad got pissed to get fucked by this law?
Sterilize people permanently and pay them $100 for it.