Ask a black introvert anything

Ask a black introvert anything.

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do you prefer high socks or low socks?

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Low socks because they're easier to get on and remove. Plus they look better.

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Are you ever going to stop making this shit thread?

How are you? How's the weather where you're at?

Tell me what you would do to her

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I'm fine, and the weather is quite cloudy. It might rain soon.

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i prefer lows as well, unless i'm wearing boots. do you like oatmeal raisin cookies?

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what a fine ass tranny

Oatmeal cookies are bomb

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my man

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I wish I knew the source

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are you an elder scrolla kind of guy?

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Hell yeah, I love that series

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Are you a black introvert?

you like trannies, big asses and elder scrolls, great tastes. morrowind is my favorite, your?

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It's a tie between Morrowind and the elder scrolls. I'm really excited to play Morrowind again with by brother once openmw includes tes3mp.

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How do you get pussy if you're an introvert? Asking because im Latino introvert and lift but still can't get laid

i've playing openmw, runs a lot better than i thought.

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I wouldn't know since I'm still a virgin.

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It's a direct improvement of the original.

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why walk when you can ride?

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I really can't wait to play it again.

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Fuck you nigger

it's such an engrossing game.

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It's one of those games that really gets you focused on the world around it.

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Why are you posting this thread every day?

To help me with my social anxiety. And it's a reason to post porn.

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OP you’re a black ass monkey, nigger nigger nigger

Any sauce on that "walk" you posted?

Mal malloy

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You are a fucking fabulous human, user

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what's the deal with airplane peanuts?

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why are you gay?

I'm not tho

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why do you like dick then

Just because I like tgirls and traps doesn't mean I'm gay. I say no homo every time so it cancels out.

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threads like these do more for race relations than any dumbfuck sjw ever did

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You gay as fuck

No you are.

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how do you feel about greta thunderberg

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I like how her simply existing pisses of middle aged white men.

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