Xray thread

Xray thread.
No low-res images.
the tighter the clothing the better.
preferred no bras.
If you want to try your hand at it go ahead. This isn't some deepnude thread thread where it's auto-generated, so it might take a few minutes.

Attached: xray3.0.jpg (2208x2244, 245K)

My favorite fitness whore.

Attached: F3543265-E1A0-4696-AA22-0F2FF6A9433C.jpg (1044x1547, 521K)

Love to see her tits.

Attached: E083E4ED-5A6A-4657-9523-C6EDE914E29D.jpg (965x1528, 266K)

Attached: D89B3A6A-6249-41C8-BB0E-FB6CD84FA6A7.jpg (1242x1642, 1.64M)

Attached: E1E3E1F1-C697-4C24-B7CC-69A91036A1A5.jpg (1242x1414, 879K)

Op was really a faggot for this one

Anyone give this a bash?

Attached: BFB4F016-B058-4E1C-A3A6-9A791E1E4CC2.jpg (750x1000, 675K)

No, they're all just shitty images with no data. Do you have any idea how this works? You enhance what's already there. There's nothing there in any of these. Two of them are fucking screenshots, which removes whatever info might have existed in the first place. Not even OP btw.

Attached: E9A20664-4EF3-4859-AC7C-890B17C47F59.jpg (1080x1350, 220K)

Literally take a step back and fuck your own face

Attached: 36654369_230016197615186_3878292456822800384_n - copia.jpg (445x308, 39K)

Attached: D2A9618A-78AD-426A-AC91-CB6165132503.jpg (748x933, 127K)

Attached: 24_1455046149823.jpg (750x1334, 63K)

Attached: tumblr_n9bvyrORCf1r5a3nlo1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 351K)

Give this one a try?

Attached: CF929ADA-3EFA-4F1A-9AA2-C0AC1F421768.png (750x1334, 1.47M)

op here, you are all fucking idiots...
except for and , because he was the only one to not post a fucking photo with less than 8 pixels. (also I abandoned this thread after 20 minutes with no response) I'll keep making these if someone wants to post an image with more than 4 fucking pixels in it.

Attached: thisisanxray.jpg (750x1334, 45K)

This is a bit too flowy near the bottom, but the top portion should work

Attached: IMG_3597.jpg (1242x2208, 278K)

Plz user

Attached: 8F6FB8FD-A2A2-4C38-B918-2C9ACEC0ED92.jpg (828x822, 418K)

>getting mad because the people you're asking to do favours for you aren't doing it up to your personal level of satisfaction, even though what you're asking for is literally scientifically mathematically impossible
Absolutely end your own life you insufferable narcissist.


Either of these. The angle on the first one is better but the second data is the clearer photo.

Attached: Photo_68.png (750x1334, 1.85M)


Attached: Photo_69.png (750x1334, 1.82M)

Thought this would be easy enough

Attached: FB_IMG_1577228108170.jpg (1080x1075, 79K)

starting to get bored. might head out in the next 5 minutes if someone doesn't post something that really grabs my attention.

Attached: 2rocks1bird.jpg (1914x1075, 101K)

Can you try one of these? I'd be open to tossing you a few bucks for it. Kik me at butterflyrose777 if you're up for it.

Sorry for low res, got this off of facebook

Attached: FB_IMG_1578585250259.jpg (816x816, 53K)

I tried my hand at but then I realized it was super low-res like
and the lighting is all fucky. while looser shirts give me more artistic freedom to make it appealing, (and (left) ) something too loose doesn't have enough pixel data for anything to come through. really realistic looking x-rays like mine usually are faked a lot, because almost no color comes through the shirts so I have to guess what shades go where. Then I paint the colors in the general area on a separate layer, Gaussian blur them, then set it to hard light and lower the opacity. but then for underneath it's mostly just tweaking exposure/gamma/levels if you want to try it yourself.

would it be more or less doable if the end result was black and white?

nope, because you would still get *bright* burnout spots around where the lighting is too contrasted. all three of those images are garbage, if you have one that it higher res and with a shirt that's not so loose I'll try.

Attached: coomercoomercoomercoomercoomer.jpg (816x816, 46K)

all right everyone, it's been fun, but I gotta head to work now, maybe I'll be back tomorrow.

Not OP here. Thought I'd give this one a shot

Attached: 1578578543425.jpg (1242x1642, 1.75M)

Any chance of trying this?

Attached: IMG-20190306-WA0000.jpg (1200x1600, 66K)

Another from NotOP I thought I'd have ago at

Attached: 1578580530533.jpg (1080x1350, 353K)

Attached: 70976614_1003289020031792_3927714778641858560_n.jpg (1080x1080, 388K)

fucking this

Attached: 80808552_169649340807538_185323999995029225_n.jpg (1080x720, 157K)

Teach me

NotOP again. It's a bit dark for a really good result

Attached: 1578586944646.jpg (1200x1600, 117K)

this should be easy
Shes like 22 btw

Attached: FB_IMG_1578587461282.jpg (720x960, 76K)

Attached: 00D0E617-DC1D-4D92-A9C5-ADB8813675C1.jpg (750x747, 189K)

NotOP. You're not going to see much with that opaque textured fabric tbh

Strangely enough that net will really fuck with Gimp (my tool of choice) as you get different transmissibility between the holes and the strings. I'll have a go, though

Attached: Untitled1.png (717x901, 1.11M)

Attached: h.png (547x732, 714K)

Attached: 26065980_773049259562868_3421863035281604608_n.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

Attached: 75E96697-2D6F-4510-A533-52764BAAB1D4.jpg (750x928, 475K)

Thought not

Attached: 1578587168167.jpg (1080x720, 258K)

can someone try this?

