Can I get some honest advice from femanons on why girls don't approach me? Am I ugly?

Can I get some honest advice from femanons on why girls don't approach me? Am I ugly?

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>lose weight
>get a bigger neck
You'd be amazed by how much these would work basically just start lifting hahaha

you look like twomad's step cousin

face is too handsome
smile is too genuine
hair is too fun

girls see your spirit and know they can't bring it down, no matter what they do. They could break your heart and you'd still find the motivation to keep your head up and bring good to the world

wow, whoresome

Wow, thank you!


I can't even tell if you're male or female

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>Can I get some honest advice from femanons on why girls don't approach me? Am I ugly?
You ain't got the sauce little nigga. Go study up on Gucci Mane and wipe that dirty ass smile from your face.

>girls don't approach me
They expect you to approach them, genius.

You gotta be hotter than that for girls to approach

No need to be an ass.

They think your gonna mug them nig nog

women know us niggas want pussy that's why the exchange rate for approaching males has diminished. The market isn't what you think it is.. young nigga.

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Y'all must've forgot about the Global Pussy Crisis.. shit went hella dumb

am femanon

i think you look alright, but i probably wouldn't approach you.
you're not ugly, i just don't usually approach people first.
if you were to approach me though, i wouldn't turn you away based on looks alone.

don't give up. try to be a little more confident and make your moves first.

I need a hobby like everybody else.

>am femanon

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You look like too much of a fucknigger

if this lil nigga found the sauce he would be pimping hoes TONIGHT.

Attached: gucci.jr.jpg (225x225, 4K)


ThErE's nO GiRlS oN tHe InTeRnEt
fucking loser

Thank you so much! I will make the first moves!


>respectable-looking black guy starts thread
>niggers start dragging him down to their level
I now understand the black experience.

Lose weight.

You aren't ugly. I don't approach guys ever though regardless of how ugly/handsome they are. If women start approaching people everyone will think you are a slut

YOU, my friend, are correct.

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Thank you so much!

You look fine. In general, girls don't approach guys.

Because you are a ugly shitskin nigger

> Ca$HMoney
> God
> Work

I Neva Had $he Gwcci Mane

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D: user

Avoid the groid. You got rapist painted all over you