Sup Forums help!!! wtf is wrong with my PC!

Sup Forums help!!! wtf is wrong with my PC!

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IT fag here. Am I just high af or does that actually say 22.33 GHz?

Are you sure that your CPU doesn't have turbo boost?

What CPU is in your machine?


yes it does acutally say 22.33 ghz
it keep jumping between 8 and 25ghz
proc is 8th gen intel i7

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Did you try turning it off and back on again?

yeah now it at 16 wth

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Doctorfag here
Have you tried turning it off and on?

>Windows 10
Suffer you stupid faggot

did you buy it from a " reputable" chinese seller online?

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lol get out macfag
or ubunoob
linuxbitch idc

One point twenty one jigga watts?!?

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its a brand new lg gram just got it from xmas.

There's only one way to fix this OP. You have to ditch Windows, completely format your hard drive and install a proper Operating System

Just delete windows.exe

Whats a proper OS user?

Arch Linux

Windows 7 pro, you autistic NIGGER

Any GNU/Linux distribution you're comfortable with

why is that proper ? so he can use gimp insted of photoshop.
and not be able to run games ? or did you just say that to sound like a "hard core nerd"

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get a load of this fucking verry original joker. HAHAHAHAHA SO ORIGINAL

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XP was best you fuck

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Because it works, it is rolling release and PC gaming is for manchildern. Just play on a console with your wife and kids. GIMP is fine for producing dank memes.

Having a free, never have to be "upgraded" bloat free and streamlined OS that makes superior use of system resources vs. I can play the latest AAA SJW tainted tranny cluster fuck. Enjoy microtransactions and your women in Doom.

this is not physically possible. either you have a fucked up motherboard or you got some stupid hacked CPU from alibaba that isn't even what it reports to be.

install speccy and show us what it reports.

u gey

No I'm a almost 40yo hard core nerd. But I grew up using a command line instead of your point and click color between the lines crap (which linux can be setup for if you decide to not learn how stuff actually works).

You have to delete system 32. A well known virus that causes those glitches.

no one asked.
u gey.

it took over 5 minutes to open the task manager i don't think I'm going to be able to install speccy any time soon.

> PC gaming is for manchildern

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literally shaking

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Your resource manager is a boomer and thinks a quad core quadruples the clock count.

You would better blowing money on one of those pedo dolls to fuck.

try taking it out and blowing in it, hold base while you put it back in

50yo server boomer here, install OpenBSD

I don't understand could you take another picture of it

Looks like a layer 8 error to me.

>Just play on a console with your wife and kids

fuckin lame

try holding down shift while you push the power icon to shut down to disable quick boot

For a full feature Desktop Linux OS you'll want Linux Mint. You'll have the least amount of fucking around with shit out of the box. Any others will have more to do to get what you want out of it. They're all basically "good", and all will require "work", but it's not rough. Mint and Ubuntu help in general is pretty vast as well. You got the power to run it and more. Any BSD variant will be a learning curve you're not ready for. If you're super dicked and really want to keep Windows just get Windows 7 and deal with it. You'll get as much comparability as you deserve sticking with Microsoft with the least amount of suckage.

> 30+ years in Computers, since c64, DOS, since early Linux (Slackware), and all main 3 BSD variant user.

*compatibility, not comparability

install warcraft 2 on it

Is there some other alarming behavior other than a number in the performance monitor?
>Close window.
>Problem solved.

>Because it works

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Win7's EOL was this month and some newer machines actually can't even run it anymore
>I work in Desktop support. It's my fucking job

Anyone remotely tech illiterate knows a very simple statement
>EOL means fuck all
There are people still shitposting here today from XP and 2000 without issue.
In less neutral terms, shut the fuck up you larping r/buildapc retarded nigger, kill yourself after you bother to use google for even an iota of time to vaguely research the dumb shit you spout.

I just read somewhere you can install windows 10 without a key and they just prompt you to buy one and replace your wallpaper :o

Disable CPU throttling or give rhe beast some work to do and re-check.

put a dildo on your ass and pee on it


a windows 10 key costs 5 bucks. who fucking cares?

Well this works too

I can see sys 32 from a mile away. Definitely your problem

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because $95 is a lot asshole

use amd cpu always



>One little part of the system is messing up displaying one part
>Fuck it, delete everything and install a whole new fucking operating system
What the fuck is happening here

i'm getting one of these on friday. my buddy wanted to just give it to me for FREE. he has too much money and felt like being generous. i told him i have to give him at least 200. this is the price new. it doesn't come with drive or ram. the one i'm getting has a nice m.2 500gb ssd and 32gb of dd4 ram. it's really worth 900 new and at least 200 now. it can do QSV compression. i have an ssd of the other sort, but also an adapter to fit the m.2 slot. i should be able to have it up in a minute. it has two m.2 slots.

intel is the shit. i'm currently ripping "the sopranos" bluray discs. i take them into format factory to compress further down to h264. it can use the QSV in intel chipsets. it's like 20x as fast to compress video. it's scary fast.

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you have the system32 virus

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look at all my beautiful threads

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Try to keep your CPU warm. Find any drafts that may be hitting it and eliminate them. And stop checking that monitor all of the time. You'll be right as rain.

It's Gigawatts you stupid fucking faggot.

no bro, it's nigga watts

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Delete system 32 user

Come smell my infected jock itch nuts.

download open hardware monitor

I get enough pussy, but thsnks.


you need to put $3 into the usb

How dare you!!

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