hey Sup Forums, im in really bad situation rn, i might get locked up in psych ward for years... i dont have much time left so i decided to kill myself, only thing i have is my razor blade, any advices?
Hey Sup Forums, im in really bad situation rn, i might get locked up in psych ward for years...
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Down the road not across the street
Punch yourself repeatedly in the face until you die.
ive heard of that
something quicker, less painful
Please dont :(
If you really want to do it, and you won't be swayed, then here. I advise that you do not commit suicide, but if you insist, I'd rather you not suffer.
I take no responsibility for how you use this information. This is your choice.
Hot full body bath. Really hot. Soak in the bath so you feel warm as you're draining yourself dry.
Cut straight down the forearms as deep as you can, from elbows to wrists.
Greentext what you did so we can decide if suicide is the right option
please take a couple of niggers with you and THEN off yourself
i live with 3 friends, they would notice i dont want them to see it
in my country there aint no niggers fortunately
talk to someone you like instead, might help more than killing your self..
Suicide is badass
i dont have much time
Try strangling yourself to death. Didn't work out for me but maybe it'll help you.
Or maybe just razorblade your throat. Gamer style
>fresh 15 yo with schizophrenia
>no friends, my family hates me
>my parents want to put me into psych ward asap, until my 18
>already tried to kms
>childhood trauma dont really wanna talk about it
>dumb af, really bad grades, only 4 and 5
>no future, depression hit me like train
>i told parents i dont wanna take my meds anymore, and i wont change my mind, they really fucked me up
>tomorrow they wanna put me in that psych ward
Bruh have fun
i know yall will be like, lol its only 3 years but you are not me, my mind is different, last time i was locked up for 6 weeks, i almost went insane, seriously
hey I'm a schizo too
Dont forget kids, when slitting your wrists cut up the street not across.
It's called down the street
if you do stream it!
i might really do it, what site should i use? on twitch ill get banned quickly wont i?
Maybe you shouldn't kill yourself, yet,
Try running away, hoard as much food as you can on the largest back pack you have, steal as much money as you can from your parents and leave as soon as possible.
If that doesn't work, just hang yourself
Ban in 3...2...1...
Also can they do that in the US? Your parents don't want you so off to a psych ward you go. Lmao ameritards.
they do, they already did it twice
i dont live in america
what country ?
Just keep your head down and try and relax for a couple of years, see if you can get a gf or bf or whatever, sex solves everything I find.
Hairy pussy is better than any therapy or med.
Why are you on anti-psychotics anyway? Are you a violent offender or rapist or some shit?
When you are a legal adult you can decide most things for yourself and be left alone most of the time, and live alone or with a lover.
Don't kill yourself until then. Give life a chance as an adult.
you really bath with friends
im not on antipsychotics, i took my antidepressants
yeah this thread again!!
>no friends.
>i live with 3 friends, i wouldnt want them to see me dead in the bath.
make up your mind, are you actually all by yourself in life or were you being overdramatic.
please don't do it it might get better, many people have thought life would be horrible before you and tht this was the only option but had improvements and regretted attempting suicide
Picha pitchka
i didnt want to sound like kid but then i decided to drop the act and be honest
I regretted cominting for only 4 weeks lol
always be honest to Sup Forums
im sorry i thought yall wouldnt take me seriously
oh don't worry we're not anyways
thanks, from what i saw 90% of Sup Forums is like "send tits or gtfo" or "fucking attention whore" or something like that you know
I'm pretty know to it but I think you picked the wrong community seek help
as you can see the best solution you have on your own is Killing Yourself. How about you accept help from professionals and try to enjoy your time while you are there? It's not like you will have much to worry about. I bet they will let you read books, watch movies, play games. Dude, it can be a fucking paradise as long as you accept your faith and try to make most of it.
do a flip OP
Okay since your going to die
Tits ass pussy pics
Go to the psych and get pumped up with drugs.
If you are to cool for drugs buy a bible
Rather than killing yourself. Take out some people whose death would make the world a better place first
imagine bein 30 years old with a happy life and then realizing you ended it at 15 and you never made it to 30.
and redpilled
i was asking for advice how to kms the quickest way
its easy to say
im boy and im 15
thats what i always dreamed about
no, i dont wanna get pumped with drugs, ive already been thru that
there is small chance i would have good life
The good ole rope shall help you just make sure it’s on something strong to support your weight.
nothing i could tie it to (except my neck)
schizophrenics tent to make it difficult like it's gonna help lol. KYS moron, do it right now and stop wasting our time. I don't care about you and never will.
oh yea right, I forget sometimes
just do it OP
do a flip
wait do you mean back flip or front flip or something like that? or flip myself outta window?
I don't understand then. If you are on anti depressants, and you don't want to take them, that is not an excuse to put you in a psych ward, it's not the 1700s, your parents can't have you committed because they feel like it, what have you done wrong? you been a bad boy user?
So you're going to prove your parents right by offing yourself? Prove them wrong and make something of yourself if you hate them that much.
