I have a low iq ask me anything
I have a low iq ask me anything
which iq test did you take and what was your score
Half the people on this board have an iq under 70. You aren't special
Well you're on /b, a low iq is basically a requirement frequent here
Don't know i didn't pay that much attention but i did do one with a specialized psychologist
Ok. Here's another question then. Why, in your pathological lying, do you make up self-deprecatory tales?
he is special over 90% will say they're smarter than average lmao
Yes you faggot
Yes you retarded even I whom is retard is actually smarter than you you faggot! Don't make fun of us mentally inferior people or else you retard!
I forgot the image
how nice is it to personally relate to our president on so many levels?
we are on Sup Forums after all.
So, are you African or Arab?
Haha yeah president not smart
Really really big iq here how do I do sex?
Id rather ask myself
I don't see race but i'm in fact african-american
what does a gingerbred and a mill have in common?
Don't know never had it user
Oh dang it What was the point of me getting perfect 10s at school?
They're both action figures
I can't count to 10 user stop making fun of me
Wrong image my bad