the nigger and race traitor are leaving lmao
The nigger and race traitor are leaving lmao
She looks like a quadroon at worst.
British literally BTFO
consider ending your life, you stupid nazi fuck!
you´d do humanity a favour.
Yerr ancestors
good riddance. all I hope is that they financially fall off a cliff and that nigger then asks for divorce and money from the royal family - inkeeping with her nigger roots.
they're not fucking going, they're just trying to have it all their own way. They want to make out like theyre so progressive, but they've already said they're keeping the multi-million pound house, will use public money for some travel, and still accepting the security detail. They're just self-entitled fucks like the rest of the Royals, only they suck even worse at trying to hide that fact.
He is a natural cuck. They killed his mother and they he pretends nothing happened. Not that she didn’t have it coming. Good riddance like mother like son in the shitskin loving department.
haahah she busting it down! I bet a no royal had some real ass before. The whole monarchy gonna want some big black ass after this.
ya a nigger.
good for them, GTFO out of that royal mess while they can.
he's finally accepting Chaz is not his father and Phil killed his mother
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
At least they are getting the fuck out, but if they are so progressive, why not Africa?
Africa's got enough problems
>imagine caring about royals in any context whatsoever
Brits are such cucks lmao
I'm Canadian and we don't have a fucking bit of sovereignty. The attorney general reports to the QUEEN in Englad and the Prime Minister of Canada does nothing without the Attourney General.
If I had my way, I'd have the attorney general FIRED. Back in the day they would hang.
And our Charter of Rights is a joke.
Section 33 the notwithstanding clause means all power is given to us on the direction of the Queen. Meaning
Commonwealth is a pretty way of saying "i have 40 trillion in public and private wealth by invading countries". I want the 2nd amendment.
These clowns come to Canada and I'll fake a book signing and tell them exactly this. Can't wait.
Nigger and ginger.
Makes sense. But why would they come and live here in America. They should fuck off to Australia or south Africa.
Lol no it doesn't.
Leaving the shithole ruled by Muslims. Listen America socks for everyone without money they'll have a whale of a time here. And avoid the inevitable storming of the palace be screaming angry sand niggers when the Muslim revolution conquers England . Fuck the Queen
Watch your mouth peasant .
Canada is a pussy nation of limp wrist panty waists and dirty lazy red Indians.
As a frog i cant understand how the brits keep accepting this shit. Those people are just leeching the commoners while having 0 talent.
>inb4 every democracy is run by oligarch and is just monarchy with extra steps
>Still Believing in Royal Authority
Yeah I read this as a sook and a bit of a spoilt brat chomp on the hand that feeds.
Reality always smacks the spare to the heir in there 30s and normally they just quietly 'retire' to some fucking awesome country house to snort cocaine and drink far too many french reds... while the real bloodline gets on with being the royal family. This is why the Queen didn't like nigger tits, she wanted the fame and you don't really get that with fringe royals. He should have just kept rotating Estonian supermodels every month and being all eccentric.. and everyone would have been pleased as punch... but noooo. High maintenance nigger with delusions of being actual important royalty.
Fuck off and take the american with you. Idiot.
You got a point though it's bizarre how hard the fog breathers hang onto the monarchy.
>race traitor
Don't you love Sup Forums, where you can use words you're scared to say at your workplace?
Anyway, please explain what's a Race Traitor, because I know your dad is of Scottish ancestry and your Mom is basically English, so is that treason>
Your dream girl is sucking off pakis right now. Britcuck btfo
we wuz kings
Leaving? We in america you british cuck. Spent a week in London, what a stinky, muslim, rude immigrant filled place. Fix your teeth, public racism and that god awful accent first before worrying about other people, you paled face asshole
Who gives a shit. The royal party army faggot found a nigress who squats on his cock. Good for him.
That half-caste bitch offends my Queen. Piss off to Canada, then, James Hewitt's ginger knob of a son and take that negroid wife of yours with you. Good riddance!
>12yo wasting trips like that
>paled face
666 trips make it true. Also 12 year olds have better things to do like play fortnite and make tik toks assholw
Let that nerd do all the work for the next sixty years. Its a smart fuckin move.
If you believe the media the royal family brings in more revenue from tourism than they cost the average tax payer.
So the want all the benefits without any of the responsibility? Sounds like good ol' American niggerizm to me.
>gets quads
>doesn't bother to say nigger
>such a waste
I lost hard in a non ylyl thread
very well done Sup Forumsrother
My take on this: The nigger bitch got this poor kid all twisted around that pussy. SHE is the one that cracked him away from the rest of his family because that is all she knows - bitch didn't even invite her white dad to her wedding, and feuds with her sister.
I like the kid, but he is trying too hard to make this succubus happy to realize that keeping the "Royal Duties" will ensure that his kid winds up rich too. Once you become a father, your sole duty isn't to the cunt who made it for you, it is to your child, and to ensure that they have whatever advantages you can provide them in their lives.
Harry dun fucked up. He isn't the first dude who blew it all because of some cooz.