Are you ashamed of being white?

Are you ashamed of being white?

No? Maybe you should be.

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Fuck off,don't tell me how i should feel

Nope, now fuck off

Yes, that's why I wear "black face", but then all those fucking niggers call me racist. I'm beginning to think niggers don't know what they want and just want to make everyone feel as shitty as they are.

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>feeling guilt about anything except letting krakowska expire

Yes, it's very uncool to be white nowadays. I'm an aspiring standup comic and I can't make any racial jokes without people just getting pissed off by them.

You are literally half retarded, and no this isn’t coming from a nigger retard

He could be right actually..

Nope I feel no white guilt. Not my fault any of that shit happened. I didnt own slaves and I dont know any black people that were slaves so I dont give one single fuck about it.

I don't give a flying shit. I helped a lot of people and tolerated the shit out of many more. So, if you want to get rascist on my back, you get my boot and nothing else. You are played by other people if you jump on any popular wagon.

Honestly, I wait for Elon to fly to Mars, so he can dump me and some crazy russians at the asteroid belt, so we can start a mining operation and, of course, a bar. Everyone, who wants a special treatment out there, can walk the airlock.

>"White people tweeting about how awful white people are"
these are jews, OP
(((they))) do that to try to demoralize White people before (((they))) are lolocausted for real

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No i'm not. No reason for me to be.

I feel bad for anyone that's been treated badly, but I do not feel guilty for being white.

Hi. No I don't have White Guilt. What a silly question to ask. Such a super silly question.

What a bunch of shit.
Ask a member of a motorcycle club about "White Privilege". They're treated just the same as niggers.

Take it from somebody who has lived in an all black neighborhood all of their life. Black people ARE racist, and this white boy KNOWS what racial discrimination is!

its not good to be jelous user.

chick on right is hot

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> dub-trips on that lame comment

>Black people ARE racist, and this white boy KNOWS what racial discrimination is!
yep, I agree, that's completely true, and with the ideological browbeating Whites have taken in the last few decades, White people are actually the least racist of all
racist OP's question was "are you ashamed of being white" and he posted an example of utterly kiked propaganda while pretending the comment was about white and not about jews
did you misunderstand something in my post?

i literally fucking detest white traitors

another nigger lover

he is right

"White people" kek

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>Black people ARE racist, and this white boy KNOWS what racial discrimination is!

This is true. I worked in a factory in Gary and I was one of two white people that worked there. Black people are racist as fuck. I had a black guy tell me that because I'm white I have to have rich people in my family that I can borrow money from. A different black dude told me that because I'm white my family had to have owned slaves. He couldnt grasp the fact that my family were dirt floor poor farmers from Indiana that did not own slaves.

Everybody talks about white guilt, nobody talks about black shame. You can't have one without the other

No, i'm not guilty for having higher iq and a dad i can talk to every night
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