What was his legs' problem?

What was his legs' problem?

Hmm, Could be a lot of things. My first guess was that the dead skin build up on his legs were acquiring fungal rot... but he doesn't look like he's not being cleaned. could it be... hyper developed bed sores? could the white substance be some kind of medication to prevent infection?

At any rate, I'm on a diet and this has sure helped.

I can't even fathom the mindset it takes to let yourself go like that. I'm a lazy fuck and I'm under weight.

They were so upset that they had to be attached to this fat fuck that they tried to kill themselves but somehow he kept them alive by eating so much.


Rotting flesh.

I don't understand how the body, in this current state, thinks holding onto more fat is a good idea. Almost like there should be some genetic switch that flips when you can't walk anymore that tells your digestive system to just poop all that stuff out

Me too.
All of this fucking fat threads are keeping me from eating shit.

it's likely people never got this big in the time periods when we were evolving so there is no evolutionary "plan" for it

I have an urge to shoot him in the face. But then I feel bad about the people responsible for cleaning up this mess.

because 99% of human life we haven't had this kind of excess of food, guess nature didn't expect automatization

That's the really scary part, though. We're still evolving, And some of these really fat people even have kids. I live in Virginia, man, and sometimes I wonder if my home town has more rascal scooters than bicycles. Those genes aren't stopping when they have heart attacks at 40.

It's something with the lymphodes someone please jog my. Memory

I think the fat is tearing through his skin.

because the body isnt conscious

thats like expecting a tap to know when a bath is full and turn itself off


They should dump him into a lion exhibit and see what happens.

that shit is like zombie filet mignon

I'm wondering the same thing, why do they all have legs that look like this?

God damn that's nasty.

they're obese pieces of shit that lay in a bed all day long. Along with all the conditions obesity causes, they get bed sores and shit.

>We're still evolving

Pretty sure we put a stop to that by forcing our environment to adapt to us (housing, clothes, medicine, etc) rather than the other way around.

either way, you can't stop evolution. We're still evolving, just not in what people would consider a good way.

But that's wrong retard

Evolution doesn't stop, user. That being said, there are 7 billion of us and the good genes do survive and will come back if there's the need for them.


nothing edgy about what I said.

Lion dies of heart disease.

The white stuff is baby powder. Lisa puts it on him

Cellulitis, which is an infection of the skin. I had it one time and I'm in decent shape an it hurt like a mother fucker. If a small area involved with a normal sized person required massive doses of antibiotics and pain meds, imagine how it must feel for someone as big as he is.

Also he's got Lymphedema which is a collection of fluids (blood and lymph mostly). This causes the skin to swell become tight, and split. Never had it, but I understand it's very painful. With that comes the dermatitis which is the dry, cracked, dark yellow skin, and the drainage.

He also most likely has skin breakdowns, various sores and fungal infections under his fat folds. The White stuff is probably zinc oxide or silverdine, which is used to treat such things, and help keep the skin dry.

"My Laigs!!!" isn't just a meme, he's most likely in agony.