We are experiencing hell.
This planet is the worst place in the entire funcking universe
We are experiencing hell.
This planet is the worst place in the entire funcking universe
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While I cannot disprove your theory, I cannot validate it either.
proof you are a lost NPC lemming
In the entire universe? How can you possibly ever know that...? Governments wont even allow you to know there have been bacterial evidence on other planets
well, shit.
this universe is flawed too. This is the worst universe out of an infinity of better ones
Both hell and heaven exist in this world. Hell is grief, and everyone will experience it, even psychopaths. The way to get to heaven is to stop being in grief, and to do that you need to accept. The rest is up to you.
turn of the tv and mainstream media sites.
this planet is a paradise.
worse than uranus?
You're right. We'd probably be better off in Venus
i just farted
it felt good , almost poopy
Would you rather be on Mercury?
This earth's heaven is deadly boring. Ask any masters in the high astral plane : they are all bored to death
Dunno about you but the only higher beings I've ever heard of are from schizophrenics and people's DMT experiences, and they're definitely never boring.
Dangerously close to veering into retard territory here, guys. Dangerously close.
I always wanted to remake this cube in minecraft.
How do you know there isn't a parallel universe in the 15th dimension where people are the pets and insects randomly rape them for scientific research
>This planet is the worst place in the entire funcking universe
that we know of since we dont know of any other planets where pain is a thing.
But there is a way out of this hell, you know what im talking about.
you need to be very careful.
make your own thread beginning with:
ITT we talk about the meaning of life and human reality on Earth but don't veer into retard territory.
Until them,
feel free to remember that you're on A RANDOM MESSAGE BOARD
Det Svendborg dude
This planet is beyond fucked, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
With all this autism and mental retardation to laugh at you can never be bored.
And drugs.
I disagree with OP.
It could be a fine place if people would realize that we need to keep the total population under 1 billion. The worst thing about colonization was that we're gave the shitskins medical advancements that have allowed them to multiply too fast. They aren't smart enough to have responsibility.
I would rather be a happy NPC than a depressed MC, who sees reality itself as a prison designed to torture him.
In what way is your situation superior to mine, human?
enjoy it all you want in the meantime, retard
nah should kill off all the pasty white low testosterone cucks like yourself and make way for a much better world full of real men. that's the solution. Everybody is better off living their own life free of the white man's perverted desire to turn the world into some transexual playground for jews. Kill yourself white nigger.
Yeah on Freddie
I would love to reincarnate here. See you in actual hell.
Oh wait, I remember, we won't.
Go somewhere else then shitlord
The Messiah will come back soon. Be patient.
There’s no hell you retard, if you don’t like it here then kill yourself, problem solved.
I was really hoping you were going to say "This planet is the worst place on Earth"
You realize that your people were on the brink of extinction when you were discovered? If you are not white or arabic then you don't have the constitution to survive in this world and mother nature intended for you to die off. But thanks to white guilt, here you are, dragging what's left of human society down into the mud.
holy autism
calm down there little guy