Self harm thread

self harm thread

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my phone is range blocked right now and I don't feel like transferring pics to my desktop so have some coldnessinmyheart

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Why you do it user? It bad

unironically because I'm mentally ill

same, im pretty sure of that i have some personal disorder but no diagnosis yet


"mentally ill"
you mean attention whore lol thats stupid as fuck

you are such a fucking degenerate

I'm diagnosed with autism and bipolar 2. this shit is fucking crazy.

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i think i might have either schizophrenia or borderline

no offence OP

Nigga, i'll harm you if you don't quit harming yourself!

its not op

list your main symptoms, I have a copy of the DSM-5 and I can give you a wildly irresponsible arrmchair diagnosis

like half the recognized personality disorders have attention whoring as a prominent feature, it's not mutually exclusive you ableist faggot

>depressed faggot
>hate myself, everything's my own fault
>start cutting
>classmate notices fresh cuts on my arm and tells the teacher
>get sent to the councillors office
>councillor is not a councillor, just a very young teacher because poor as shit school cant hire a proper councillor.
>wont tell the "councillor" why I'm cutting
>she doesnt know what to do so sends me home
>get detention for missing class
>cut myself cos I'm fucking up my future and need to learn

Fucking weakling.
Go get a proper addiction, you damn disgrace.

hallucinations (even if im sober), really bad mood swings, feeling emptiness, urge to self harm, i cant focus, anxiety, sleepiness, im emotionaly cold (cant feel emphaty, mercy...) bad memory, sadness 24/7 etc

i have also diagnosis for some emotional disorder, and marks from my childhood

schizoaffective -depressive type and borderline personality disorder

you cant imagine for how long i was looking for that awnser

thank you so fucking much

rn im reading those symtoms and its perfectly describing me