Who else is getting stoned this morning?

Who else is getting stoned this morning?
Dubs names my pipe.

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4 sure
>name it Goober

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No time to do it (work).
But you should name it "Bismarck"


Name it Ravana

Winrar that’s the name lol

Name it Jamal's Cock

it's jamal

im new to weed, i've only had a handful of joints so far

which is better anons, pipe or joint or bong?

Quit now, imagine being part of degenerate 420 culture. Only faggots smoke weed

whichever one you prefer, everyone has a preference. Pipe is better for me because I'm a light weight and can take very small controlled hits. Use to smoke 5 grams a day, now I get anxious if I smoke too much

call it long john bongson

fuck the other dubs. name it Pipe

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New name

The trips have spoken.

Chodemaster 3000

i might buy a pipe then and try it out, should i go for glass or does it matter?

Blunts pussy
Nah but fr, I hate pipes.
Bongs are cool and hit nice but I break em 2 often. I mostly just roll joints or a splif

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All the other names are shit, call it pic related

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>getting stoned

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Get a 10$ glass pipe at local head shop or gas station and they work perfect, it'll last u about a month and once its too dirty break it open and smoke the resin.

bro i would never have even thought of that, ty user

Def want glass and is pretty based if you really get into it, it's like a bonus high

Shitstank LaRue

I had just finished smoking 2 bowls last night when you posted this. I just woke up. Guess I should go out back and smoke again.