Hey Sup Forumsros, boutta make a meat loaf. I hope it turns out well
Hey Sup Forumsros, boutta make a meat loaf. I hope it turns out well
Good luck man meatoaf is my favorite
I'm following a recipe I found online, and it's my first time making a meat loaf. I suck at cooking so I hope it turns out well, meatloaf is delicious.
Onion soup mix or nah??
Meatloaf with ketchup is very nice.
based onion soup poster. i like you, user
no, does onion soup make meatloaf better?
I'm making a glaze with ketchup to put on the meat loaf :)
>Murcan """cuisine"""
From the country that brought you corndogs.
Yeah, it's pretty stereotypically American, but I think it tastes really good
Based as fuck..
Onion soup mix, like in a box. Mix that shit in with the meat. Ketchup glaze is fair.
Good meatloaf is underrated, gl user
I put chopped onions in my meatloaf, is this still okay with the onion soup mix or would that make it too onion-y?
Personally, that would be good. I love onion. The mix does have dried onions, though. Also other spices, too. How did you actually make the loaf? I'm mostly interested because I love food, but I'm also about to eat leftover meatloaf.
I used 2 pounds of meat, 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 cup of milk, thyme, basil, black pepper, accent, onion powder, and garlic powder, as well as the cup of chopped onions. And I filled the middle with mozzarella cheese
add prepared/dry mustard to the ketchup topping
bumping for op's meatloaf
Fuck. Americunt food is so shit. That looks like a turd of shit
Yeah the glaze is 1/3 ketchup, 2 tablespoons mustard, and 2 tablespoons brown sugar
Yeah meatloaf doesn't look very good, but it tastes really good
Delicious. Even try adding pickles or eggs to the loaf if you like the taste.
At that point, I'd think you have enough flavor to ignore the soup mix. The cheese filling is a nice touch, just makes it a bit more difficult to cook right. What kind of meat? Assuming ground beef, 80/20? And why milk? Full fat? No eggs. I'm not judging, by the way. I want to know the recipe and thought process. Sounds pretty damn good.
Nah, ketchup is just wrong
No, I saw my dad make meatloaf with cheese before, and how he did it was after mixing everything he took the dish, and using about half the ground beef (85/15 actually) he made kinda a bowl out of it, put the cheese, then put the rest on top and sealed the edges. I know I didn't do it as well as he did but worst comes to worst it'll just come out of the sides. And milk is just in the recipe, though when fully mixed with the ground beef it gave it a very smooth texture, though I'm sure the fat content does something to taste too. And there is an egg, I just forgot to list it, but the milk is whole milk. I'm hoping it turns out well.
there's a recipe on the back of the box of soup mix for hamburgers with the mix and mayo, try and use the same ratio in your meat loaf. great flavor and the mayo keeps the meat super tender and juicy. for more substance, add some cooked rice to make it more filling. and for your ketchup glaze, a little bit of grape jelly really enhances everything.
Well, I can't wait to see how it comes out. It sounds pretty good. And if it does't turn out, you can always improve from there. Standing by, waiting for pics. How long has it been in the oven?
I got distracted with youtube and just put it in a couple minutes ago. Should be done somewhere in the next 45 minutes to an hour
I'll be here to see the results, if that's the plan.
based and wholesome thread OP. standing by for your loaf reveal.
What the actual fuck is that? Looks like a slab of turd.
It's a loaf of ground beef
Does not look like just minced beef. What else is in there?
I heard Greta loves meat loaf.
No idea, got it off google. But probably some type of filler to smooth the beef, probably something like and egg and bread crumbs, and spices n shit.
read the thread. meatloaf often has some eggs, breadcrumbs or other binders and sometimes veggies like onions or carrots or in op's case, cheese
>le big edge haha!
Not nearly as tasty looking as meatloaf but to each their own
i cant eat that im a vegetarian
Considering the amount of actual meat in most american ground beef, you probably could.
Hey I'm vegan too!!
I'm sorry user :(
>Q. How can you tell when somebody is vegan?
>A. Don't worry, they'll tell you.