>doctor tells my gf and I she's five months pregnant
>I was still in prison then
>get in to argument
>huge doubts
What do I do, Sup Forums?
>doctor tells my gf and I she's five months pregnant
>I was still in prison then
>get in to argument
>huge doubts
What do I do, Sup Forums?
I really need advice on this
that's what paternity tests are for
Tell her you're getting a DNA test
I don't have the money for that unless I go back to doing jobs with my old crew
I've got shit for cash, they took everything when I went to prison
she does have this friend who i suspect, but she always told me the dude is gay
>I was still in prison then
hahaha you're lucky for having her. make her abort the parasite and marry her.
You have some time to save up
Unless you’re a cuck, dump her. You obviously don’t trust her or you’d take her at her word. If you don’t trust her it’s bound to end sooner or later.
don't judge man, that ain't cool
I just love her a whole awful lot
I have no money coming to me, the only way I know how to make money is to do more jobs, but I can hardly do anything without my PO breathing down my neck, the only way I can resolve this is if I go back to what I did and then I can make the money easily
leave that cheating bitch
Fuck her until you are bored with her. Degrade her. Take pictures and video of her pregnant body being used in every kinky way you can imagine. Then dump her.
She is a cheating whore.
leave her. no way the kid is yours.
you just got out of prison, use it as an excuse to start over.
move away, start again new. good luck user
Unless you were fucking her while you were in prison, there's only one way she would have been knocked up... Also, a lot of places will fuck you over for child support even if you're not the father, so if you're going to dump her, do it before the baby is born, and cut all contact.
You've already been inside you know what it's like. murder her in a way that make it look like involuntarily manslaughter at least if you do go down it won't be.as long.
The babies color will resolve the problem.
obviously pack up and leave and think about ways to get revenge
this and also this
what kind of self-respecting girl doesn't take it up the ass while you're in prison?
that's how they trap you into a life of crime my friend. don't fall for it. find a good job and get out of that shit.
> I just love her a whole awful lot
You asked us what you should do and we’re telling you. Dump her ass. Doesn’t matter if you think you love her and whatever other bullshit. Doing what’s right for you long term is hard or everyone would do it. Stop being a pussy and dump her.
Uh...sounds like those doubts may be valid conclusions.
It would make sense to leave her, but to me, it sounds like OP might rely on her not only financially, but also a place to live. He needs to get on his feet, and figure out what the fuck he's going to do. Once he has a good foundation, then he would probably be more willing to do his own thing. ATM, he's kind of under her thumb.
Were you fucked stupid in prison?
You say to her. I am not daddy since my penis was no where near you. Have you told the father and is he planning on being part of the childs life or are you leaving me for him. Tell me now.
>Step 1: Beat her for cheating on you.
>Step 2: Get send back to prison where you get free housing and food.
>Step 3: Get your bunkmate to be your boyfriend and deep dick your ass.
>Step 4: ???
>Step 5: Profit!
You want my advice? Break up with her. Start a new, your life is the open road. You need to realize that your perception of the world at this time is tiny, you need to expand your mind, and your perspective. Leave your small town, and move to a place with real opportunities. Work hard, get a good job and stay away from people who would place stress, worry or doubts in your life. Lead by example. The fact is, you never want to be with a woman who will cheat on you. If you can't trust her now, it will only get worse. Do this for yourself. You've been to Prison, it's not like things can get much worse so it's a good time to start over.
Op, the best thing you could do is this.
Sit your gf down and tell her that you don't think the timeline of conception adds up and that you will be asking for a paternity test before taking responsibility of the child. It's really common practice in most cases of child birth here in America.
When the child is born, before you sign your name on the birth certificate, ask for a DNA test. They are done then and there as soon as the baby is dry. It's relatively cheap and added to the birth bill.
Now the tough part is 2 things, leading up to the birth and finding out the truth.
Leading up to the birth, you should try to save as much money as possible. Do odd jobs? Find something stable but save anything and everything you can for one of two outcomes.
1) the baby is yours: congrats, you're a dad, don't fuck it up
2) the baby is not yours: sorry but now you have a bit of money to your name to start over your life. You could always raise the kid anyway and be the ultimate cuck, it's not recommended but that just means your gf cheated on you in prison and got pregnant and if you really wanna ruin the rest of your life like that, go ahead
Here in NY, I hear horror stories all the time about dads finding out their kids aren't theres and try to leave but 90% of the time, they're denied in court because they assumed liability of the life of said child with the signing of the birth certificate.
Suck those milky tits dry until she is on the way to the hospital, then ghost. That gives you plenty of time to get your shit together and plan for YOUR future. Dont forget to keep the game up and never let slip that you're out the door right before her new fuck trophy arrives.
My ex had two "gay" friends. They both revealed they're actually bi and hit on her
How long have you been in? I mean if you've only been in 5 or 6 months then yeah the baby is probably yours.
depending on the state, you should continue fucking her and leading her on. when you 2 go to the hospital for her to give birth, put your cellphone in your pocket and video record yourself telling the hospital staff that you aren't the father and demand a paternity test immediately after birth.
Keep video evidence for court in the future, if needed.
>you don't think
Since he was in prison at time of conception he KNOWS the child is not his so why tiptoe around this with her?
They need to settle what will happen when the child is born prior to birth. Why is she trying to pass off another mans child as his when he was locked up when she conceived? Will he sign the birth certificate? Does the real father know she is pregnant and if so what involvement will he have?
For all we know the real father may want to be totally involved and have a relationship with his childs mother.
This kind of shit is why I got a vasectomy. Best $500 I ever spent.
I just had a thought... If it's a girl, raise it anyway. Love up on her as much as possible, then once she's legal, tell her the truth, which will destroy her relationship with the cheating whore, and since it's not incest, you can fuck the daughter after consoling her. That way you raise the girl you want, fuck the cheating whore over, and get pussy from a much younger girl instead of a used up slut.
Looks like both of you we’re getting fucked while you were in prison.
uh, dna test you moron. Any resistance on her behalf is 100% admission of guilt, you know it, I know it, don't be an idiot.
Five months pregnant is vague, as they generally start it feom her last missed period, and implantation of the egg is about 6 days from when the egg is fertilized. Were you in prison 17 weeks ago? How about 22 weeks ago? Counting time for implantation, 23 weeks ago?
Bitch, man up. Looks like you are the same pussy you have been in prison ...
What are the "jobs" youre talking about
OP is probably a shitty thief, or nignog.
So it's "jobs" of stealing something that someone else worked an honest job to acquire. Thieves should get assfucked every time they steal.
wtf here in australia you get a lump sum of cash when you get out of prison, that’s dumb
Don't take this the wrong way, OP, but is it possible that she bribed the guards to rape you five months ago, sequester the semen, and give it to her so that she could artificially inseminate herself? Because it's either that, or you have a real problem on your hands.
You son of a bitch, im in.