"do a flip" is short-hand for "throw yourself off a roof"
lmao. he means do a coin flip
i dont have to prove anything to anybody, i dont really give fuck about other people when i kiss the ground
lmfao sorry im dumb
This is what I'm wondering, people aren't locked in mental hospitals for three years unless they committed a serious crime and they were sentenced to this.
OP is either a time-wasting attention whore, or a child molester.
I made a suicide thread about 5 weeks ago and it got me to the same place I was when I started lol
Stop being an edgelord OP. They do not lock children in psych wards for years without a really good reason, and mostly there is not much funding even if they wanted to.
Show some backbone, fight through the pain and live a good life, teenage years are hard, but eventually that ends and life opens up.
Schizo #2 here
Schizophrenia is shit, i went propably through the same shit like you in my youth.
Lemme say sumthin boy. Its really fucking hard. But the will pay off. Dont worry.
Go to the psych, talk with the therapeuts. It helped me. It took a loot of stress of my shoulders (which where one of the main reasons besides drug abuse i went schizo)
Okay, furthermore, the will teach you how you recognise a psychosis, they teach you how to deal with your own problems.
>help to helping yourself
okay. If they think you are on a good path, the wont drug you down, and let you out before you are 18. The thing is, the can only keep you aslong as you would harm yourself.
If you are done with all that shit, you will recognize how wonderfull life can be, and appreciate every second of peace.
So user, dont give up. You are just 15. If you are out of puberty everything will get better, i promis. But you are not allowed to try to kill yourself. If it goes wrong, you wont get out of the psych for a long long time.
in his mind he's gonna stay suicidal and they can't let out suicidal people
as i said im only 15, my english knowledge is only from games, songs and Sup Forums, i meant something like resocialization ward or something, i really dont know whats it called cant even look it up
Yeah, and he says he is taking anti depressants but is talking about schizophrenia, I don't get it either.
FUCKING KYS , NO ONE CARES, will be less annoying idiots around, yeah
they give that shit to us to "motivate" us to go out and do stuff
hey Sup Forums, im in really bad situation rn, i might get locked up in psych ward for years... i dont have much time left so i decided to post Alice, only thing i have is my love for her, any advices?
i never said i take only one type of meds wtf
>any advices?
check out rule34
Both alcohol and aspirin are blood thinners. Taking large doses of both will allow you to exsanguinate far more swiftly.
It's also common practice to soak the area in warm water to dilate blood vessels. This is more effective if you limit the warm water to the arms only, instead of soaking your entire body in a hot bath.
Alice is a male.
anyways if you wanna do it all the advice was given
But if he is schizophrenic, they would probably have him on antis just like you are, yet he is claiming some dumb shit about being locked up for years, he doesn't give proper info ITT and doesn't answer questions.
You said right here-
you don't take antis, what the fuck OP? Underage edgelord attention whore confirmed. Abandon thread.
good luck lol
i do not take antipsychotics, only antidepressants
How the fuck can he predict being suicidal for the next three years? A fifteen year-old knows precisely dick about life.
OP, quit being melodramatic. Get your shit together. It's not supposed to be easy, no one owes you a happy life, but with time and effort you can change your circumstances.
Ah fuck, my grammar and spelling went into nirvana right there. Fuck it, i am no native speaker.
Naw, they lock you in if you are a threat to others or yourself.
>was threat to myself
>went full psycho
>was 3 days awake
>didnt eat anything
>was constantly stressed out because of shit
>was 600 kilometers from home
>ran into the woods because i was following the northstar because of orientation
>it was in the morning and really fucking cold
>became -2°C
>jumped into lake which started to frost
>shock nearly drowned me
>shock got me out of my psychosis
>Searched for help
>was in psychatry
>was released after 2-3 weeks because i was able to recognize psychotic episodes
>talked about my problems
>cried a lot
>cried really fucking much
>never felt this understood before
>family got me
>everybody was worried
>everybody missed me
>started better life new life
>now here, study Commercial correspondenz
>live so good
It's a horrible way to die, see film related, skip to 3.00 or so if you want an example.
shave and go to the psych it's better that way
what questions i did not awnser?
i love blood, i love when in bleeding
Take your meds and shut up you cunts
as i mentioned before, i couldnt search it up, its not exactly psych ward but something very similar, something like resocialization... something idk whats it called, its for people with substance addictions
You say your diagnosed schizo yet dont take anything for it. Like other op said stop being a little faggot attention whore and try bettering yourself
im not sure if its exactly it, its very similar to psych ward but its focused on treating substance addiction
You haven't answered what you have done. Why do your parents want you in a psych ward, and why would they be willing to keep you in one for more than a week or two at most?
Well, i dont know why you have to go into such a facility, but trust me. Whatever happens, people try to help you.
Please, dont kill yourself. Seek help. It will get better.
long story, takes some time just hold on
my memory is trash and im too lazy to schroll thru this whole thread but im sure i didnt say i got schizophrenia as diagnosis, im keeping it for myself, i know what you think : oh sure and how do you know? well, symptoms. its not that i once red whats schizophrenia about and im like oh yeah im a schizo now i got excuse for everything
i have some schizo friends, and i can tell there is no difference between us
look if you dont trust me, if you think im attention whore... ok whatever, just leave this thread
those that type that leave immediately after dw