Attached: 95E4BD16-773B-47A0-8675-DBF6C2205BE9.jpg (1242x2208, 334K)


Attached: 20191222_211612.jpg (1434x835, 402K)

>this should be easy
NotOP. I love people who can't do this tell me how easy it should be. Gimp is free - away you go and post your results

Attached: 16229138_248595115582807_7964021972797489152_n.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)

>can someone try this?
No point

Probably won't give a particularly good result, but I'll give it a go

Attached: 20200109_173818.jpg (856x1101, 409K)

Is Gimp available on iPhone

Attached: 20200109_173850.jpg (1080x1074, 441K)

Attached: 1487327246.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

Attached: 64647242_354291391941897_6854890462775921868_n.jpg (1440x1800, 241K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-23-28.png (1077x1354, 807K)

It's actually a pretty poor image, full of jpeg artifacts - it just breaks into blocks as I tweak the levels

Attached: 1578587878058.jpg (1434x835, 614K)

Attached: 19059278_1489163577809599_2918115858036804659_n.jpg (960x960, 50K)

Attached: 24127140_1520816937999204_6007578508778274816_n.jpg (750x937, 61K)

You're an idiot

I wonder what sort of female undergarment those red straps could belong to?

Won't work

Don’t believe they are wearing bras. Can you get either on of them but preferably right with the big tittles

Attached: 377E8964-D78C-4E5F-8F1C-9262B11EF018.jpg (640x880, 113K)

Or maybe this bikini top will work?

Attached: B6935C54-230B-4BA9-8699-08D978B8277E.jpg (640x738, 124K)

I know b/w pics aren't great but that's all I have of her

Attached: 12360293_1031323073576776_5226298654731742295_n.jpg (640x960, 170K)

please give it a try, couldn't get any better resolution

Attached: Screenshot_20200107_155818.jpg (1080x1081, 250K)

Attached: ccccc.jpg (581x540, 234K)

Suffered the same image issues as
but not quite as bad

Attached: 1578587981031.jpg (856x1101, 566K)

anything here?

Attached: 64609577_2379303255639786_5156282169909952323_n.jpg (640x800, 51K)

Attached: 36159939_480949008994179_1022234239724158976_n.jpg (1080x1080, 796K)

Attached: Screenshot_20200109-164832.jpg (1080x2340, 705K)

Attached: 57788192_10217046422100339_6609650146772779008_n.jpg (540x960, 44K)

Attached: 53604923_2226030290787205_363741231828991715_n.jpg (1080x1350, 152K)

Attached: 37424730_2997214272666.jpg (819x1347, 768K)

Attached: 59DD90D3-3299-487F-9D40-524349B470A6.jpg (510x1024, 59K)

Attached: 36694062_639719626383846_2018783862053666816_n.jpg (960x960, 77K)

You thought you were being all clever, didn't you? Now fuck off the the store

Attached: Capture.jpg (1486x946, 155K)

youre a complete fucking retard

Colours too solid

Swimsuits are made of material that doesn't go transparent when wet, so it also blocks light

will this work or quality too bad?

Attached: xray.jpg (1080x1080, 153K)

Pity that one wasn't a better original image - looks like she might be rocking a little bush, too

Attached: 1578588307997.jpg (750x937, 102K)

It's not brilliant

Attached: 1D8D48B4-3B8F-482E-A728-7D460F55A3CC.jpg (583x571, 314K)

Attached: 20191223_183658.jpg (834x1332, 630K)

Attached: 20190819_171642.jpg (744x843, 334K)

Try this?

Attached: D2EBFA0F-8B55-4DE7-9B32-9B46B75AE325.jpg (637x960, 106K)

Please! Been wanting this for a little while now.

Attached: Nips.png (1118x1507, 340K)

Sorry. Fabric is pretty thick too

This is the last one - NotOP out. if I've not done your image then I'm not going to - over to someone else

Attached: 1578588835591.jpg (1080x1080, 206K)

You're going to have to wait even longer - I wouldn't have done it even if I hadn't been leaving - the image is shit and the fabric way too thick and trhe textured panels make it even worse. Give it up - it's never going to happen

NotOP out

It's a fucking swimsuit, you cum-gargling moron

This was pulled off Instagram, sorry if it's inadequate

Attached: 122.jpg (1080x1080, 123K)

Cab only find xgimp

Then get a PC or Mac

Shit! Does it make a difference if I resized it by 300%?

Attached: Nips2.png (341x516, 317K)


How about this one? I know she has a bra on but it's so tight maybe we can get through it? Dying to see her big tits

Attached: IMG_0249.jpg (960x720, 172K)

Attached: 35001107_202866903684083_8234529570129182720_n.jpg (750x937, 85K)

Can you Xray this white and bra?

Attached: IMG_1312.jpg (1155x1518, 695K)

Can you do Michaela?

Attached: CF65FC6E-97F6-4173-9310-10276B31F222.jpg (750x1294, 266K)

Attached: IMG_1085.jpg (1089x1536, 267K)

I have a Mac but would like to try this on my phone any suggestions

Please dear god

Attached: Screenshot_20200109-113207_Instagram.jpg (1080x1306, 707K)

Any luck with these big tits user??

Attached: IMG_6076.jpg (756x1008, 194K)