How do I make the most money as a sissy slut? Pic related.
Porn? Cam whoring? Escort?
I can take a pretty rough pounding, so I was leaning towards porn.
How do I make the most money as a sissy slut? Pic related.
Porn? Cam whoring? Escort?
I can take a pretty rough pounding, so I was leaning towards porn.
thats a yikes from me.
put a fist in yor ass and post pic of it here so i can see if youre made for porn
get in contact with this man
would like to know this as well. seems easy to get paid to do something i enjoy
By first buying a mask and pretending that it's to protect your privacy.
With a face like that, the bag trick is going to be your best friend...
would so hard
You know what really bring in the big bucks? Hanging yourself on livestream.
got kik?
>Porn? Cam whoring? Escort?
all three together
KYS and sell the organs.
Try a new hair style, something to cover your forehead. Good otherwise.
Can I do porn?
his becomingfemme site would be the perfect fit
By going to uni. Getting a job and working hard to climb the corporate ladder. Tbh if you want to be a porn star be my guest but not sure you have the mental stability necessary for the sex industry.
Not with that face you won't.
where you from slut?
are those tattoos on your arms?
Either way, they're too bulky for a sissy look
Don't listen to these fortnite blonde banged virgin soy boy beta cucklords, you're hot af! I want to see you do porn baby
Thats disapointing to hear
Just stop lifting weights, don't eat too much protein and you're good to go!
How about me? ;)
I dont lift weights at all lol. I am losing weight to look slimmer
Is that a taxidermied cat behind you?
nice butte
Thank you....wyd if you walked into room and saw that? ;)
Lol no
Shoot you
By hiding your face
Please don't let the haters get to you, you're really cute :3
The easiest way is probably Cam whoring once you manage to get a good group of regulars going.
With your looks definitely doable.
With your cock?
Nope. I barely use social media. Feel free to give me a taste rn ;)
were you always that flexible or did you work for it? any tips?
Yeah maybe
Well thank you ;)
I have been trying to be more flexable... I had a leg operation last year and was told to do more stretches and shit. Started really gettin into it
You dont. You get a fucking job like everyone else you fucking prick.
any stretches in particular that helped or just general stuff i can find on google? im mostly pretty flexible but i have difficulty spreading my legs like you do in that pic, been trying to improve lately though
Why? If your smart enough to find something that pays with no or little input then your winning. Jobs are stupid, work hard and kiss ass for some shitty paycheck
Just normal stretches and shit. I didnt know I was that flexible lol. I just stretches more and more when I get used to it. Nothing special
I thought gender dysphoria was made up. But you sir'am, truly have a bitches mind. Congrats.
Because having a regular paycheck is alot less stressful than worrying all month if you will be able to buy gas or pay rent at the end of each month.. Every single month...
If your not smart and depend on some half baked plan for money. I dont have a career style job but I make more than I would if I did. And I dont work hard or stress about money
The best laid plans of mice and (sissified) men often go awry...
Fucking white people... I am one.. cant believe it.
White people be like: I want to make money doing what I love....
Sugar daddies. Also fucking get an actual life and job or you'll an hero with 28.
you look like you would drink too much and beat me
guess i gotta stretch a lot more, can barely keep my legs straight in the air like that
Usually you gotta pay double for that
Meant to reply to this post...blame the bourbon....
Sell a kidney or get a job, one where you don't interact with the public.
Bump for the lolz