name my band b
Name my band b
Sex slave and the rejects
Zoey is your homie
Tears for queers
which one is the sex slave
Future baristas
The Expensive Outfits
Cut the cord
Brat pack
Black sole down
Sideways for attention
Clearly the one with the pink beanie
Horde Players IRL
Weak Ankles
The next generation of losers
though I'm sure this was a joke every Long Island airmen said in the 80s but it still holds up
All of them
Lil Scarface
Scars of life
Our parents cry
The 4 Vaginas.
Ask me about my wiener
niggas with tumblr
art school rejects
Suicide Pact Countdown
Three amigos, one of you will die by the hands of the others in an attempt to summon a demon force to make the rest of you talented. Only it won’t work and that one will come back to eat you alive. Then take over the human race and make them dive into a fiery pit of doom
The offended
Actually THIS is a great band name. It's short. All caps grabs your attention.
Well done.
THIS would have been a sick New Wave band name in the 80s actually
38 special ed.
The Trying Too Hards.