Why was the cloverfield monster so angry? They never addressed this in the movie

Why was the cloverfield monster so angry? They never addressed this in the movie.

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They punched a hole in it's lair you dumbass. They literally explain it in the movie.

This is a good question...
perhaps an answer will turn up in another movie ?

iirc it was explained that clover was some sort of juvenile of a species dormant in the deep sea and drilling by the slusho corporation near it's habitat woke it up and scared it into a frenzy. not so much angry as it was spooked, like a horse having a hissy fit, only this horse is capable of destroying nyc.

Why the fuck did it fall out of the sky? What is it doing? eating stuff?
Seems like it put in loads of effort, destroyed a city for very little return.

It's in New York. Everybody is angry in New York.

I'm gonna put it on tonight if I can find it on my HD

It didn't fall out of the sky, a satellite did.

Ahh. I would watch it again, but it was terrible.

why must the monster kill

what does he stand to gain

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it's better than the sequels, or should I say.. sequel and prequel. Neither of those have enough giant monsters.. one just has John Goodman being a psychopath.

It has Trump Derangement Syndrome

I can believe both of these.

Found it...
Yeah the other two movies are not that good... Except for the one with goodman in it, that was ok.

Idiot in the one piece of film they show it fall into the ocean

Johns the big monster in that one

I read it's a meteorite falling into the sea that woke it up.

well in the prequel they suggest that the monsters are coming from parallel dimensions that have all been basically smushed together due to an experiment gone awry.

Tbh the last time I read about cloverfield, there was only one movie afaik.

This guy gets it

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I thought the other clover fields were unrelated. Never seen them and only watched half of the original.

They're connected, at least as far as I could tell. But i'm watching Event Horizon now, so ohwell.

That one was the best. The real aliens at the end were unnecessary and ruined the movie for me.

To each his own, I personally found the entire movie boring, and it's the only one out of the 3 that I've never watched again.. not saying the other 2 are good movies by any means, but I can stand to watch them. I'm just more in to sci-fi than killer/psychopath/blahblahblah type movies.